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The Influence of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners and Consumers 電子商務對行銷的影響從業者和消費者

The Influence of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners and Consumers 電子商務對行銷的影響從業者和消費者. Rashad Yazdanifard and Oluwasegun Samuel Center of Post Graduate Studies, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya 63000, Malaysia

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The Influence of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners and Consumers 電子商務對行銷的影響從業者和消費者

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  1. The Influence of E-Commerce on MarketingPractitioners and Consumers電子商務對行銷的影響從業者和消費者 RashadYazdanifard and Oluwasegun Samuel Center of Post Graduate Studies, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Cyberjaya 63000, Malaysia 拉沙德Yazdanifard和Oluwasegun塞繆爾·中心的研究生學習,馬來西亞林國榮大學的創新科技,電子城63000 Received: January 03, 2012 / Accepted: January 30, 2012 / Published: March 25, 2012. 收稿日期:2012年1月3日/接受日期:2012年1月30日/發布時間:2012年3月25日。 指導老師 陳炳彰 報告人 吳思慧

  2. 大綱 • 摘要 • 1.介紹 • 2.電子商務在二十一世紀的操作 • 3.電子商務對行銷從業人員的影響 • 4.電子商務對消費者的影響 • 5.網路行銷從業者和消費者之間的關係 • 6.討論 • 7.結論

  3. Abstract摘要: • The paper sets out to examine the influence of e-commerce on marketing practitioners and consumers. This researcher found out that e-commerce brings about a new experience for both consumers and marketing practitioners as both groups try to achieve their different goals that end in an online relationship between the duo. This posses a lot of challenges for marketers who have to adapt and modify their offline marketing strategies to suite and meet the demands of e-commerce bringing about the whole concept and execution of e-marketing. • 本文列出了檢查的電子商務行銷從業者和消費者的影響。研究人員發現,這兩個群體各自不同的目標,努力實現在網上,兩人之間的關係,電子商務為消費者和行銷從業者帶來了一種全新的體驗。這是擁有了很多的行銷有他們的離線行銷策略,以適應和更改套件,滿足電子商務的要求,使整個電子行銷的概念和執行面臨的挑戰。

  4. Abstract摘要: • The issue of the benefits as well as trust for online transactions based on the fear of insecurity from the consumers’ perspective was also discussed. In all, the authors concluded that it’s important for organizations engaging in e-commerce to come up with proper strategies to address these issues and build consumer trust in e-commerce; aiding it to further adapt to the ever changing needs of the business world. • 帶來的好處和信任進行在線交易的基礎上從消費者的角度來看不安全的恐懼的問題進行了討論。在所有作者得出結論,這是非常重要的組織從事電子商務的到來了適當的策略,以解決這些問題和建立消費者信任在電子商務,幫助它以進一步適應在不斷變化的需求的商業世界。

  5. 關鍵字 • Key words: E-commerce, marketing practitioners, consumer. • 關鍵詞:電子商務,市場行銷從業者,消費者。

  6. 1.Introduction介紹 • In the last ten years, the world as a whole has been experiencing an increasing adoption of the internet and by organizations as well as individuals. As a matter of fact, this innovation has contributed to our ability to view the world as a global village reducing the spatio-temporal separation between different regions and enhancing various forms of information to be freely and quickly exchanged [1]. The situation is such that this phenomenon has permeated every almost aspect of the human society especially in the business sector. • 在過去的十年中,世界作為一個整體已越來越多地採用網際網路和組織以及個人。事實上,這種創新做出了貢獻,我們有能力把世界看成是一個地球村,減少不同地區之間的時空分離和加強各種形式的自由和迅速地交換信息。目前的情況是這樣的,這種現象幾乎已經滲透到每一個方面對人類社會特別是在商業領域。

  7. 1.Introduction介紹 • Before the advent of the internet, commerce (which is understood as the exchange of goods and service between individuals and companies) was done manually such that people had to come in direct contact with each other for business transaction to take place [2]. With the arrival of the internet however, “internet commerce” (also known as e-commerce) came to the fore bringing about a new touch to the world of transactions. • 在網際網路的出現,電子商務(被理解為個人和企業之間的貨物和服務的交流)是手動完成的,這樣的人有直接接觸,與其他業務往來發生。然而,在網際網路的到來,“網路電子商務”(也被稱為電子商務)帶來了一個新的觸控世界的交易中脫穎而出。

