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Project Management 6 th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects

Project Management 6 th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects. September 2006 Vancouver, Canada. Project Management. Responsibility for management of project rests with the Project Overseer (PO) Secretariat role is to advise PO on implementation; provide support on budgetary control; and

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Project Management 6 th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects

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  1. Project Management6th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects September 2006 Vancouver, Canada

  2. Project Management • Responsibility for management of project rests with the Project Overseer (PO) • Secretariat role is to • advise PO on implementation; • provide support on budgetary control; and • disburse funds according to approved budget

  3. Project Management • Use 6th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects, downloadable from www.apec.org.

  4. Project Management • Payments • Payments are on a reimbursement basis, subject to certification from the PO that the services have been provided satisfactorily • Advances are possible in limited circumstances (Chapter 9 and Annex F)

  5. Project Management • Communicate with APEC Secretariat at least once every 2 months • Communicate with contractor at least once every 2 months for the duration of the contract • Many problems can be prevented if these simple steps are followed

  6. Project Management • Contracts for direct labour (Annex H2) • In advance of work done • Between APEC Secretariat and company/institution (preferred) or individual

  7. Project Management • Selection of contractor • At or under US$20,000 – by PO, a justification for the selection must be provided to the PD at APEC • Over US$20,000 – by competitive bidding for quality and cost: PO to be assisted by Selection Committee from the relevant forum • US$20,001 -50,000 – PO/Selection Committee to prepare Request For Proposal (RFP) (Annex H7) and invite tender from at least three potential contractors with a reasonable likelihood of being able to complete the work • US$ 50,000 and above – as above, but PD will circulate RFP to contact points in all member economies and ensure posting on APEC website

  8. Project Management • Tasks to be performed under the contract should be placed in the RFP (or Terms of Reference (TOR), where there is no competitive bidding) • Should be clearly laid out, in accordance with project proposal • Should have a time-line (related to milestone payments, where necessary) • The proposal from the winning contractor must conform to the outcome requirements of the RFP. Variations in process and budget (within the permissible maximum) can be accepted

  9. Project Management • Meetings/ workshops/ seminars • PO should commence preparation at least 2 months before the event • Venue confirmation • Circulation of draft agenda • Speaker/ expert identification • Circulation to economies regarding participants (only participants from travel-eligible economies may receive APEC funding) (Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Philippines; Peru; the Russian Federation; Thailand; and Viet Nam)

  10. Project Management • Meetings/ workshops/ seminars (cont) • PDs will provide POs with the following • UN per diem of the venue city, to ensure that accommodation costs are kept within 60% of this • List of travel-eligible economies to ensure that travel costs are only offered to be reimbursed for participants from these economies. (Speaker/ expert travel costs may be reimbursed from any economy. Government officials’ costs should normally be paid by the concerned government, unless there is a waiver for government costs. Per diems for participants are limited to active participants at a maximum of 2 per travel-eligible economy)

  11. Project Management • Meetings/ workshops/ seminars (cont) • At least 1 month before the event PO should provide the APEC Secretariat with the • final agenda • venue location and official hotel/ accommodation (with tax inclusive room only rates) • list of speakers/ experts (with contact details, tasks to be performed and honoraria (if any) to be offered) – no more than 6 speakers per day • list of participants (with contact details and tasks to be performed)

  12. Project Management • Travel undertakings (Annex H4) • To be prepared by APEC Secretariat in advance of travel • Restricted economy class airfare for all(except that experts/ speakers may be eligible for restricted business class airfare if their airport to airport travel time exceeds 12 hours: some further relaxation may be possible for particularly distinguished speakers (consult Director (Finance) in advance)

  13. Project Management • Travel undertakings (cont) • Per diem for venue city is paid for the duration of meeting and the arrival day. An additional payment of 75% of the per diem for the venue city is paid to cover all other expenses.

  14. Project Management • Travel undertakings (cont) • There are occasions when the PO/ events contractor proposes to handle the travel and per diems. This is acceptable, provided • Secretariat approves each air fare (as above) • Per diems are paid according to APEC rules for period actually present (per diem form: Annex H8 must be signed by each eligible person) • Undertaking to be made with PO/ contractor

  15. Project Management • Travel undertakings (cont) • APEC-funded travellers from travel-eligible economies may receive an advance on application to cover airfare and per diem • Travellers to be provided with an advance must sign a special undertaking (Annex F1)

  16. Project Management • Hosting arrangements • Reimbursable if provided for in the budget. • NOT eligible for reimbursement are the following: • Meals, coffee breaks (unless as part of reasonable hotel package. • Promotional banners • Souvenirs (including briefcases) • Flowers • Sight seeing trips • IMPORTANT PO/ event organizer should ensure NO display of national flags/ play national anthems, etc.

  17. Project Management • Publications • POs should be aware of and comply with the APEC Policy and Guidelines on Publications (downloadable from APEC website) • These Guidelines will be attached, where relevant, to contracts • Encourage use of internet for distribution • Mock ups of publications to be provided to APEC Publishing & Corporate Affairs Manager prior to printing • Printing costs will not be reimbursed until publications are received by the Information Manager • Even if APEC is not paying for the publication, PO must provide APEC with copies of all final outcomes from projects. This also applies to self-funded projects.

  18. Project Management • Evaluation of completed projects - New evaluation frameworks (QAF) have been introduced from 2006 for OA and ASF projects. There is a slightly different from for TILF projects Framework I for big projects and multi-year projects Framework II (simple format) for majority of the projects - Evaluation process: PO →Forum Small Group →Chair/Lead Shepherd → Secretariat →BMC Small Group →BMC meeting - Time frame: Within 12 weeks to submit the report to BMC

  19. Project Management THE END

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