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Marketing your Early Years and Childcare Business . Maureen Askew AskAskew EarlyYears and Childcare Business Consultancy . Logos and Branding . Use Fonts Carefully. Marketing .
Marketing your Early Years and Childcare Business Maureen Askew AskAskew EarlyYears and Childcare Business Consultancy
Marketing • Few nursery owners and managers have experience or qualifications in marketing Meaning many struggle because they either lack marketing skills or they throw money haphazardly at marketing, often with no idea of whether their efforts are working. • TEST and monitor every aspect of your marketing • When, where and how you advertise • Cost against result
Advertising • Stop spending money on advertising unless you are certain it works • Avoid paying the full rate • The headline is key – it’s what grabs attention • Be specific, factual and get to the point • Use the magic word YOU • Include a call to action – tell them what you want them to do – call NOW for a free trail session • Just because others advertise in certain publications, do not assume their ads are working.
Does your marketing say? ‘Here’s what we’ve got, here’s what it will do for you, here’s how to get it • Do you have a marketing strategy and budget? • Have you identified your target market? • Do you monitor what’s effective and what’s not? • What does your marketing say about you? • Is your message consistent throughout all your marketing activities? • Brochures • Email • Website • Facebook page • Advertisements • Direct mail • Voicemail
Embrace Technology • Develop a website and keep it up to date • Set up a business Facebook page - add content regularly • Set up a Twitter account mine is @askewmaureen follow relevant accounts #EYTalking #NurseryWorld #Lancashirehour #Northwesthour • LinkedIn • Have a QR code printed on any literature • Register on childcare websites – www.daynurseries.co.uk • Attend local networking events
Free/Low Cost Marketing Include your business on Google free business listing Make use of free offers or trials – business cards from vista print Get listed on free directories www.daynurseries.co.uk Word of mouth referrals Create a database of past, current and potential customers, including any enquiries Use Mail chimp to create your email newsletter, send to everyone on your database Free Business page on Facebook Tweet Respond to questions on forums – Nursery World, LinkedIn, Mumsnet etc. to get free exposure Cross promote and partner with complementary businesses. Contact the local press with attention grabbing stories Write short articles for local family /community publications Make sure the sign outside your building is visible Invest in professional voicemail www.loveaudio.co.uk
Thank you and any ?s Maureen Askew AskAskew EarlyYears and Childcare Business Consultancy Email: maureen@askaskew.co.uk www.askaskew.co.uk Twitter @askewmaureen Mob: 07791552767