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Spirit Quest. A magical adventure-guidebook that uses the tools of universal truths to Transmit the seeds of wisdom into their own soul That will help the reader in their own Unknowing quest to ultimate thought manifestation.
Spirit Quest A magical adventure-guidebook that uses the tools of universal truths to Transmit the seeds of wisdom into their own soul That will help the reader in their own Unknowing quest to ultimate thought manifestation.
Welcome to a metaphysical guide book to bending reality into your own making. Think of it as a mind adventure that you will travel through in order to uncover lost Seeds of Wisdom that you can absorb and apply in your own creative life and world that you are living right now.
Keys to unlocking the mystery The key to understanding the Mystery is about uncovering the meaning behind these carefully articulated and constructed words that I’m laying out for you in a fictional narrative. Follow the narrative device and discover the purpose within the symbols of each character. Each word and definition, each Seed of Wisdom, is like a bread crumb that leads you further into the dream that will lead you back into your own changed and waking life, in the end. For every plight there is a symbol to be discovered. For every problem there is a universal lesson learned. Everything in this book, great and small, is a symbol representing something more. Look hard. Search deep. Every arrow points to a truth that you can find in your every day life. Every word underlinedis a law of physics or important concept. Every word italicizedis a major event or inside thought that affects the reality surrounding the story-teller. Every *dashed mark describes an action that’ll help you see more clearly. Every space is a space in thought because the story moves at its own space/time progression. Look behind the life force of this ultimate love story [mixed with science fiction horror and imaginative fantasy elements] to realize what it all means. And remember that this book is a creation made out of love [as we’re mixed with a little bit of everything else too.] We are all searching for the love to complete us, by the way. Realize this love and all it teaches and know all the powers of creation.
The Laws of Physics • #1 You must begin from the Dream and then enter into Reality. That’s how we all enter the collective world we live in today. This process is the same here too. • #2 You must be ready to take on The Mission. • Deeper explanation: The soul’s journey starts only when you’re ready for the mission. You must be strong enough to push past the portals of normal existence, to adventure into the extraordinary. You must swim against the currents and inevitably,break through the walls of your own crushing paradigm, which is a self-constructed set of rules based in society. • #3 You must be Physically, Mentally and Spiritually capable, inside and out, to truly take on The Mission. All levels of your biology must be prepared. • Deeper Explanation: You must be ready to travel beyond what you know and who you’ve always thought you were. This journey isn’t easy. The mission at hand is life-shattering, insatiable and it’ll challenge the very fibers of your soul. You will shake when this is over. You’re reason will quake. You will question everything. And you must be capable of this. • Now, you may be wondering, *when will I know when I’m ready for this mission? • #4 You will be ready to take on the Mission when the First Question forms. • Deeper Explanation: You may feel your intuition shuffle and create subtle sensations, like the hairs that prickle at the end of your skin, or hearing a subconscious whispering, or maybe just a feeling that this book isn’t a normal book at all. A question will form in your mind and at that moment the magic starts to unwind. This is when you’ll be ready to persevere. • And know that it all takes (1) question for the Spirit Quest to trip. • You can’t be lazy now because once you start the Spirit Quest you are destined to complete it. It interlocks into your destiny of creating all other worlds beyond this one. Because I really wouldn’t worry about if you’re ready. That’s not even a question. • Finally, here’s the last law that’ll knock your socks off. • #4 If you’re reading these words, then your Journey has already begun.
Welcome to the Spirit Quest. The Adventure’s already begun.
