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Conditions of Gastrointestinal Tract

Gynecological Disorders. Viral Syndromes. Neurological Disorders. Systemic Diseases. HHP 495 ... from acids, chronically inflamed mucous lining of mouth and throat ...

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Conditions of Gastrointestinal Tract

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    Slide 1:Conditions of Gastrointestinal Tract Eating Disorders Sexually Transmitted Disease Genitourinary Tract Gynecological Disorders Viral Syndromes Neurological Disorders Systemic Diseases

    HHP 495

    Slide 2:Etiology/Signs and Symptoms Caused by staphylococcus bacteria or chlamydia Causes burning and painful urination and requires antibiotics for treatment

    Slide 4:Etiology Ranges from mild to severe Caused by infectious microorganisms that contaminate food particularly during warm weather and periods of improper refrigeration Signs and Symptoms Nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea and anorexia Usually subsides within 3-6 hours (staph. infection) Salmonella infection may last 24-48 hours or more

    Slide 6:Etiology/Signs and Symptoms Inflammation of the urethra -- generally caused by gonorrhea or by other nongonococcal organisms Symptoms include pain on urination along with urethral discharge

    Slide 8:Etiology Some athletes develop food idiosyncrasies which cause them distress after eating Reactions before competition Emotional stress, esophageal and stomach spasms, or inflammation of mucous linings in stomach and esophagus Signs and Symptoms Increased HCl secretion, nausea, and flatulence

    Slide 10:Etiology Result of testicle revolving in the scrotum following a direct blow or as the result of coughing or vomiting Signs and Symptoms Acute testicular pain, nausea, vomiting and inflammation in the area

    Slide 12:Generally females ranging in age from adolescence to middle age Periods of starvation, bingeing (thousands of calories) and purging through vomiting, fasting and laxatives/diuretics Characteristics Typically bulimic athletes are white, middle to upper-middle class Perfectionist, obedient, overcompliant, highly motivated, successful academically, well-liked, and a good athlete gymnastics, track, dance occasionally seen in male gymnasts and wrestlers Bingeing and purging can result in stomach rupture, heart rhythm, liver damage, tooth decay from acids, chronically inflamed mucous lining of mouth and throat

    Slide 14:Etiology Acids destroy mucous lining of stomach or small intestine Occurs in individuals with long periods of severe anxiety Signs and Symptoms Gnawing pain, localized to gastric region Appears 1-3 hours following a meal Dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, w/ pain lasting minutes rather than hours

    Slide 16:Etiology Backward flow of the acidic gastric contents into the esophagus (malfunctioning esophageal sphincter) Result of a hiatal hernia w/ incidence increased with activity Repeated bouts can result in inflammation of lower esophagus Signs and Symptoms Heartburn-like retrosternal pain - similar to angina pectoris sensation Burning feeling with sour liquid taste in throat

    Slide 18:Etiology Fluid accumulation caused by a severe blow to the testicular region (venous plexus on the posterior aspect of the testicle becomes engorged) Rupture of the plexus results in rapid accumulation of blood in the scrotum (hematocele) Signs and Symptoms Pain and significant swelling in the scrotum

    Slide 20:Etiology Prevalent in menstruating women and males age 7-14 Three things occur during anemia Small erythrocytes Decreased hemoglobin Low ferritin concentration (compound that contains 23% iron) GI loss of iron in runners is common Aspirin and NSAIDs may cause GI bleeding and iron loss Females (due to menstration) and vegetarian athletes may be at risk for this condition

    Slide 21:Sign and Symptoms First stage of deficiency, performance declines Athlete may feel burning thighs and nausea from becoming anaerobic Ice cravings are common Serum ferritin levels must be assessed Mean corpuscular volume and relative size of erythrocytes must be checked

    Slide 23:Etiology For some forms of this condition there is genetic predisposition Brain injury or altered brain metabolism Sign and Symptoms Periods of altered consciousness, motor activity, sensory phenomena or inappropriate behavior caused May last 5-15 seconds (petit mal seizure) or longer (grand mal seizure) Include unconsciousness and uncontrolled tonic-clonic muscle contractions

