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Mammals. Class Mammalia. Small number of species ~4500 But probably more successful than most animal groups (except insects) at exploiting all available environments. Class Mammalia. Very diverse group not constrained by particular lifestyle (like flight in birds)
Class Mammalia • Small number of species ~4500 • But probably more successful than most animal groups (except insects) at exploiting all available environments
Class Mammalia • Very diverse group not constrained by particular lifestyle (like flight in birds) • Diversity makes it difficult for layperson to identify various mammals as being closely related
Class Mammalia • Descended from therapsid reptiles with mammal-like characteristics • Important structural changes from reptiles to mammals
Class Mammalia • Limbs from lateral to ventral • Higher center of gravity - less stability • Required greater development of cerebellum - muscular coordination center in brain
Class Mammalia • Separation of air and food passageways in head • Can breathe with mouth full of food • Allows prolonged chewing & some early digestion
Subclass Theria • Most mammals belong to Subclass Theria • Descended from some common ancestor ~150 million years ago
Subclass Theria • Infraclass Metatheria - marsupials - pouched mammals • Infraclass Eutheria - placental mammals
Subclass Prototheria • Monotremes • Small group of egg-laying mammals • So different from other groups of mammals • Entirely different origin?
All mammals • Characteristics unique and diagnostic for mammals • Hair - greatly reduced in aquatic mammals • Mammary glands - milk secreting glands for nourishing young
Integument & Derivatives • Skin generally thicker than in other vertebrates • Dermis thicker than epidermis • Epidermis very thin where covered with hair, thicker on palms, soles
Integument & Derivatives • Hair derived from epidermis • Probably evolved from reptilian scales • Scales still present in some (tail of rat, beaver)
Integument & Derivatives • Grows from follicle • Epidermal structure sunk deep into dermal layer and beyond • Grows by addition of new cells at base of follicle
Integument & Derivatives • Cells pushed upward die from lack of nourishment • Dead cells mostly keratin - same material in nails, claws, feathers
Integument & Derivatives • Hair consists of 3 layers • Medulla - core • Cortex - contains pigment • Cuticle - composed of imbricated scales • Different types of hair result from differential development of the 3 layers
Integument & Derivatives • Each follicle has muscle attached to it - erector muscle • Contraction causes hair to stand up straight • Increase insulation thickness, serve as warning
Fur or Pelage • Most mammals have two kinds of hair • Thick, soft underhair - provides insulation • Coarse, long guard hair - protects and provides coloration
Fur or Pelage • Hair stops growing when it reaches certain length • Remains in follicle until new growth starts, then falls out
Fur or Pelage • Mammals lose hair in periodic molts • Most have 2 annual molts - entire pelage shed (humans shed and replace continually) • Spring - thin summer • Fall - heavy winter
Fur or Pelage • Pigmentation and molts allow mammals to be different colors in different seasons • Brown in summer • White in winter - leukemism
Fur or Pelage • Lack of pigment results in albinism - recessive gene - blocks pigment formation (don’t confuse with leukemism) • Excess of black pigment is melanism
Derivatives of Hair • Vibrissae - sensory hairs on snouts, other parts of head • Incorrectly called whiskers
Derivatives of Hair • Quills - defensive structures in porcupines, hedgehogs, echidnas • Break off after barbed tip embeds in flesh of other animal • Work in deeper with time
Glands • Mammals also have variety of epidermal glands • Greatest variety among vertebrates • 4 basic types
Glands • Sweat glands - simple, tubular, highly coiled • Cover most of body • Not found in other vertebrates • Open directly to skin surface • Two types
Glands • Sweat glands - eccrine glands • Secrete watery sweat for temperature regulation • Hairless regions in most mammals (especially foot pads)
Glands • Some mammals don’t have eccrine glands - rodents, rabbits, whales • Some have them all over body - humans, horses, dogs • Racial differences in abundance in humans
Glands • Sweat glands - apocrine glands • Found in all mammals • Longer, more winding than eccrine glands • Open into follicle at surface • Secretion not involved with heat regulation
Glands • Apocrine gland activity correlated with some aspects of sexual cycles • Human females have twice as many as males
Glands • Scent glands - location and function vary • Communication, warning, defense, attraction • E.g., skunk • Humans have many, but taught to dislike their scent
Glands • Sebaceous glands - associated with hair follicle • Secrete fat (sebum) to keep hair and skin soft • Polite fat - does not turn rancid • Generally all over body - most numerous on human scalp, face
Glands • Mammary glands - modification of apocrine, sebaceous glands? • Present in both genders, functional only in female • Secrete milk to nourish young
Glands • Contain varying quantities of fat (3-5%), protein, carbohydrate, salts • Higher fat content (30-40%) in marine and arctic mammals, where development is rapid
Horns & Antlers • 3 kinds of horns or horn-like structures found in mammals • 1) true horns • 2) antlers • 3) rhino horns
Horns & Antlers • True horns • Found in ruminants like cows, goats, antelope • Hollow sheaths of keratinized epidermis surrounding core of bone arising from skull
Horns & Antlers • Not normally shed • Not branched (but may be greatly curved, twisted) • Found in both sexes
Horns & Antlers • Antlers • Deer family (Cervidae) • Generally males only (except caribou - female’s smaller) • Entirely bone when mature
Horns & Antlers • Annual growth • Develop beneath cover of highly vascularized soft skin - velvet • Growth complete, blood vessels constrict, velvet dies and is rubbed off
Horns & Antlers • Antlers dropped after breeding season • New buds appear within few months • New pair larger, more elaborate • Strain on mineral metabolism - moose, elk must accumulate 50+ lbs of calcium salts from vegetable diet
Horns & Antlers • Rhinoceros horn • Hairlike horny fibers arise from dermal papillae • Cemented together to form single horn • Dagger handles and medicinal uses
Teeth • Teeth are a less obvious characteristic of mammals • Reveal more about lifestyle than any other characteristic • Not in monotremes, some whales, anteaters
Teeth • Diphyodont teeth - two sets of teeth • Set of deciduous “milk teeth” replaced by set of permanent teeth • Reptiles have polyphyodont teeth - many sets - all are homodont - uniform, unspecialized
Teeth • Mammals have heterodont teeth - specialized for various functions
Teeth • Incisors - snip, bite - simple crowns, slightly sharp edges
Teeth • Canines - piercing - pointed, long conical crowns
Teeth • Premolars - shear, slice - flat compressed crowns with 1 or 2 cusps
Teeth • Molars - crushing, grinding - broad with variable cusp arrangement • Always belong to the permanent set
Teeth • Different diets necessitate differing development of different teeth • Carnivores - large canines, some small and/or modified molars and premolars
Teeth • Rodents and herbivores - large incisors, reduced canines, large molars • Incisors grow continually, must be worn away to keep pace with growth