“There is a perfect balance of this Universe of Creation that exists for one thousand years. Every thousand years, the balance tips, and a new player falls onto the scales, to be the new One reborn, able to right the discordance and set a new balance once more.” -The Magic Law
The Beginning >>The universe begins with the birth of a single thought. I am a born catalyst of my mind’s own creations. My name’s Elizabeth, by the way. I named myself that an eternity ago. “I’ve learned a lot since then and mostly it’s from all of my inevitable mistakes,” I say. “I wasn’t born perfect. Here’s the main lesson the universe taught me: I’ve come to understand that everything begins with love.Love is the very center force of all creation itself.” >>I’m floating in a nexus of a web of realities and infinite possibilities right now… excuse my distant communication…. “You see, life has this intricate balance that can be tipped by the very feathers of your thoughts alone. I am forming all of this right now, in Imagination, which happens to be playing right in your own mind too. I am at the distant point of all of creation at this time.” *I am forming… I am forming… I am… just breathe… Flash Narration: I exist as an immortal girl with infinite powers given to me by my maker, my author, who created this universe within a universe… that is so real… I live by my own set of laws, in this dimension that is as real to me as your reality exists to you now… And when the balance tips in my own dimension, a new wave of realities are born, just like that, affecting everything else, even you… the reader… the watcher… “My reality is hurtling into your own world because imagination spans this dream reality and your own. This is the link between both worlds. It gives you the ability to envision this world and someday an entire world on your own. This is real you know. “ I am Realizing Myself…
Prologue I’m a mysterious entity creating and destroying with the potential of infinity. Here I am. I am an immortal girl creating and weaving in my own imaginative undertakings. I don’t understand too much right now. I don’t know too much about dream work or manifestation. I am a developing girl of unlimited potential still barely learning about my own immortality and the qualities that shape my absurd identity. As long as I am a mystery, here in this book, and out there in oblivion, the world surrounding me is left undistinguished. I look around, as a barely actualized little thing. I can hardly grasp anything at this point. Everything in my surroundings is a little obscure, just inter-galactic space, stars and planets that are meshed into unformed globs and undistinguishable debris. *My home planet has formed now. This is to be and will always be my Home. Life happens from the Center of Origins and this is where I Belong. I’m living in a far away castle, cradled in ancient magic, surrounded in thick, enchanting forest that surrounds every living aspect of the known universe of my home. This is a palace for other immortals, like me, who possess the profound knowledge to act as gods to the other worlds imagined. We play in the web of the dimensional spirals interwoven in all sanctions of life. *We are all connected and joined within matrixes of parallel worlds and mixed realities. I’m sitting in this throne of eternity, radiating perfect bliss, in the balance of old and new. I am shaped in these stone words of the present-time matrix and everything is the way it should be. I’m lying perfect in stationary contentment yet still moving in light-years and beyond.
My Love’s Counterpoint I look beside me, to see a beautiful boy sitting next to me. He might have manifested the moment I thought about love. I don’t know where he came from, or if he was sitting beside me all along, but I’m excited he’s here. He could be the manifestation of all my love. He could be the spirit of love. He could just be my own love of the universe. I just know that he is my soul’s Recognition of a Counterpoint. He is my all. My large hazel eyes soak in his lustrous essence as if he and his white aura were butternut candy. I notice his glorious blond hair. I study him as if he his own presence was a lesson to be learned. His hair is a gentle warm hill of gold, rolling as soft and as fine as baby powder. I notice his eyes that are heart-stopping-dumbfounded enchanting to look into. They are windows of my own universe it seems. They are peering at me like orbs of a lost world in itself. His eyes are so brilliantly blue, singing just like the ocean waves, in a faraway and mystical land. They are extremely intelligent and I feel myself compelled by the expressions twinkling on his face. His eyes always seem to see right into me, peering into my soul, so profoundly deep and always concerned. If those waves could speak, the tides would be music to my ears. I could sing to those waves every night, for years and lifetimes to come. I would give me life to be music for him too. Because he is the music to my very life.
-The Purpose of My Reality I must achieve not only the balance of the soul’s yin and yang, but to also sustain it the man and woman, the duality of all things in nature, to foster the ultimate balance and establish the true power of all creation henceforth so I can create in total perfection.
The problem is: I don’t know love enough to know for certain. I don’t know what love means. I don’t know if I’m even capable of love.
