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OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Essential Survival Skills for Navigating THE TECHNICAL JUNGLE Essential Survival Skills for Navigating THE TECHNICAL JUNGLE OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Survival Tip #1 EIS Agreement (Electronic Information Services) E I S
OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Essential Survival Skills for NavigatingTHE TECHNICAL JUNGLE Essential Survival Skills for NavigatingTHE TECHNICAL JUNGLE
OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Survival Tip #1 EIS Agreement(Electronic Information Services)
EIS User Agreement Form • All staff and students will read the district EIS User Agreement Form • All staff will log-off or lock their user account when not using the computer • Students will use computers only with their assigned username/password. Students should never use a computer while logged in with a staff account
EIS User Agreement Form (Cont’d) • Staff will ensure that only students with a signed and returned EIS form will use EIS resources, including computers • Staff will provide reasonable supervision of student computer use as stated in the EIS policy • Staff will report to their supervisor and the IT department when inappropriate material is access using EIS as stated in the EIS policy
EIS User Agreement Form (Cont’d) • Staff will discuss with students “user responsibility” as it is found in the EIS policy at all grade levels • Current district policy and applicable case law allows the district to stand by a teacher in liability cases when reasonable supervision is shown
OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Survival Tip #2 Classroom Computer Policy
Classroom Computer Policy • District policy: “Students will be provided access to computers located in the classrooms” • Funding for computers is provided through Students First and administered by the School Facilities Board • All student-use computers must be student accessible!
Classroom Computer Policy (Cont’d) • The School Facilities Board may, at any time during the school year, conduct an audit to determine compliance with the prescribed student to computer ratio (minimum of 8:1) • A computer located in a classroom will be considered student accessible as long as it is not considered to be within the teacher workspace
Classroom Computer Policy (Cont’d) • All teachers need to place computers in their classrooms so that a student can access the computer without feeling they are “invading” the teacher’s workspace • Rule of thumb: • Place the computer so that it faces into the classroom • Place the computer so that it is not behind the teacher desk
Classroom Computer Policy (Cont’d) • A computer must be available to each teacher who takes attendance • Daily attendance is taken online at least twice daily • Upper grades take attendance each period
OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Survival Tip #3 Dysart Unified School District Network Account
DUSD Network Access • Logging In • Press “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Delete”
Changing Password Press “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Delete” Choose “Change Password…” Enter “Old Password” Enter “New Password” Confirm “New Password” (by entering it again) Press “OK” DUSD Network Access (Cont’d)
DUSD Network Access (Cont’d) • Locking Computer • Press “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Delete” • Choose “Lock Computer” • Note: A workstation will lock automatically following approximately 15 minutes of inactivity
Unlocking Computer Press “Ctrl” + “Alt” + “Delete” Enter “Password” Click “OK” DUSD Network Access (Cont’d)
Logging Off of the Computer Choose “Log Off…” from the “Start” menu Then click “Log Off” in the “Log Off Windows” dialog box DUSD Network Access (Cont’d)
OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Survival Tip #4 How to Get Technical Support
Help! • IT Issue Resolution Flowchart User Issue/Question IT Help Deskx7071 Track-IT IT Campus Technician IT Campus Technician
Help! (Cont’d) • DUSD IT Helpdesk • Extension #7071 (623.876.7071) • The IT Helpdesk is available weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Help! (Cont’d) • IT Campus Technicians • Each campus will have a dedicated Computer Technician who is responsible for addressing each school’s IT-related needs
OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Survival Tip #5 Managing Student Accounts
Managing Student Accounts • Student accounts can be managed by school staff through the website: http://www.dysart.org/studentaccounts • When this website is accessed from a computer on your campus, all the student accounts for that campus will be displayed • This is the Student List page, as denoted by the blue dot beside the words “Student List”
Managing Student Accounts (Cont’d) • The information in the table can be reorganized by clicking the title of any of the columns to sort by that column • The information in the columns is as follows: • UserID • This is the student’s network account username and is comprised of the first initial of their first name, the first seven letters of their last name, and the last four digits of their student ID number • First Name • Student’s first name according to the SASIxp database • Last Name • Student’s last name according to the SASIxp database • Student ID • This is the Student ID assigned to the student by the student information system • When the account is first created, this number is also the student’s password • For elementary school students this number will always be their password, but high school students will be prompted to change their password the first time they log on in order to keep their account more secure