  8. 1.Introduction介紹 • The emergence and adoption of e-commerce by businesses definitely has impacts on the way businesses are carried out today. It is in the light of this that his academic piece intends to examine the influence of e-commerce on two vital parts of business that has been affected by this change namely marketing practitioners and consumers. • 電子商務企業的出現和採用肯定影響了企業今天進行。鑑於此,他的學術作品上兩個重要的部分業務已經受到這種變化即行銷從業者和消費者打算研究電子商務的影響。

  9. 1.Introduction介紹 • The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 examines e-commerce as its operation in the 21st century; section 3 introduces the effect of commerce on marketing practitioners; section 4 is the effect of commerce on consumers; section 5 proposes the relationship between e-marketing practitioners and consumers; section 6 is the general discussion and in section 7, the authors dwell their conclusions. • 本文的組織如下: • 第2章探討電子商務在21世紀的操作 • 第3章介紹了電子商務對行銷從業人員的影響 • 第4章是商業對消費者的影響 • 第5章提出的關係,電子行銷從業者和消費者的 • 第6章的一般性討論 • 第7章,總結他們的結論。

  10. 2. E-Commerce and Its Operation in the 21st Century電子商務及其在二十一世紀的操作 • The narrowest definitions of e-commerce refer only to the trading of goods and services online [3]. In the view of Chaffey [4], e-commerce is a mere subset of e-business. He defines the e business as a holistic concept covering the full range of business functions and structures affected via the Internet. • 最狹窄的定義,電子商務是指交易的貨物及服務。在Chaffey的觀點,電子商務僅僅是一個電子商務的子集。他定義了電子商務作為一個整體的概念,涵蓋了全方位的業務通過網際網路功能和結構的影響。

  11. 2. E-Commerce and Its Operation in the 21st Century電子商務及其在二十一世紀的操作 • A more holistic definition of e-commerce has been given by the United Kingdom’s department of trade and Industry [5] as the use of electronic network to simplify and speed up all stages of the business process, from design and making to buying, selling and delivery, e-commerce is the exchange of information across electronic networks, at any stage in the supply chain, whether within an organization, between businesses, between businesses and consumers, or between the public and private sectors, whether paid or unpaid. • 一個更全面的定義,電子商務已經由英國的部門,貿易和工業作為電子網路的使用,以簡化和加快了業務流程的各個階段,從設計和製造到購買,銷售和交付,電子商務是電子網路之間的信息交換,在供應鏈的任何階段,無論是在組織內,企業之間,企業與消費者之間,或在公共和私營部門之間,不論有薪或無薪

  12. 2. E-Commerce and Its Operation in the 21st Century電子商務及其在二十一世紀的操作 • E-commerce technology is increasingly attracting the attention of researchers as well as managers in the 21st century such that the amount of trade electronically has grown tremendously with the widespread of internet usage which gives customers the ability to adjust sites to their different needs, wants and desires [6]. • 電子商務技術正得到越來越多的關注在21世紀的研究人員以及管理人員等,電子交易量的大幅增長,與廣泛的互聯網的使用,使客戶能夠調整網站以各自不同的需求,希望和慾望。

  13. 2. E-Commerce and Its Operation in the 21st Century電子商務及其在二十一世紀的操作 • E-commerce has been categorized into three type’s namely inter-organizational (business to business); intra-organization (within businesses) and customer to business [7]. The increasing competition in the business world in addition to increased demands from customers and the rapid pace of changes in technology are forcing companies to review the way they do business, what kind of product and service they offer and the speed with which they release products into the market [8]. • 被分為三種類型,即組織間電子商務(企業對企業);組織內部(企業)和客戶業務。在商業世界除了從客戶不斷增加的需求和技術快速變化的速度以及競爭日益激烈的迫使公司檢討他們做生意的方式,他們提供什麼樣的產品和服務,他們發布的產品進入市場。

