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SARNET in the broader context of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform M. Hugon European Commission DG Research - J – 2 E-mail: Michel.Hugon@ec.europa.eu ERMSAR 2008, Nesseber (Bulgaria) – September 23 - 25, 2008 Euratom FP7 in nuclear fission and radiation protection
SARNET in the broader context of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform M. Hugon European Commission DG Research - J – 2 E-mail: Michel.Hugon@ec.europa.eu ERMSAR 2008, Nesseber (Bulgaria) – September 23 - 25, 2008
Euratom FP7 in nuclear fission and radiation protection Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNE-TP) Interaction with other EU bodies CEG-SAM and international cooperation in FP7 OUTLINE
Euratom research budget € Million 4 years 5 years!
Euratom FP7: fission & radiation protection • Management of radioactive waste: • Geological disposal • Partitioning & Transmutation • Key cross-cutting activities: • Research infrastructures • Human resources, mobility & training SNE ITP • Reactor systems: • Nuclear installation safety • Advanced nuclear systems • Radiation protection: • Risk from low doses • Medical uses of radiation • Emergency management
Results of 2nd Call FP7 - Fission - 2008 Nuclear installation safety Sustainable integration of European research on severe accident phenomenology and management SARNET 2 Numerical coupling of safety-related phenomena NURISP Prediction of irradiation effects on reactor pressure vessel, internals and/or claddings using multi-scale simulation tools PERFORM 60 Structural integrity assessment for safety and lifetime management of the reactor coolant system piping and components (other than the pressure vessel) Risk-informed methodologies for plant life management Advanced nuclear systems + P&T CP-ESFR, FAIRFUELS, CDT FP7- EURATOM Work ProgrammeReactor Systems + P&T
Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNE-TP) Launched in Brussels on 21/09/07 A vision report endorsed by 35 European organisations www.snetp.eu
SNE-TP: Strategic Research Agenda Lifetime management ; Harmonisation nuclear safety practices Improvement fuel-cycle economy Gen. II-III LWRs 2010-12 Sodium cooled reactor prototype Development of alternative technology for FNR (lead or gas) Optimisation design for First of a Kind Reactor 2010-20 2010-20 2020-40 Gen. IV FNRs R&D key technologies (fuel, material, power conversion, H2 production) Construction VHTR prototype New applications 2015-20 Selection of technologies for closed fuel cycle Fuel manufacture workshop Optimisation fuel cycle facilities in support of FNR 2010-12 2012-17 2020-40 Advanced recycling
New nuclear large research infrastructures Jules Horowitz Material Testing Reactor (JHR) PALLAS: production of medical radioisotopes MYRRHA: fast neutron facility Education, training and knowledge management Working group set up in April 2008 Cross-cutting topics Structural materials Pre-normative research, codes and norms Modelling, simulation and methods Fuel research Safety SNE-TP: Strategic Research Agenda
Interaction with other EU bodies HLG (Safety & Waste Management) Technological Platforms (R&D – FP7) FORUM (Governance & Finance)
Created to have a transparent debate on nuclear energy in the EU Meetings: Bratislava (Nov. 2007), Prague (May 2008), Bratislava (Nov. 2008) 3 working groups: Opportunities Competitiveness Financing models Risks Safety harmonisation ⇔ ASAMPSA2 ?? Waste disposal Training and education Transparency Better Information Building Trust & Confidence Best Practices European Nuclear EnergyForum (ENEF)
Three working groups Nuclear Safety (Chair. M. Weightman, UK) Openness and Transparency Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning EU Initiatives where added value Reports to Council and EP High Level Group on Nuclear Safety and Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste
ISTC/STCU Contact Expert Groupon Severe Accident Management (CEG–SAM) • CEG-SAM created in 2002 to review project proposals, give recommendations to GBs, monitor funded projects, promote possibilities of future research • Interaction between SARNET (FP6) and CEG-SAM (ISTC/STCU) well established according to document entitled “Interaction between EC-SARNET and CEG-SAM activities”, which was endorsed by the CEG-SAM at its 7th meeting in Cologne and by the EC-SARNET Governing Board in Paris, both in 2005 • Results of SARNET activities periodically presented to CEG-SAM members • Transmission of ISTC/STCU proposals and project reports related to SAM to SARNET topical co-ordinators • Experimental results of ISTC/STCU projects used for development of knowledge as part of SARNET Joint Programme of Activities (JPA)
Quitesuccessful since its launching in April 2002 4 ISTC projects funded and completed 8 ISTC projects funded and running (out of which 3 are completed) 2 ISTC proposals selected for funding in 2008 under negotiation Topics covered: corium, source term, ASTEC Excellent interaction with SARNET 4 papers presented at ERMSAR 2008 Status of CEG-SAMin September 2008
2007: ~ 25 M€ 2008: ~ 15 M€ 2009: ~ 8 M€ ?? (EC proposal to Member States; results in 2 to 3 weeks) Basic annual cost of ISTC + STCU: ~ 6 M€ Next STCU Governing Board: 20/11/2008 Next ISTC Governing Board: 11/12/2008 Future trend for ISTC and STCU funding from EC
Basic principle: Mutual benefit → sharing of the cost Direct participation of third country partners in Euratom FP projects (exceptionally with or mainly without financial contribution from Euratom) “Coordinated calls” mechanism → joint or coordinated projects resulting from a structured dialogue with a third country FP7 - EURATOM Work ProgrammeNuclear Fission and Radiation Protection International Cooperation
Example of structured dialogue in the Euratom – ROSATOM Working Group Principle: moving from “assistance” to “collaboration approach” Subjects for which cooperation is essential (eligibility criterion): Development of common ground for cooperation in nuclear education, training and knowledge management Advanced simulation tools for Gen-IV fast neutron reactors (KORSAR – JOKER – NURESIM) Containment thermalhydraulics of current and future LWRs for severe accident management (KMS – PANDA – MISTRA) Molten salt reactor FP7 - EURATOM Work ProgrammeNuclear Fission and Radiation Protection Cooperation with Russia
3rd Call Fission - 2009 Call Identifier: FP7 - Fission - 2009 Date of publication: 05th December 2008 http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/euratom-fission/news-events_en.html Call deadline:21st April 2009 Evaluation of proposals: June 2009 Indicative budget (M€): 48.9 This Work Programme calls for the cooperative actions that will be financed by Euratom Both parties, Euratom and Russian partners, will develop together the separate Euratom and Russian proposals, as well as the coordination mechanism FP7 - EURATOM Work ProgrammeNuclear Fission and Radiation Protection Cooperation with Russia
Continue its previous tasks with ISTC/STCU projects and interaction with SARNET/SARNET 2 Include in CEG-SAM co-ordinated projects financed by Euratom and ROSATOM following the 3rd call Fission – 2009 to be published on 5/12/2008 Enlarge the scope of the “CEG SAM” to a “CEG on Safety and Accident Management” to be part of the Euratom – ROSATOM Working Group Investigate the possibility of establishing a structured dialogue between Euratom and Ukraine Future of CEG-SAM
SARNET 2 important R&D project in the “safety” cross-cutting topic of SNE-TP, which covers all reactor systems Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) to be finalised in 2009 1st General Assembly in Brussels on 26/11/08 Broadening of the scope of the “CEG SAM” to a “CEG on Safety and Accident Management” 3rd call of Euratom FP7 published on 5/12/08 (deadline: 21/4/09) SARNET 2 Durable Integration Structure (DIS) How many organisations will use ASTEC in the future ? When SAM issues for Gen II and Gen III reactors are closed down, the SARNET 2 community should address SAM issues in Gen-IV systems FISA Conference in Prague (22 – 26 June 2009) CONCLUSION