Fear Shatters Perfect Worlds This unknown entity, doubt, from inside me turns into a dark abyss of whirling reactions - spawning a whole universe of mixed thoughts. The nexus of this little, inspired creation begins to toil, like a villain of a natural wonder, ruthless like a flickering dragon. Thought figments begin to roll, without my control, right out of my mind, bleeding out of the cracks of my heart, running rampant in air, in the worst ways. Like thunder, like a hurricane, the waves hit me, like a blast of hard wind. It’s here; peril begins to spout, like volcanic magma, ready to blow. >> Oh man. Doubt and fear are emotions that lash inside me now. I can feel them rearranging my particles, and they shift my perception. This emotion is so strong. It’s upsetting the Balance. These thought forms of uncertainty push me into unknown regions of my mind, creating disaster in my reality. Oh no, these atoms are reacting to my thoughts. It’s already happening, even as I’m thinking about it and I don’t know how to stop it. I fear I’m losing control.
*The glass walls around me riddle and shake. They crack and break and the striking palace is warping into dilapidated ruins just before my eyes. The walls are flashing into old stone heaps. >>The rooms are disappearing and being drizzled into a forsaken water world, which light years from now, will be a rickety farm house with a lost and stark wounded past. The window erupts from in front of me. I scream loud and long. I have nothing to keep me balanced now. I lose my grip on this once perfect world that is my true homeland, my mother land, where the entire universe begins. Nobody is here to save me, and more and more, I think Devin doesn’t love me now. His love isn’t saving me. No one is here in my fear and confusion. It’s just me here. He’s not here for me and that thought pushes me more into isolation, unleashing a storm of Uncertainty.
>>I let the darkness eat at me, consume me and spit me out into a place that isn’t my true home. My thoughts are destructive silver blades that wipe out the worlds around me. My fear distorts the webs of realities that rule this universe. It scatters the physics that are attached to the order of this immortal plane and the mortal one called “Earth. “ My surroundings are thrown into a ferocious area of the vast unknown, which is a beast that acts like a vortex, pulling all elements into a darker and deeper hole like a never-ending wound. I don’t know what’s happening, and I’m all alone now, as my isolation gives birth to more isolation. I can’t see my love anymore. Atoms are reacting too quickly, too fast for me to comprehend. The universe has even become a stranger to me. I’m stranded .
-The Laws of Virtue The Laws of Virtue state that an immortal being must awake into beauty and love to create the boundless beauty and love of all creation. It is against virtue for immortal powers to be awakened in the Dark. The reaction of this will create a deadly chain reaction that will only tumble in a tremulous direction. The road of this broken virtue leads only to terror.
Darkness has only one home and that is darkness. From the Center of that Darkness radiates just more darkness. You can’t escape it when you’re in it.
Incarnated into a Seemingly Ordinary Human Being I blink. A new story is formed. New cards are stacked. I’m still living in the now. My name’s still Elizabeth, that’s good, I happen to like my name. I’m still an immortal with infinite powers but I’m mostly forgotten in this new paradox of my creation. *With a whoosh and a big bang, a parallel world split into new dimensions. I’ve grown into person with an unexplainable past and unintelligible future. I’m complicated at 20-years of human age. I’m spoiled beyond belief. *Not too much to talk about. I suck at narration. Sorry. >> Time speeds up. I live in an expensive hotel since I’ve learned to use my psychic and unnatural powers to my own benefit. Yep, what I said is true. I am indeed using my magical powers of Alchemy and the Soul’s Creation to produce an incredible amount of money that caters to the loneliness that inspires this thoughtless deed. It’s a wonderful cycle that keeps me occupied and I’m being sarcastic by the way. I’m sorry, I’ve become a little bitter from all of this chaos really.
*I’ve become less responsive, realizing its easier to just let the stuff collect, knowing that one day it’ll all self-destruct and begin anew once more. I know it’ll happen someday. For even this world to explode or get gobbled up by the sun, or for me to die as a mortal and be Reborn into my Awakened state or as less of a being than this one. Now, I’m not saying it’ll happen tomorrow, but it could, depending on the Nothingness and how close it is to outweighing the Balance of All Creation. I’m just one Immortal but my thoughts are powerful. They are so powerful, that they can change the tides of an entire ocean of events. Now, I wouldn’t want to manifest the end of days right now, because let’s face it, it’s tough being a human already, and I’d rather live through my days than just have to start all over again. I wonder, maybe someone else has it out for me. I know that could be paranoia, but it’s still a Thought.