  14. 2. E-Commerce and Its Operation in the 21st Century電子商務及其在二十一世紀的操作 • Business making use of e-commerce in the 21st century are faced with a lot of challenges that calls for modification and adopting new strategies both by marketing practitioners as well as to attract and capture the hearts of customers. • 企業利用電子商務在21世紀面臨著很多的挑戰,要求修改,並採取新的戰略,行銷從業者要吸引和抓住客戶的心。

  15. 3. Effect of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners電子商務對行銷從業人員的影響 • The field of marketing has been identified as one the business functions that is most affected by emerging technologies such as the internet ; providing companies with ongoing information, service and support as well as creating positive interaction with customers that can serve as foundation for long term relationships and encourage repeated purchases [9]. • 市場行銷領域已被確定為是受影響最嚴重的新興技術,如網路的業務功能,為企業提供持續的信息,服務和支持,以及建立積極的互動與客戶長期的合作關係,可以作為基礎的並鼓勵重複購買。

  16. 3. Effect of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners電子商務對行銷從業人員的影響 • The impact of e-commerce on marketing practitioners is such that it affects every facet of their activity since there is less or no use of the traditional commerce system. Marketing practitioners have to cope with a market place that has expanded into national and international market such that marketing practitioners can, with minimal capital outlay, easily and quickly locate more customers, suppliers and the most suitable business partners around the world [10]. • 電子商務行銷從業者面來看是影響到他們的活動的每一個方面,因為是少用或不用使用傳統的電子商務系統。行銷從業者必須面對這樣一個市場,已經擴展到國內和國際市場行銷從業者,以較低的資本支出,方便快速地找到更多的客戶、供應商和世界各地的最合適的業務夥伴。

  17. 3. Effect of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners電子商務對行銷從業人員的影響 • E-commerce also aids marketing practitioners in the reduction of the cost of creating, processing, distributing, storing and retrieving paper based information that have to do with customers. • 電子商務,也有助於降低成本創造行銷從業人員,基於紙張的信息,與客戶做加工,配送,存儲和檢索。

  18. 3. Effect of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners電子商務對行銷從業人員的影響 • More than anything else, e-marketing as a follow-up to the demands of e-commerce does not only include the professional works that the marketing practitioner deal with in marketing operating, but also needs the cooperation by the relation business department such as procurement departments, producing department, financial department, Human Resource department, Quality supervision management department, product developing and designing department etc. and according to the demand of marketing to redesign and recreate the enterprise business standard by using computer network, so as to adapt to the demand of digital management and business in the network knowledge economy era [11]. • 更多比什麼都重要,網絡行銷作為後續行動的需求,電子商務不僅包括專業工程,行銷運營的行銷從業處理,但也需要合作關係的業務部門,如採購部門,生產部門,質量監督管理部門,人力資源部,財務部,產品開發和設計部門等,並根據市場的需求,重新設計和重建企業的業務標準,通過使用計算機網絡,以適應在網路知識經濟時代的數位化管理和業務需求。

  19. 3. Effect of E-Commerce on Marketing Practitioners電子商務對行銷從業人員的影響 • In a nut shell therefore e-commerce challenges marketing practitioners to develop marketing strategies and tactics to realize their marketing goals based on the internet [12]. • 因此,簡而言之電子商務行銷從業者的挑戰,制定行銷戰略和戰術,在網路上實現自己的行銷目標的基礎。

  20. 4. Effect of E-Commerce on Consumers電子商務對消費者的影響 • One of the opportunities the growth of the Internet has provided is the ability for customers to browse commercial products shown on the Internet, and in some cases to order them over from a computer which is the process of e-commerce [13]. E-commerce enables customers to shop or do other the clock and in any part of the world providing consumers with a variety of options and especially vendors from which they can select from Ref. [14]. • 網際網路的發展提供的機會之一是供顧客瀏覽示出在網路上的商業產品的能力,以及在某些情況下,對它們進行排序,這是電子商務的過程中從計算機。電子商務使客戶到店,或做其他的時鐘,並在世界為消費者提供了各種選項,尤其是供應商,他們可以從中選擇參考的任何部分

