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The Bible Story. Macedonia. Medo - Persia. Greece. Asia Minor. Rome. Babylonia. Mediterranean Sea. Israel. Nile. Lands of the Bible. Egypt. Red Sea. Turkey. Mediterranean Sea. Israel. Cyprus. Noah’s Ark 2. Creation. Garden of Eden. Israel. Egypt. Fall. Rescue. Mount
Macedonia Medo- Persia Greece Asia Minor Rome Babylonia Mediterranean Sea Israel Nile Lands of the Bible Egypt Red Sea
Turkey Mediterranean Sea Israel Cyprus Noah’s Ark 2
Garden of Eden Israel Egypt
Mount Ararat Turkey Mediterranean Sea Israel Cyprus
Tower of Babel Israel Egypt
Abraham’s Journey to Egypt Canaan Mediterranean Sea Nile Delta Nile Egypt Sinai
Jacob’s Wanderings Canaan Mediterranean Sea Dead Sea Hebron
Joseph’s Journey to Egypt Canaan Mediterranean Sea Joseph sold to caravan Nile Delta Nile Potiphar & Pharaoh Sinai Egypt Joseph’s Journey to Egypt
Great Sea (Mediterranean) Route of the Exodus Jericho Canaan Nile Delta 12 Spies Red Sea Egypt Route of the Exodus Mt Sinai
12 Tribes of Israel A s h e r Naphtali Galilee Zebulun Issachar Mediterranean River M a n a s s e h Jordan G a d Ephraim Dan Benjamin Jericho Mt.Nebo Jerusalem Reuben J u d a h Dead Sea Simeon ©
Hittite Empire Phoenicia Galilee Mediterranean River Canaan Jordan Ammon Jerusalem Moab Dead Sea Edom Philistia Midian © Other Nations Nations of Canaan
Solomon’s Israel Phoenicia Galilee River Mediterranean Shechem Jordan Israel Jerusalem Philistia Dead Sea ©
Divided Kingdom Syria Phoenicia Galilee Mediterranean River Samaria Israel Jordan Ammon Jerusalem Dead Sea Judah Moab Philistia Edom
Sea of Galilee Nazareth Mediterranean Jordan River Jerusalem Bethlehem Dead Sea Egypt Jesus’ Childhood Israel
A. Power (Acts 1-2:13) B. Proclamation (2:14-3:26) C. Persecution (Acts 4:1-8:3) D. Paul (Acts 9:1-28:31) Church
Paul-1st Missionary Journey 1st Missionary Journey Acts 13 & 14 Antioch (Pisidian) Iconium Perga Lystra Attalia Derbe Antioch Seleucia Paphos Salamas Cyprus Satellite Image - NASA
Philippi Rome Thess Ephesus Athens Corinth Caesarea Jerusalem Egypt 2nd Missionary Journey Mediterranean
Philippi Rome Thess Ephesus Athens Antioch Corinth Mediterranean Caesarea Jerusalem Egypt 3rd Missionary Journey