Earth is as an Alternate Reality, Life on Repeat, *GLITCH IN MATRIX I graduated college and then I decided to profit off of my psychic awareness because (1) it’s as if I’ve made the decision before and (2) this reality doesn’t even matter to me. I don’t know how to leave though so I might as well make this reality a comfortable one. So I chose to live in the grand Embassy Suites where I would commence to vegetate in my filthy richness. It was all I could do. Besides, I don’t need to work in this world. I made this world as it is. And Life is a Tricky Matrix and I’m living different parallel lives all at once, all freaked out, something’s happening, what’d going on? I know this. I’ve been here before. It always feels like déjà vu, that’s when I know I’ve been here, like realities are blending in, not able to sustain on its own, I’m not able to be sustained, as each fraction of me is searching for the meaning to why she’s alive in the first place. [*GLITCH: The Journey Begins. Where One Life Ends. Heart Beats. Where One life Begins. It happens in a second. It happens by the instance of once blinking. You’re Living a New Life. It’s all Happening Right Now. Are You Still Reading This? Because You’re Here Experiencing This. If You Can See This In Your Mind You Are Imagining It and The World of Imagination Is Real, It Is Where All Creation Begins, It is where the Question Forms Are You Following?!? Wake Up.]
>> A moment of silence descends and a strange scent of Change begins to alter the very appearance of my hotel room. *Time ticks like a sloth in peanut-butter. More of that weird change-feel, as if molecules have been disturbed<< Moments linger. They keep lingering. The linger is now lingering even. The heck. Still, Nothing’s happening. *A stealthy breeze slightly moves the air around me. I feel a prickle of an old presence touch my skin. It reminds me of a life I’ve never had. It reminds me of a love that I’d never known. It reminds me of a name that I can’t remember. The breeze ruffle through my lumpy hair and Flash Narration: The window isn’t open. That realization feels like a crescendo that will soon spring forth sound. It’d be impossible for a breeze to occur without a window open. The air conditioning isn’t on because there isn’t any. I didn’t create the hotel this way. I built this hotel from my own Creation Powers so there’s no way it would suddenly have air conditioning either. Unless there was a new maker in town. The breeze gives me goose bumps all over. That’s because it’s not physically possible for the Maker to be there. This would Change everything. My eyebrows are drawing into each other.
- Patterns of a Changing Reality Molecules form and give birth like a snowflake expanding in water. The patterns are intricate with wild complexity that is limitless in nature and imagination. The pattern is foreign and magical in nature. Only magic can affect the shape of its own tiny destiny. The Powers of Creation comes from the Source of this Thought Energy, and it affects everything in its path, like a chemical reaction. The Source is the center boiling pot of all magic combined. Molecules form with energy are a part of all living things.
A New Manifestation Called the “Banquet” There is some kind of “Banquet” going on, from what my senses are alerting to me. *What?!There’s never a banquet at this time of the morning. That’s just unheard of. That’s just ridiculous. It’s just, impossible. >>Time speeds up to now. [Wish time would stop doing that.] [That’s not me choosing to narrate it that way either. Something’s overrunning the Story.] I breathe in the distorted air around me and close my eyes to concentrate, hoping to catch something soluble in my psychic loom. All I can rely on is my Spiritual Tools now. Physical forms aren’t tangible anymore and I can’t grasp them because *the ceiling is wavering and it feels like I’m Dreaming. Atoms are rearranging faster than ever now, even in my nose. Sort of tickles and it’s a bit unnerving. Molecules are reacting without my control, yet again, like sis-boom-bah. The knitting of the fabric of this transforming reality weaves and does a steamy tap dance over the elements of the nature around me, *restructuring the future even. The Problem: I am not the catalyst rearranging these fragile particles, as if a new Dream Weaver has approached without even the common decency of introducing himself to me. Now my own molecules are changing, to think it couldn’t be getting any worse, and it is in reaction to this new presence. I hope I’m not getting any less attractive and I threaten to whatever has approached my familiar dimension, that if my hair color changes even one hue, I’m going to find that person and whack them in the head. The change is screwing up everything.