  21. 4. Effect of E-Commerce on Consumers電子商務對消費者的影響 • In the area of information, e-commerce has also helped consumers to have easy access to detailed and relevant information about whatever goods or commodity they want to purchase and also allowing them to interact with other consumers and exchange ideas as well as compare experiences [15]. • 在電子商務領域的信息,也有助於消費者可以很方便地訪問,以及比較詳細的有關資料和任何商品或他們想購買的商品,也讓他們與其他消費者互動和交流經驗分享。

  22. 4. Effect of E-Commerce on Consumers電子商務對消費者的影響 • Also, quality e-commerce services help to collect and manage valuable customer related information, including consumer ordering patterns to build a comprehensive database which in-turn sharpens the marketing and promotion strategies of companies. In sum the introduction of e-commerce to consumers has rendered their shopping experience highly fluent and convenient as it is gradually becoming indispensible in the face of shrinking spare time for shopping offline [16]. • 此外,優質的電子商務服務,幫助收集和管理有價值客戶的相關信息,包括消費者的訂購模式,建立一個全面的資料庫,在轉公司加強行銷及推廣策略。總之引進電子商務消費者已經變得非常流暢和方便的購物體驗,因為它正逐漸成為不可或缺的面對萎縮的業餘時間購物離線。

  23. 5. Relationship between E-Marketing Practitioners and Consumers網路行銷從業者和消費者之間的關係 • The electronic service encounter between the consumer and service provider (e-marketing practitioners) differs from the traditional physical encounters experienced in conventional marketing domains given the absence of sales staff; the absence of traditional tangible elements, and customer self-service. As such, increasing attention has been given to the transition from conventional marketing to e-marketing and consequently, identifying the determinants of success or failure have now evolved from establishing an information-rich web site presence and offering low prices to delivering high quality e-services that attract, satisfy and retain customers [17]. • 不同於傳統的物理遭遇的情況下,銷售人員在傳統行銷領域的情況下,傳統的有形元素,和客戶自助服務的電子服務消費者和服務提供者之間的(電子行銷從業者)相遇。因此,越來越多的關注已經給定的過渡,從傳統的行銷,電子行銷,因此,找出成功或失敗的決定因素,現在已經發展建立一個信息豐富的網站存在,並提供低廉的價格為客戶提供高質素的電子服務,吸引,滿足和留住客戶的。

  24. 5. Relationship between E-Marketing Practitioners and Consumers網路行銷從業者和消費者之間的關係 • Consequently the relationship between e-marketing practitioners and consumers is such that understanding the specific drivers of consumer behavior outcomes is an imperative for e-marketing practitioners to effectively design e-marketing strategies to ensure that appropriate resources are allocated to enhance customer loyalty and develop long-term relationships [18]. • 因此,電子行銷從業者和消費者之間的關係是這樣的,了解消費行為的特定驅動程序的結果是電子行銷從業者的當務之急,有效地設計電子行銷策略,以確保適當的資源分配,以提高客戶的忠誠度和發展長期長期的關係。

  25. 5. Relationship between E-Marketing Practitioners and Consumers網路行銷從業者和消費者之間的關係 • Consequently while e-marketing practitioners look forward to how to attract, retain and get customers to purchase products and services, consumers (or e-consumers as the case maybe) look up to them to guide them towards making the right choices in their purchases that would be beneficial to them. • 因此而電子行銷從業者期待著如何吸引,挽留及讓客戶購買產品和服務,消費者(或視情況而定)仰望他們,引導他們做出了正確的選擇,在他們購買的電子消費者他們將是有益的。

  26. 6. Discussion討論 • It is no doubt that the advent of the internet has transformed how many organizations communicate and deliver goods and services to their markets. E-commerce or e-service as it is commonly known today is one of the major determinants of success in a highly globalized business world as we have it today. • 這是毫無疑問,網際網路的出現已經改變了許多組織,他們的市場溝通和提供產品和服務。電子商務或電子服務,因為它是俗稱今天是一個高度全球化的世界,因為我們有今天的成功的主要決定因素之一。

