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Collaborative partnership between the Office of the Governor, the Florida Head Start Association, Florida Institute of Education at the University of ...
Slide 1:State Advisory Council on EarlyChildhood Education and Care andEarly Childhood ComprehensiveSystems Project
Presentation to the Children & Youth Cabinet March 17, 2009
Slide 2:Purpose of the Presentation
Illustrate common goals across the Children and Youth Cabinet, State Advisory Council on Early Education and Care, and Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Project Discuss required composition of the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care and the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Project requirements for a Multi-Agency Early Childhood Team
Slide 3:Purpose of the Presentation(cont’d)
Objectives: Find an appropriate location for the required Governor’s appointed State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care and the Multi-Agency Early Childhood Team Avoid creating a new entity that operates outside of the purview and direction of the Children and Youth Cabinet Avoid duplication of groups/functions Increase collaboration in planning and implementing birth to five services
Slide 4:Florida’s Head Start State Collaboration Office
Collaborative partnership between the Office of the Governor, the Florida Head Start Association, Florida Institute of Education at the University of North Florida, and the Agency for Workforce Innovation Office of Early Learning Provides the capacity to advance systems-building initiatives and multi-agency agreements in eight priority areas
Slide 5:Revised Head Start Act of 2007
The Governor of the State shall: Designate or establish a council to serve as the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care for children from birth to school entry; and Designate an individual to coordinate activities of the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care
Slide 6:Functions of the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care
Phased in and Contingent upon Funding Conduct a periodic Needs Assessment concerning the quality and availability of early childhood education Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 2.a., 4.b., 5.c. Identify opportunities for, and barriers to, collaboration and coordination among Federally-funded and State-funded child development Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 1.c., 1.e., 3.a., 5.a. Develop recommendations for increasing participation of children in child care Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 4.a. Develop recommendations for establishing a unified data collection system for early childhood education Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 1.b.
Slide 7:Functions of the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care (cont’d)
Develop recommendations regarding statewide professional development and career advancement plans Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 4.d. Assess the capacity and effectiveness of 2- and 4-year public and private institutions of higher education toward supporting early childhood education Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 4.c. Make recommendations for improvements in State Early Learning Standards Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 3.c., 4.a.
Slide 8:Functions of the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care (cont’d)
Shall hold public meetings and submit a statewide strategic report addressing the activities described above Meet periodically to review implementation of the recommendations and report changes
Slide 9:Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Project
Managed by the Department of Health Funded by Federal Health Resource and Service Administration (HRSA) New Grant Application Submitted March 11, 2009
Slide 10:Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Project (cont’d)
Purpose: Enable children to be healthy and ready to learn at school entry Create partnerships and collaborations Enhance support to families and communities Requires a Multi-Agency Early Childhood Team to coordinate early childhood system initiatives
Slide 11:Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Project’s Core Components
Access to Health Insurance and Medical Homes Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 3a., 3b., 3c. Mental Health and Social Emotional Development Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 2b. Early Care and Education/Child Care Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 4a., 4b., 4d. Parenting Education Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 2a., 2b. Family Support Children and Youth Cabinet Goals: 2a., 2b., 2e.
Slide 16:Decision Options
Designate a fourth standing committee of the Children and Youth Cabinet to: Address Early Childhood Issues for the Children and Youth Cabinet Complete the work of the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care Serve as the Multi-Agency Early Childhood Team for the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Project
Slide 17:Decision Options (cont’d)
Form an independent Multi-Agency workgroup designated by the Governor to: Complete the work of the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care Serve as the Multi-Agency Early Childhood Team for the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Project
Slide 18:Decision Options (cont’d)
Either designated entity would work with the current workgroup that is providing research and assistance to the Children and Youth Cabinet on implementation of the Strategic Plan
Slide 19:Possible Funding
State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care – Competitive one-time startup grant of not less than $500,000 to pay for the Federal share of developing and implementing a plan. Requires 70% state match, totaling $1.6 million
Slide 20:Contact Information
Lilli Copp, B.S.W. Director, Head Start Collaboration Office Phone: (850) 921-3467 Email: Lilli.Copp@flaawi.com Phyllis Sloyer, R.N., Ph.D., PAHM, FAAP Division Director, CMS Network & Related Programs (850) 245-4200 ext: 4218 Email: Phyllis_Sloyer@doh.state.fl.us