*I bite my lip. I don’t want to think bad thoughts. Oh too late. [Damnit all to Hell.] Oh Shit.
I witness something new, walk right into my third eye. I almost swallow my tongue when I see this dark figure glide in range. I literally choke on my own spit and it makes my vision go haywire for a second. This person is definitely not my manifestation. I mean, he’s just freaky looking. I clamp my hands onto my bedspread in fear because this means that my reality is really being invaded. All this time, I was hoping I’d just be Imagining this Change.Sweat makes my palms sticky. I’m really nervous now. The change is real and unwholesome and now looming in the hallways of what is now, a metaphysical crossroads, once called a hotel, now something I’ll soon figure out soon. I don’t know who he is, but I know he’s not meant to be here and from what I see, I know he’s dark, dark like the nature of all things right now. Dark like the nature that had been my companion for so long. But darker than me, probably as dark as it gets. I purse my lips. This strange man lurks in the hallways of this hotel, in search for something, on a Mission that is Pain. I feel it from him. I don’t know why. I just can. I scope him out like a scared weasel. * I have clumsy vision that sort of bounces off of an attractive walking man.I watch him roam into the main entrance, a beautiful but insane man, by the looks of it, black hair, trench coat, a glint in some fairly sultry eyes, that seem beautiful but laden cold at the same time. I’m happy that I’m safe and sound for the time being, in my own room. I don’t know why I’m afraid of him. My senses are parachuting across mountain tops now. This man is all wrong, all wrong, my senses are picking up. But he doesn’t know I’m here, so, I watch, waiting for more to happen. I feel like all that will come of this, is destruction. It is the way it must be right now.
Then I gasp, startled at what I see next. I can’t believe it. What is he doing?! I think to myself. Holy shit this can’t be happening! *I’m just a human girl for goodness sakes. Sure, I might have been something different a long time ago, but I’m flesh and blood and I’m too mortal for this. What I see next, poses a huge threat on my new mortality. Because all I see is death.
A Nightmare in a Transformed Paradigm Worms crawl from the carpet with every step he makes. My eyes widen. As the man breathes, the air around him curls, carrying death like a human plague, infecting everything that it crosses. I’ve never seen power displayed like this even as an immortal. I’ve never seen powers so twisted, and used at such a high level of precision. Then again I’ve never known immortal powers could even be evil. I knew them to be hollow, and a little empty, like the way I had been reborn, but I guess immortal powers can become evil if the Law of Virtues are broken, and the immortal is reborn in evil thoughts. Evil will. Anger. Pain. So now, I’m taken aback, watching the worst scene play before me and not being able to stop it.
I’ve always been powerless to greater forces of nature ever since my birth.I will always be a victim until I become as equally strong as the forces opposing me.
Moments of Destiny Are Born in Chaos I blink. I’m standing in an empty entrance of the hotel. I swivel around, looking back at the destroyed place, stunned in the mayhem, in this new disaster called life. It’s frighteningly empty in the hotel now. I’m afraid to look around. Dark and sticky liquid is melded into the cracks and smoldered into the floor. People are either bitten, or already changing. It’s a war zone in there still, with the dead even killing the dead. I already know what’s meant to happen to my boyfriend. My psychic abilities are getting really good now. I know I have to get out of here and leave this good man behind. He’s already dead, I feel and this hotel reeks of evil. The carpets are heavy with people’s blood. Death walks the hallways, as the air rusts everything it touches. Screams echo and so do the sounds of gurgling. The walls are warping into a rotten-looking copper. The floors are caving, disintegrating and leaving hell pits behind. Fire emerges from the melting staircases. Fire, and brimstone, toil and trouble, it’s all here to stay. “Save yourself”, is all my instincts instruct me to do.
I know I must keep strong, in order to endure this.The Mission has descended (#3) as it is meant to be shattering, insatiable and challenge the very fiber of my soul. I find myself staring right in the mid-section, where the cooking bay is. It’s quiet in here, with the exception of a piece of metal-on-metal clanging together in sterile rhythm. Even the sound of it sounds like it comes from hell. This sound gives me the creeps just standing in this emptiness. The pulsating alarm materializes louder and louder with every second gone by. It’s as if it were a human scream being pounded and scraped into metal. It would drive me crazy listening to it for a while, I’m sure.