  27. 6. Discussion討論 • As pointed above, this phenomenon brings about a new experience for both consumers and marketing practitioners as both groups try to achieve their different goals that end in an online interaction between the two. This posses a lot of challenges for marketers who have to adapt and modify their offline marketing strategies to suite and meet the demands of e-commerce bringing about the whole concept and execution of e-marketing. • 正如上文所述,這種現象為消費者和行銷從業者帶來了一種全新的體驗,因為這兩個群體各自不同的目標,努力實現兩者之間的互動在網上。這是擁有了很多的行銷有他們的線下(離線)行銷策略,以適應和修改套房,滿足電子商務的要求,使整個電子行銷的概念和執行面臨的挑戰。

  28. 6. Discussion討論 • Although e-commerce has been identified to be very beneficial to organizations and consumers, both parties still have to grapple with a couple of issues such as the characterization of e-commerce by some technological and inherent limitations that restricts the number of people who have access to this revolutionary system. Some consumers have also been found to display some kind of phobia for internet transactions owing perceived insecurity of the system which makes them reserve in disclosing their personal and private information. As a matter of a fact, the legitimacy and authenticity of different e-commerce sites have also been questioned. • 雖然電子商務已經確定,機構和消費者是非常有益的,雙方仍然要設法解決的問題,如電子商務的一些技術和固有的限制,數量限制的人誰擁有這一革命性的系統的訪問。一些消費者也發現,由於認為網上交易不安全的系統,使它們保留在公開自己的個人信息和私人信息顯示某種恐懼症。作為一個事實的問題,不同的電子商務網站的合法性和真實性也受到質疑。

  29. 6. Discussion討論 • As a result of this several industry groups, ministries and trade associations have addressed the issue of consumer protection in the context of e-commerce and e-marketing. They have proposed detailed guidelines for consumer protection [19]. • 作為一個結果,這幾個行業,政府部門和行業協會的消費者保護問題已經解決了的背景下,電子商務和電子行銷。他們已經提出了詳細的指引,保護消費者權益。

  30. 6. Discussion討論 • Consequently, e-commerce vendors and marketers should try to adhere to these principles so as to help mitigate the negative issues associated with e-commerce and enhance healthier marketing practices by practitioners in other to better meet the demands of consumers [20]. • 因此,電子商務的供應商和銷售商應盡量遵守這些原則,以幫助減輕與電子商務相關的負面問題,提高從業者在其他健康的行銷手法,以更好地滿足消費者的需求。

  31. 7. Conclusions結論 • In all, the effect of e-commerce on consumers and marketing practitioners brings about a new experience for both groups as they try move from an offline based kind of relationship to one that is fundamentally online based. While marketing practitioners try to invent new strategies to meet the demands of e-commerce and by implication attract and win the hearts of customers, consumers also seek marketers to help them make the right choices in their purchases. • 在所有的效果對消費者的電子商務和行銷從業者帶來了一個新的經驗,這兩個群體,因為他們試圖從離線基礎這樣的關係,從根本上在線的。雖然行銷從業者試圖創造新的戰略,以滿足電子商務的要求,並暗示吸引和贏得客戶的心,消費者也尋求行銷幫助他們做出正確的選擇,在他們購買。

  32. 7. Conclusions結論 • The entire issue of e-commerce, e-marketing (marketing practitioners) and consumers raises a lot of issues stemming from the pros and cons of e-commerce especially in the area of consumer security. It is therefore important for organizations engaging in e-commerce to come up with proper strategies to address these issues and build consumer trust in e-commerce; aiding it to further adapt to the ever changing needs of the business world. • 電子商務,電子行銷(行銷從業者)和消費者的整個問題提出了許多來自電子商務的優點和缺點,尤其是在該地區的消費安全的問題。因此重要的是為從事電子商務的組織,要拿出適當的策略來解決這些問題,並建立消費者信任在電子商務,幫助它進一步適應不斷變化的需求的商業世界。

  33. 謝謝聆聽

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