Managing Student Accounts (Cont’d) • The information in the columns is as follows: • Enabled • True = Student has returned a signed EIS Agreement according to the SASIxp database • False = Student has not returned a signed EIS Agreement according to the SASIxp database • There is a 24 hour turn-around for data entered into the SASIxp database to be replicated on the “studentaccounts” webpage • Grade • Student’s current grade level according to the SASIxp database • Advisor • High School – Blank • K-8 – Homeroom teacher • Modified • Date Student’s account was created or last modified
Managing Student Accounts (Cont’d) • You may use the search field to search for students by either their first or last name • You may use the “Filter Grade” drop-down menu to filter the list by a particular grade level
Managing Student Accounts (Cont’d) • If a given student’s network account information cannot be located on the school’s “studentaccounts” website, consider the following: • If the student recently transferred from another DUSD school, it is possible that his network account information has not yet been transferred. Contact the DUSD IT Department Help Desk
Managing Student Accounts (Cont’d) • If a given student’s network account information cannot be located on the school’s “studentaccounts” website, consider the following: • If the student recently transferred from a school outside of the Dysart Unified School District, allow at least 24 hours for SASIxp data to be replicated to the “studentaccounts” website • If it has been more than 24 hours since the student transferred into the school, and the student’s network account information has yet to appear on the “studentaccounts” website, contact the DUSD IT Department Help Desk
Server Hard Drive File Management (Cont’d) • Network Drives • A network drive is actually a folder that resides on a network server and is accessible from your workstation just as if it was one of the local hard drives
File Management (Cont’d) • Network Drives • There are several reasons to store data on network drives and not on the local “C:” drive • Data stored on a network drive is available anywhere in the DUSD network, even if the user logs on to a computer at a different campus
File Management (Cont’d) • Network Drives • There are several reasons to store data on network drives and not on the local “C:” drive • Data stored on a network server is backed up regularly in case of hardware failure, whereas data on a local hard drive is not backed up and can be overwritten by IT personnel any time
File Management (Cont’d) • Network Drives • There are several reasons to store data on network drives and not on the local “C:” drive • Data stored on a network server is only accessible to the users who have permission to access that data, whereas data stored on a local hard drive can be accessed by anyone who logs on to that computer
File Management (Cont’d) • Network Drives • DUSD teachers will have access to four network drives which can be accessed by double-clicking on “My Computer” • “My Computer” is located on the computer desktop, typically in the upper left-hand corner
File Management (Cont’d) • Network Drives
File Management (Cont’d) • “H:” Drive • The “H:” drive is also known as your Home Folder • You are the only staff member who has access to read, write, or delete documents from that location
File Management (Cont’d) • “P:” Drive • The “P:” drive is a place to share documents with others at your school
File Management (Cont’d) • “P:” Drive • There are three folders in the “P:” drive
File Management (Cont’d) • “P:” Drive • There are three folders in the P: drive • The purpose of each of these folders is as follows: • “Apps” • This folder contains application information and data and is maintained by the IT Department. Users should not need to access this folder. This is NOT a place to store or share user files
File Management (Cont’d) • “P:” Drive • There are three folders in the P: drive • The purpose of each of these folders is as follows: • “Public” • Both students and staff have access to this folder. As the name implies, the contents are public information. However, only staff members can add, remove, or change documents in this location
File Management (Cont’d) • “P:” Drive • There are three folders in the P: drive • The purpose of each of these folders is as follows: • “Teams” • This folder is only accessible by staff members of your school and is a good place to put documents that will be shared by groups of people, such as a grade level or a committee. Students cannot view the contents of the folder, but staff can view documents as well as change and remove files.
File Management (Cont’d) • “S:” Drive • The “S:” drive contains a folder for every student at your school • These folders are actually student “H:” drives
File Management (Cont’d) • “S:” Drive • Using the “S:” drive, you can view work that was completed by students and saved to their “H:” drives • The folders are named following the same naming convention as the student network usernames
File Management (Cont’d) • “T:” Drive • The “T:” drive is very similar to the “P:” drive in that it is a convenient way for information to be distributed to interested/concerned parties (from the District Office to teachers and administrators, primarily) • Teachers cannot save items to the “T:” drive; however they can be granted access to items in the “T:” drive on an as-needed basis.
File Management (Cont’d) • Floppy Discs • Storage is rather limited • 1.44 MB • Not a terribly “stable” storage medium • Keep away from heat, sunlight, magnets, moisture, dirt, etc. • A floppy disc bouncing around loose in a purse, briefcase, or backpack will eventually fail (probably sooner than later!) • “Key” Drives (“Flash”, “Pen,” “Thumb”) • CD Recorders
OUTWIT OUTSMART SURVIVOR SURVIVOR OUT-GEEK Survival Tip #7 Laptop Computer Cart Policies & Procedures
Laptop Computer CartPolicies & Procedures • Laptop Computer Cart Use Policies • Teachers may check out one laptop computer cart at a time • The goal is to “spread the wealth” of technology resources throughout the campus • Strive for equity • Research supports the use of less than a 1:1 computer to student ratio to encourage cooperative learning and facilitate differentiated instruction