Escaping the Hell That’s Been Unleashed Run, get out of here! A voice whips off in my frozen and highly dumbfounded head. My instincts ring like crystal shrill glass about to explode and for the first time in my life, I’m acting according to my instincts of my soul. My boyfriend is gone. He’s more than gone. He’s hell-bent. And now it’s time to face the music. Because I can’t end up like him. *I start to twist around, but already a vampire swoops down behind me. It lands on all fours, crouching to regain its posture. Oh shit. It’s a plain-looking guy vampire, with rotten pale skin and hollow cheeks. I wasn’t paying attention to him running towards me as I was conversing to the demon in front of me. I also wasn’t paying attention when I realized what I was talking too. I might have gotten distracted. I swivel around to greet this vampire. I don’t wait for him to regain his strength. He bears his fangs. They’re long, like a human barracuda. But I am suddenly not afraid, at this moment in time, and fear has left the building for some reason. *All I am is reaction. >> I’m driven into action. I don’t think. I just do what I’m meant to do. The Mission is taking me over like a landslide and I’m riding the wave now. I’m ease into it with grace. There’s a blur of motion, and it’s me, an extraordinary super girl vigilante with psychic powers and with no goal in mind, but to slay and to fight back. I’m not even paying attention really. Flash Narration: I’m tearing my fists in the air as if they were steel windmills. Hands, legs and my swiveling body meet and dismount dangling torsos. I’m a tornado of speed and disaster, a whirlwind of courage. Blood sprays. I can’t even figure out where it’s coming from. There’s a roar of screams. There’s an explosion of ghostly wails, like tortured phantoms, dying in the light of the sun. *And I’m doing this, right now, kicking major butt without even thinking. I’m ferociously fast and this vampire doesn’t even know what’s hitting him. My hand is being slammed into a mushy throat and it explodes without effort. I’m not even trying.
Running Without a Destination I keep moving my limbs. Every motion of my muscles unhinges the actual speed of my energies from within. I’m blindly chasing the bus because I don’t know where to run. Truly, I don’t know what I’m doing at this moment. I’m a lost, running girl. *Running… running… Honestly, I don’t know if I’m I trying to save them, or if I am I just trying to save myself. All these questions are falling to the pavement, colliding on the ground, with no answers in sight. Having the answers wouldn’t change the reality of the situation anyway. *I skid to a halt, dust flying from my sneakers. I watch the bus turn right into a hazy street. I put a hand in salute over my eyes, shielding the glare of the sun. My senses are shooting down a bad sign. I see formations in the shadows, as dark entities protrude from the shade, looking marble white in the lowering rays of the sun. They’ve got their eyes on that bus. They’ll be there within seconds and even I don’t have time to save them, any of them actually. Damn. My instincts are going absurdly crazy now. I have to keep running, because my soul commands it of me.
I take to the sky, slingshotting my body right up to the roof of a building. I ricochet off a brick ledge and land on the middle of a crooked roof. The roof actually gets crushed where I land, but I bounce off of it before it caves in. It seems like I’m destroying everything I touch right now. I’m running on the tops of apartment buildings now, and I know that I’m safe up here because there aren’t any shadows for death to feed off of. I am in the light. I’m too fast for the vampires anyway. At this moment, rebounding underneath the magnificent sky, I’m finding myself speeding up. I’m revving up by the pure, kinetic energy that’s been living inside me all along, so richly imbedded, from my soul’s engine that could, and I’m mustering power unheard of. Squeezing a little bit more of my essence out and away, like a cosmic squirt gun, I begin opening myself up to the wind. *whoosh, comes a sound all around me.