    Slide 25:Etiology Painful menstruation prevalent in active women May be caused by hormonal imbalance, ischemia of the pelvic organs, endometriosis Most common menstrual disorder Sign and Symptoms Cramps, nausea, lower abdominal pain, headache, occasionally emotional lability

    Slide 27:Characterized by distorted body image and constant concern about weight gain Impacts mostly females Starts often with adolescents and can be life threatening While the athlete tends to be too thin they continue to feel fat Deny hunger and are hyperactive Highly secretive

    Slide 29:Menstrual cycle greater than 36 days; may be anovulatory; associated with bone loss due to low estrogen (primarily) and progesterone

    Slide 31:Sexually transmitted disease Signs and Symptoms: Presents as a fever, lower abdominal pain and tenderness, and sometimes metomenorrhagia or dysmenorrhea. Can lead to chronic pelvic pain and infertility. Exam will show a endocervical discharge and cervical motion tenderness

    Slide 33:Signs and Symptoms: Loss of consciousness due to inadequate cerebral blood flow. May be a presenting symptom for a life-threatening condition or a non-significant isolated event May be due to: Cardiac condition, Obstructive pulmonary flow, Psychogenic causes, etc.

    Slide 35:Etiology Caused by bacterial organism Sign and Symptoms May result in pelvic inflammation and is important cause of infertility and ectopic pregnancy in females In males, inflammation occurs along with purulent discharge 7-28 days after intercourse Painful urination and traces of blood in urine, vaginal discharge Can cause conjunctivitis and pneumonia in newborns

    Slide 37:Etiology Abnormal, loose stool or passage of fluid, unformed stool Acute or chronic Caused by a problem in diet, inflammation of the intestinal lining, GI infection, ingestion of certain drugs and psychogenic factors Signs and Symptoms Abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and frequent elimination of stools Loss of appetite, and a light brown or gray, foul-smelling stool Extreme weakness caused by dehydration

    Slide 39:Etiology Abnormal excessive response of sympathetic portion of autonomic nervous system following injury Sign and Symptoms Commonly seen in hands and feet following immobilization of injured part (change to bone, connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves) Develop extreme hypersensitivity to touch, redness, sweating, burning pain, swelling w/ palpable tightness and shining skin; atrophy Possible psychologic depression

    Slide 41:Etiology Failure of the bowels to evacuate feces Causes include, lack of abdominal tone, insufficient moisture in the feces, lack of roughage and bulk in diet to stimulate peristalsis, poor bowel habits, nervousness, anxiety, and overuse of laxatives and enemas Signs and Symptoms Feeling of fullness, with occasional cramping and pain in lower abdomen If straining occurs during defecation, blood vessels may be ruptured

    Slide 43:Etiology Hereditary hemolytic anemia - RBCs are sickle or crescent shaped (irregular hemoglobin) Less ability to carry oxygen, limited ability to pass through vessels, causing clustering and clogging of vessels (thrombi) Severe cases can result in death if embolus develops and travels to lungs Exercise factors - 1)acidosis, 2) hyperthermia, 3)dehydration, 4) severe hypoxemia Can be brought on by high altitudes Sign and Symptoms Fever, pallor, muscle weakness, pain in limbs Pain in upper right quadrant indicating possible splenic infarction Headaches and convulsions are also possible

    Slide 45:Etiology Caused by type 2 herpes simplex virus Sign and Symptoms Develops 4-7 days following sexual contact Begins to crust 14-17 days in primary genital herpes and 10 days in secondary Females may be asymptomatic while males will experience itching and soreness Development of lesions

    Slide 47:Etiology Inflammation of this area can be caused by a variety of microorganisms, bacterial infections, chemicals from douching, irritation from a tampon or poor hygiene habits Signs and Symptoms Purulent and bloody vaginal discharge; strong odor with vaginal itching Frequent and painful urination Vagina is red and painful to the touch

    Slide 49:Etiology Contagious viral disease that results in inflammation of parotid and salivary glands Appear in 12-25 days following exposure Sign and Symptoms Malaise, headache, chills and moderate fever Pain in neck - swelling of glands may last up to 7 days Pain w/ jaw motion and swallowing; increased or decreased saliva production

