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History of Stewardship Archdiocese of Brisbane Stewardship Network Gathering 30 August 2007. The Brisbane Story of Stewardship. 2004. Jim Kelley visits Australia & speaks about Stewardship at a National Catholic Administrators’ Conference in Sydney Jim works with the Diocese of Wollongong .
History of StewardshipArchdiocese of BrisbaneStewardship NetworkGathering30 August 2007
2004 • Jim Kelley visits Australia & speaks about Stewardship at a National Catholic Administrators’ Conference in Sydney • Jim works with the Diocese of Wollongong Fr Peter Meneely, Jeremy Howes and Andrew Musial hear Jim speak about Stewardship in Sydney.
October 2005 Fr Peter Meneely, Jeremy Howes and Andrew Musial from Archdiocese of Brisbane & Bishop Peter Ingham and senior leaders from Wollongong diocese visit the USA and attend the International Catholic Stewardship Council Annual Conference in San Francisco & Visits to parishes
Growth of Stewardship in 2006 • First National Stewardship Institutes in North Sydney 2 x 4 day Institutes organised by the Diocese of Wollongong. 130 attended from 15 dioceses Brisbane Archdiocese had 5 parishes represented at the 2006 Institute Albany Creek Noosa District Petrie Goodna Southport
June 2006 • Brisbane Archdiocese hosts one day seminar, June 2006 with Fr Dan Mahon (USA) • About 30 parishes show an interest by attending various short seminars. • Use of the DVD featuring Fr Tom Murphy’s key messages: “Call to be a Holy People” “What I own? & What owns me?”
During 2006 The Archdiocese of Brisbane and the Diocese of Wollongong share the responsibility to invite Jim Kelley to Australia to conduct 2 Institutes in 2006 and to visit 5 dioceses. • Jim Kelley from Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina and Board President of the International Catholic Stewardship Council, visits Australia from 28 May to 21 June.
2007 • The Archdiocese of Brisbane places the FOCUS on SPIRITUALITY The Archdiocese of Brisbane Stewardship Support Committee hosts quarterly meetings for the First Five Stewardship parishes.
2007 Visit of Jim Kelley • Jim speaks at almost 60 sessions across 5 dioceses: Brisbane, • Broken Bay, Maitland Newcastle, Rockhampton and Wollongong.
June 2007 Visit of Jim Kelley Jim Kelley leads the 2 National Stewardship Institutes in North Sydney & Brisbane Bishop Peter Ingham (Wollongong) speaks in Brisbane The Archdiocese hosts the “Season of Stewardship” 10 events during Jim’s visit to Brisbane
What’s happening in Brisbane? 2006 • Briefings & seminar, Institute (5 Brisbane archdiocesan parishes) • Archdiocesan support via Faith & Life Vicariate staff 2007 + • Stewardship Institute June 2007 • Support Network and Ongoing development of Australian resources
How is Stewardship integrated with our vision and priorities?
How is Stewardship integrated with our vision and priorities? • Embrace the personof Jesus – ongoing conversion • Build Communion – creating a sense of ownership • Engage in Mission – sharing of Time, Talent and Treasure
Embrace the personof Jesus – ongoing conversion • Mature disciples make a conscious decision to follow Jesus, everyday, in every way, no matter what the cost
Build Communion – creating a sense of ownership • Stewardship is living out Christ’s instruction to “love one another as I have loved you”. • Stewardship builds happy, generous communities. • Stewardship renews our Church family.
Engage in Mission – sharing of Time, Talent and Treasure • Christian stewardship provides spirituality that a lay person can take home from church, exercise at work and express through personal involvement in both the community and the Church. • Stewardship tells us to share a portion of our time, talent and treasure so that the Gift, Jesus Christ, may be given to those who do not know Him.
Where has Stewardship come from? • Biblical call Many references in the Old Testament Deuteronomy16: 16-17 “..each to give in proportion to the blessings bestowed by God” Proverbs 11: 25 “ who ever refreshes others will be refreshed” Many more references in the New Testament Acts 4: 34 “ they were distributed to each according to need” Luke 6: 38 “ give and gifts will be given to you” 1 Cor 4:1 “ regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God”
A Foundational Resource for Stewardship • 1992 U.S. Bishop’s • Pastoral letter “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response” Oceania Edition 2007
What are the fruits of Stewardship? Brings forth • An attitude of generosity • A greater sense of ownership • A willingness to be involved and supportive • Deepening of spirituality and prayer life • A readiness to share one’s life • Deeper respect for creation and commitment to work for justice
Getting Started. • Read, discuss, pray the U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter • Form a Stewardship team • Introduce Stewardship concepts and language into parish life (newsletter) • Review parish practice through the Stewardship lens • Provide opportunities for ongoing formation
Characteristics of Successful Stewardship parishes • The parish leadership team models Stewardship principles • A specific group is dedicated to promoting Stewardship practices • Growth of Ministry and Mission groups
Some Signs of Successful Stewardship parishes • Members embrace Stewardship as a way of life • Greater resources are offered to the community • Characterised by intentional welcoming & hospitality
Pitfalls to avoid • Don’t rush the process • Don’t use Stewardship to fundraise • Don’t limit Stewardship to parish life • Don’t work alone • Don’t fail to be accountable
Resources • Print and A/V resources (Evangelisation Resources Down Under) www.erdu.com.au • Websites – www.catholicstewardship.org • http://www.charlottediocese.org/stewardship.html • Electronic Newsletters ( Stewardship Enews) • Network meetings
The Future of the Stewardship Approach to Parish Life in Australia • Many dioceses exploring Stewardship and providing support • National network formed – 8 dioceses teleconference monthly • Collaboration for ongoing formation in Stewardship • Building upon successful grass roots experience
International Network • Many Australian Dioceses and some parishes are financial members of the International Catholic Stewardship Council Chris Ehler (Archdiocese of Brisbane) is an elected member of the ICSC Board
Stewardship Gems Spirituality for Life in all aspects Everything belongs to God We are stewards of God’s gifts Gratitude, responsibility, sharing return with increase (Luke 12:48) Practical expression is our use of Time, Talent and Treasure
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10)
The Christian Steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increases to the Lord.
CONTACT for STEWARDSHIP MR CHRIS EHLER Stewardship Support Unit Faith & Life Vicariate The Catholic Centre 143 Edward Street Brisbane Tel 07 3336 9328 Fax 07 33369177 ehlerc@bne.catholic.net.au www.bne.catholic.net.au PHOTO