I’m a brilliant streak of auburn hair, tripping balls in the sunset. I’m racing blindly, thoughtless to where my mind is. It’s suddenly gone blank like an empty sidewalk, vacant as a hallway. It is when your mind opens does the magic of all things reveal itself. And within these still, breathless moments, *a spark of a dream unfolds in my head. I know it because it is all happening right now and this is not really a dream at all. This is a reality that is just as real as any book, as any words on a page, as any thought on love or hate. >>The dream snaps back to me like elastic and it flings me into a long ago vision of me… exactly where I left of… light years ago. [Still running.] [Running.]Flash Narration: I’m blinded for a second, as the world disappears. And then, the dream becomes me. It is real and I am lost in it for a while.
Dream Awakening >> I’m back in my home world, right before the moments of this disastrous big bang. I’m watching my immortal brothers and sisters display their powers to the sky above them. I see them shooting off fireballs from their hands, and my mouth drops at the sight of this. A woman throws a blue orbs in the sky by her own will power, recreating life in a distant galaxy far away. A man is changing another planet’s weather patterns by closing his eyes and humming a mantra. I’m watching them from the large window, half-actualized still, as things are a little blurry and I don’t know why. But I do now; it’s because I’m not really whole here. I exist somewhere else in this matrix of a puzzle, side-ways on earth too, half-way in and out of a spiritual awareness that I still can’t figure out. I don’t’ know which reality is real, that’s one problem, and existence is a vast mystery to me. I feel like I’m not really anywhere. I have no hope in understanding. I know that in seconds, it will be my turn to exhibit my own powers. The universe has hit its thousand mile mark, and the scales will soon fall on me. It will become my burden, and it will be my mission to make it right again. I don’t know where the knowledge comes from. I guess it’s been awakened, from what’s happening in a different place. These are all pieces to a grand puzzle I am blind to. My best friend, I remember his name now, Devin, is sitting next to me. I feel the warmth of his hand as he touches my back, ever so gently. There’s a spark of electrical currents flowing through us, and suddenly I am looking into his eyes. I see bright, sparkling blue, as if the colors were alive, making oceans on a different plane of existence. He’s a creator too, I realize, just like me, just like all of us immortals. The piece of a puzzle lies with him too. But still, no answers come. He amazes me as I sit in his presence. I am consumed by thoughts of him. All I can do is look at his beauty. Breathe it in, intoxicated, as galaxies begin to exhale from my thought manifestation. Suddenly, I am seeing into him. He is showing emotion that I’ve never seen before. I see vulnerability and fear. He knows that I’m going to be leaving him soon. He knows this, because he’s living in the future of our intertwined destinies now. But he doesn’t stop me, because he loves me. No one can stop the ball from rolling, because the balance has already been tipped, somewhere off in existence. We are both helpless to it now. He is sad that I’ll be gone soon. He can’t imagine his life without me. [I blink. I am still running in the other alternate reality. The buildings crumble as I lift off. The sky rumbles as the ground begins to crowd with the living dead. The sun is melting into a pool of golden oasis. Gleaming in richness and luster, as if it were the most sincere apology God could show to the dying humans left on this planet.]
I’m alone in my crazy plight, on my own as all that happens is meant to be. It’s my choice to live on and survive, as I take on this mission with a stoic lead fist of might……I won’t let it consume me. I must begin to trust the universe. It is my maker and creator and I mustn’t forget where I come from or what I’m destined to become. The laws of the universe are my origins. >>Change is upon this dimension, and it’s up to me to make it right.
*He is a part of me, and I am a part of him. And he’s unleashed himself into this alternate dimension called, “earth,” and now I must face him too someday. The more I recollect myself, the more I gain my powers back. The more the knowledge of my immortality becomes awakened, the more I fell revived. My dreams are portals to my home world. They nurture me with the knowledge of old that runs in the heritage of my DNA. I am of this magic of the universe. It is my lifeblood. It courses through me like a river. The energy has made me, created me, solidified me and has made me whole. I would be nothing without it.
