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Preservasi Informasi Digital. Modul 1 Pengertian dan Framework Preservasi Digital. Outline. Latar Belakang. 1. Beberapa Pengertian. 2. Tantangan Preservasi. 3. Framework Preservasi Digital. 4. Catatan: sumber bacaan Bab 1 [HGS]. Latar Belakang.
Preservasi Informasi Digital Modul 1Pengertian dan Framework Preservasi Digital
Outline Latar Belakang 1 Beberapa Pengertian 2 Tantangan Preservasi 3 Framework Preservasi Digital 4 Catatan: sumber bacaan Bab 1 [HGS]
Latar Belakang CASE : NEW YORK TIMES Y2K TIME CAPSULE PROJECT (to be opened in year 3K) • A time capsule is a historic cache of goods and/or information, usually intended as a method of communication with people in the future (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_capsule) • Which one is the best time capsule? A box of stuff (analog) or Apple media storage (digital)? Problems with digital time capsule • Short life span of digital storage media (Floppy Disc Drive? Digital Tape? What next? CD and DVD?) • Digital storage All or nothing proposition (damage in “1”s and/or “0”s will make the entire disc unreadable. Old photos?) • Reading digital records required the right hardware & software what happens in the next 1000 years? • Digital makes us keep copying the digital data to the latest digital format doesn’t make sense of a time capsule Major Challenges in preserving digital informations: • Fragile physical media • Silent deterioration • Hardware & Software dependent • The need to copy data regularly or
PRESERVING Beberapa pengertian (1/3) • Preservations is the acquisition, organization and distribution of sources to prevent further deterioration or renew the usability of selected groups of materials. • Approachs in preserving: • Understanding the nature of preservation problem • Conducting preservation surveys to establish priorities • Controlling the storage environment • Planning for disasters • Performing holdings maintenance • Treating selected materials
DIGITAL Beberapa pengertian (2/3) • Digital discrete states with no other choices • Digital often interchangeable with electronics (i.e. electronic records) but is it true? • Can non electronic form represent digital information? • Is electronic information a digital information? Electronics refers to something produce by the action of electrons, specifically in an electrical current (which is nothing than a stream of moving electrons)
INFORMATION Digital Archives (integrity & long term accessibility) Beberapa pengertian (3/3) • Information one point on a progression from data to archives • Data: The content or “facts” that we wish to process • Information: The data communicated or received • Document: The information in context • Record: The document preserved • Archives: A record preserved for its enduring value Preservation of digital information Digital Libraries (collect & provide access)
INTELLECTUAL Preservation Integrity and authenticity of the information as originally recorded TECHNOLOGY Preservation The preservation of technologies from old to new Tantangan Preservasi (1/2) Aspects of digital preservations (Peter S. Graham) Aspect of Digital Preservation MEDIUM Preservation The preservation of physical media
Tantangan Preservasi (2/2) • Digital Records more diligence, because posses “unique collection of core digital attributes” must be retained • Paul Conway’s preservations strategies: • Make use possible • Protect original items • Maintain digital objects
Framework Preservasi Digital • Content: The intellectual substance. • Fixity: Content fixed as a discrete object. • Reference: Need a consistent means of reference. • Provenance: Integrity is based on tracing source. • Context: The way digital objects interact with other elements CONTENT FIXITY REFERENCE PROVENANCE CONTEXT