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Regulatory Affairs Personnel Training and Qualification (RA T&Q). Overview. Background.
Regulatory Affairs PersonnelTraining and Qualification(RA T&Q) Overview
Background • Regulatory Affairs Training and Qualification (RA T&Q) initiative was developed to ensure Regulatory Affairs personnel are capable of independently and successfully performing both Licensing and Compliance related functions • Processes allow all licensees to actively participate in development and review of products
Objectives • Improve performance of existing regulatory affairs personnel • Provide framework for training and qualifying future work force • Ensure knowledge and skills are maintained • Improve quality of training (both initial and continuing training programs) • Share training resources where possible • Develop a “shareable” work force • Use systematic approach to training
USA RA T&Q Products • Qualification guideline • Computer-based training • Stand-up training • Qualification cards • Continuing training • Procedure to control changes Training and materials are available to all USA RA T&Q participating members
Qualification Process • Qualification includes: • Orientation training • Position-specific training • On-the-job training (OJT), and • Performance demonstration or on-the-job evaluation (OJE) to demonstrate proficiency in a specific skill or function
Qualification Process (cont’d) • Qualification cards contain: • Task Discussion • Qualification Prerequisites • Performance Requirements • Performance Evaluation • Qualification cards may be used as-is or as a template • Systematic approach used to determine which tasks have qualification cards
RA110SRA Site Regulatory Awareness RA120FNL Introduction to Regulatory Affairs RA121FNL Interactions with the NRC RA122FNL Licensing Basis Introduction RA123FNL Licensing Resources RA124FNL Correspondence Preparation, Review, & Submittal RA125FNL Managing Commitments RA126FNL Introduction to NRC’s Reactor Oversight Process RA127FNL Use of Risk Information RA128FNL Introduction to Technical Specifications RA130LDB Licensing and Design Basis RA180TSP Use and Application of Technical Specifications Initial Courses
Initial Courses(cont’d) Licensing Specialty RA190SCR* 10 CFR 50.59 * Placeholder for module. USA 50.59 initiative training or site-specific training could satisfy this Compliance Specialty RA140PPI Performance Indicators RA141PIC** Performance Indicator Coordinator RA150SDP Significance Determination Process RA160ENF Enforcement Policy RA170INP Inspection Interface ** in development 10
Specialty Courses RA181TSP** Plant Specific Technical Specifications RA210SAR Maintaining the FSAR RA220LAR License Amendment Requests RA230OPL Operability Evaluations RA240EDR Notices of Enforcement Discretion RA290BKF Backfit Reviews **Placeholder for module. Licensees develop their own material. Licensing Specialty Courses
Compliance Specialty Courses Specialty Courses RA250ROP Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Performance Assessment RA260EVR Routine Reports RA270RPT Event Reporting RA280LER LER Preparation RA290BKF Backfit Reviews 12
Other Courses RA310COL 50.54(x) Process RA320SC Safety Culture 13
Qualification Cards Licensing Specialty RA210QC1 FSAR Updating RA220QC2 Preparing, Submitting, and Processing License Amendment Requests RA220QC3 Developing and Processing Changes to the Plant’s Technical Requirements Manual RA230QC4 Review of Operability Determinations RA240QC5 Developing and Processing Enforcement Discretion Requests Compliance Specialty RA170QC6 Responding to NRC Inspection Reports RA270QC7 Assessing Events for Reportability RA280QC8 LER Preparation / Submittal 14
Stand-up Training • Offered approximately twice per year • May be hosted at plant or central location • Approximately one week per session • Students may attend all or part of the training week • Courses, dates, and locations selected on pre-established rotation, with adjustments based on survey results and committee input • Courses selected to focus on initial training, licensing specialty area, or compliance specialty area • Subject matter expert presents courses
Continuing Training Quarterly Training Packages Continuing Training Subcommittee identifies and develops topics Package provided to site Regulatory Affairs and posted to USA RA T&Q website Plant-specific information added by site Licensing basis changes, modifications, program changes, etc. Package presented to RA personnel at sites Includes performance demonstration tools 16
Training Program Administration Routine maintenance is contracted through Certrec Corporation Includes: Training material updates Change requests Web site maintenance Industry document reviews for impact on training Meeting and phone call support Stand-up training support 17
Training Oversight USA RA T&Q provides oversight through Monthly conference calls Status reports Upcoming training Subcommittee updates (course, continuing, on-line) Annual face-to-face meeting Full committee and subcommittees Check-and-adjust Reviews of training materials Monitoring web site information User feedback 18
Changes to Training USA Course Material Development and Maintenance procedure used to: Define review process for course material Administrative changes may be processed by the program administrator Changes that affect intent, scope, or task performance require full review and approval by the USA Course Committee Assign priority and review requirements Define format for materials Define documentation requirements Identify when CBT material must be disabled 19
Changes to Training (cont’d) Change requests are generated based on Student feedback Input from USA RA T&Q calls and meetings Continual reviews of industry documents Change request database is available on the USA RA T&Q website 20
Changes to Training (cont’d) The following documents are reviewed for impact on training materials: NRC Generic Correspondence Bulletins Generic Letters Notices Regulatory Issue Summaries Inspection Manual Changes NRR Office Instructions Regulatory Guides Select NUREGS Management Directives Select NEI documents Federal Register CFR Changes 21
New RA Personnel • New RA personnel should review the qualification guide with their supervisors to identify appropriate training for their position • Complete CBT courses on the web • Contact department USA training lead to determine when stand-up courses are offered
For More Information USA RA T&Q website has Computer-based training courses Qualification guide Qualification cards Lesson plans and classroom materials Continuing training materials Training schedules Contacts Contact your site USA administrator to gain access to the USA RA T&Q website 23