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Dibles 6 th Edition. Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills 6 th Edition By: Kathleen Kelsey (Kate), Keiko Shofu. What is DIBELS. D ynamic I ndicators of B asic E arly L iteracy S kills (DIBELS)
Dibles 6th Edition Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills 6th Edition By: Kathleen Kelsey (Kate), Keiko Shofu
What is DIBELS • Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) • Assess and Progress Monitor the acquisition and progress of early literacy skills (fluency) from kindergarten through sixth grade. • Researched, reliable and valid • Standardized test that provides a measure of risk • Time efficient /short - 1 minute (except Initial Sound Fluency) • Indicator a student’s progress • Educators can: • interpret scores relative to research-based benchmark goals • compare them across students and over time • The DIBELS Data: a web-based database to enter student performance results and create reports based on scores and keep track of students progress
History of the DIBELS • “DIBELS were developed based on measurement procedures for Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM), which were created by Deno and colleagues through the Institute for Research and Learning Disabilities at the University of Minnesota in the 1970s-80s (e.g., Deno and Mirkin, 1977; Deno, 1985; Deno and Fuchs, 1987; Shinn, 1989). Like CBM, DIBELS were developed to be economical and efficient indicators of a student's progress toward achieving a general outcome.” • https://dibels.org/
What is DIBELS • What does it assess? • 5 Big Ideas of early literacy: • Phonological Awareness, • Alphabetic Principle, • Fluency with Connected Text, • Vocabulary, • Comprehension • Letter naming Fluency • Who does it assess? • Kindergarten (pre-kindergarten) through 6th grade students • Individually administered
How Does it Assess?Items • Letter Naming Fluency (LNF): • For most children from fall of kindergarten through fall of first grade • A benchmark goal is not providedfor Letter Naming Fluency
How Does it Aseess?Items • Measure of Phonological Awareness: • Initial Sounds Fluency (ISF): identifying and producing the initial sound of an orally given word. The beginning and middle of kindergarten • Phonemic Segment Fluency (PSF): segmenting and producing the individual sounds within a given three or four phoneme word fluently. The middle of kindergarten to the end of 1st grade • Measure of Alphabetic Principle and Phonics: • Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF): verbally producing each letter-sound of corresponding letter and blending letters together to form a word. The middle of kindergarten to beginning of 2nd grade • Oral Reading Fluency (ORF): (If accuracy is less than 95%.) The middle of 1st grade to 6th grade
How Does it Aseess?Items • Measure of Accuracy and Fluency with Connected Text: • Oral Reading Fluency (ORF): reading connected text in grade-level materials. Middle of 1st grade to 6th grade (RTF is optional.) • Measure of Comprehension: • Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) and Retell Fluency (RTF): understanding of verbally read connected text by reading orally. Middle of 1st grade to 6th grade (RTF is optional.) • Measure of Vocabulary and Oral Language: • Word Use Fluency (WUF): accurately using a provided word in the context of a sentence verbally. Kindergartenthrough third grade (optional)
Kindergarten: Three Assessment Periods Per Yearhttps://dibels.uoregon.edu/benchmark.php?iframe=true&width=100%&height=100%
Sixth Grade: Three Assessment Periods Per Yearhttps://dibels.uoregon.edu/benchmark.php?iframe=true&width=100%&height=100% • NOTE: Benchmark goals for grades 4 - 6 are estimated, and may be subject to revision based on future research.
More Details on DIBELS • Why do you want to use it? • Resources are VERY inexpensive, there is quality empirical evidence, short evaluation periods, progress monitoring, benchmarking all included • Can there be accommodations? • Yes • Who can administer it? • Level 1 individual – recommended that they are familiar with doing benchmark assessments • Where can you get it? • Online • PRTC library
Practical implications of progress monitoring • Show progress monitoring sheet – flip to other page • Do teachers actually monitor weekly? • How do they do it?
Quality of test • Lay out – very straightforward to read and administer (see sheet) • Each item is only 1 minute long • Accommodations – (see sheet) • Repeat test with different tester in a different setting • Repeated assessment with different probes on different days • Choice of administrator if possible • Practice items can be repeated once and a lead in example given • Instructions can be repeated and clarified • Accommodations for visual impairments • Underline the words when reading
Advantages • Short • Clearly laid out • Empirical evidence is high (validity, reliability) • Instructions are straightforward • Highlights level of intervention needed • Brief standardized measure with forms that can be used to assess global skill growth over time • Dynamic b/c prereading skills are assessed on a continual basis and as “indicators” b/c they measure key components of basic early literacy skills • Multiple parallel forms of each measure that can be used to monitor skill progress for students receiving additional instructional support
Disadvantages Everything is timed Nonsense words? Get to repeat the tests
Does the test analyze the errors? • Not directly • You can see the errors and analyze it on your own, but are not given any insight as to what the errors could indicate
Suggestion for remediation • Show the tables from the guide
Overall Evaluation • Overall positive evaluation • KATE SHOW WEB SITE