    Slide 51:Etiology: Major cause of viral infection, resulting in swelling, soreness, loss of normal liver function New cases develop at a rate of 300,000/year Signs and symptoms Flu-like symptoms like fatigue, weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, fever, and possibly jaundice Possible that individual will not exhibit signs and symptoms -- antigen always present Can be unknowingly transferred

    Slide 53:Etiology Group of gastrointestinal tract disorders Signs and Symptoms Abdominal pain that is relieved with defecation, irregular pattern of defecation (at least 25% of the time), alterations in stool frequency, form, and passage, abdominal bloating and distension

    Slide 55:Etiology Transmitted through sexual activity and appear as warts on the glans penis, vulva or anus Sign and Symptoms Cauliflower-like wart or can be singular Soft, moist pink or red swellings that develop cauliflower-like head May be mistaken as secondary syphilis or carcinoma

    Slide 57:Etiology Exercise related is often a hypothalamic dysfunction Gonadotropin-releasing hormone is often deficient Must rule out pregnancy, abnormal reproductive or genital tract as well as ovarian failure and pituitary tumors Sign and Symptoms Complete cessation of menstrual cycle

    Slide 59:Etiology Childhood disease Incubation time of 10 days following exposure Sign and Symptoms Sneezing, nasal congestion, coughing, malaise, photophobia, spots in mouth, conjunctivitis, and elevated fever (rash appears - causes itching)

    Slide 61:Etiology Inflammation of meninges surrounding spinal cord and brain Caused by infection brought on by meningococcus bacteria Sign and Symptoms High fever, stiff neck, intense headache, sensitivity to light and sound Progress to vomiting, convulsions and coma

    Slide 63:Etiology Inflammation of this organ (chronic or acute) Result of blockage, lymph swelling, or carcinoid tumor Early stages it presents as a gastric complaint, that gradually develops from red swollen vessel to a gangrenous structure that can rupture into bowels causing peritonitis Signs and Symptoms Mild to severe pain in lower abdomen, associated with nausea, vomiting and low grade fever Pain may localize in lower right abdomen (McBurneys point)

    Slide 65:Etiology Caused by organism infection - gonococcal bacteria which is spread through intercourse Sign and Symptoms In men - experience tingling of urethra followed by 2-3 hours of greenish yellow discharge and painful urination 60% of women are asymptomatic Females will experience vaginal discharge May result in sterility if not treated or arthritis

    Slide 67:Etiology: A retrovirus that combines with host cell Infects T4 blood cells, B cells and monocytes (macrophages) Estimated that 1 out of 250 people are infected with this disease 40,000-50,000 new cases each year 10 to 12 million adults carry the virus Symptoms and Signs Transmitted by infected blood or other fluids Fatigue, weight loss, muscle or joint pain, painful or swollen glands, night sweats and fever Antibodies can be detected in blood tests within 1 year of exposure May go for 8-10 years before signs and symptoms develop

    Slide 69:Etiology Epstein-Barr virus (member of herpes group) that has incubation period of 4-6 weeks Transmitted through saliva Sign and Symptoms First 3-5 days -severe fatigue, headache, loss of appetite and myalgia Days 5-15 - fever, swollen lymph nodes and sore throat (50% will experience enlarged spleen) Possible jaundice, skin rash, puffy eyelids

    Slide 71:Etiology A spirochete bacteria is the organism related to syphilis and enters body through mucous membranes or skin lesions Sign and Symptoms 4 stages Incubation is usually 3-4 weeks but could be anywhere from 1-13 weeks; painless chancre or ulcer forms that heal w/in 4-8 weeks (can occur on penis, urethra, vagina, cervix, mouth, hand, foot or around eye) Secondary stage occurs 6-12 weeks after initial infection and is characterized by a rash, lymph swelling, body aches, mild flu-like symptoms and possible hair loss Latent syphilis is characterized by no or few symptoms - but if untreated it may result in tertiary syphilis Late stage is characterized by deep penetration of spirochetes that damage skin, bone, cardiovascular system and nervous system Late stage may develop w/in 3-10 years of infection and cause neurosyphilis - muscle weakness, paralysis and various types of psychoses

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