With those thoughts in mind, magnetic poles shift all around me as my consciousness begins to expand. Particles waver like ripples of water. They react to my speed of thought. I take off from another building with my hands reaching the sky. I know what I am made of, finally, and it rejuvenates all of me. This change is from the inside out, as the molecules reorganize to activate in the light of my infinite energy. I unleash the powers of the universe and with a shudder -it instantly beckons to my command. It hears my thoughts, because they’re awakened now, too. The universal energy knows every gene in my body, and it must react to me as well. It’s been waiting for me to realize all my powers, I realize. What a crazy adventure this is. The knowledge triggers the memory of my genes. “Open!” I scream out to the universe that is. >>There’s a rip in the sky and I’m swallowed into darkness. <<
A Forgotten World Lost in Time I blink. I find myself submerged in a swampy, gloomy world. Cool, black water meets my hip. A dark, evergreen forest surrounds me. I look around, aghast at what I see. This home world has been destroyed. I barely know this place anymore. Most objects strewed around me are warped in a cloudy, nostalgic haze. *I see ruins of old buildings, that creek and lean in every direction, as if they were recovering from a war of long ago. This shattered world is silent, as though wounded from a battle long ago. It was as if it were the calm after an epic war lost though. Everything seems disenchanted here, moaning in its own tender sobs. I feel like I’m creaking too, from my own loss as a mortal being. I’m soaked from head to toe. My long auburn hair is a damp and stringy mess. My red tank clings to my body. I can’t believe my eyes, looking around this place. *I question: How can this be the world I know? I don’t remember it being like this. This was a broken world that was once my home. I feel an odd sense of déjà vu rekindle inside me, and it’s nice to be here, never less. * I realize I materialized right underneath an abandoned stairwell. I look up at it for a second, struggling to remember. The spiral design triggers a memory of me running up the steps, giggling, as the sunlight shines all around. It feels so long ago, like an eternity. Flash Narration: These are memories of a long, forgotten past, but not hopelessly forgotten. I begin to slush my way through the dark waters of my home world. *ghosts of these giggles echo across this gloomy land…
A gigantic frog hops out of the water. It lands on a floating piece of driftwood, right in front of me. It makes me jump, startled by his presence. His presence is a beam of light in this dark and eerie world that used to be my home. I’m a little shocked to see this thing appear out of nowhere, but once I took a look at his soul, I am remembered who he was immediately. *I know who he is. It is the way the light reflects off of him, the light that I knew so well, which resonates in my understanding. A smile creeps up to my face, despite the ruins around me, even in the solemnity of what happened just moments before this metaphysical transition. It’s been a while since I crossed the dimensional barriers of one plane to another. It’s good to know that it’s still possible, although it takes a tremendous amount of strength. It’s been a while since I smiled too, I realize.“What happened to this place?” I ask the frog. “You left the one you love, and the two worlds have collided,” The green frog says, and is voice bellows from his belly, just like the way it always had when he was a person, “…Happens when you don’t know your own strength. You gotta learn sometime I guess. I knew it was comin.’ It happens every thousand years, and this time, the universe picked you. Come on, it’s time to fix this thing right again.” He doesn’t wait for small talk. He never does.
It’s foggy in this void of an abandoned place, of the past and future, all in one. I am determined to keep up with his pace. It would be scary being here all alone, I think. I feel the humidity drag at me, pulling me from head to toe, as if trying to disable me. Despite the heat, I’m entranced at watching his lithe body sparkle in the moonlight. It is beautiful; this light that once governs all things. I listen, as I splash in the water. It is strange. The light reflecting off his skin makes a barely audible pitch. It sounds like a cat’s purr, an engine’s hum, and a slight tap of glass winding silk all at once, as if the light is alive too. Something about the light mystifies me. It’s like its weaving magic even now, even as it stands as a marvel to my bright eyes.
It’s the magic in this place that transforms every living entity with enchantment.It’s the magic that dwells within the genes of the immortals This magic lives in the natural beauty of all perfection This is the balance of old and it’s a reflection of endless perfection. • I know I’m here to rediscover this forgotten place. • Remembering is the key.
“Do you remember, Elizabeth? Do you recall anything?” He asked, a little hoarser than before. “This was our home. Try to bring it back together, girl. It needs your light. You gotta find it in yourself. We’re all lost without it.” >>Elizabeth. My name is Elizabeth. That sounds right. Feels like I haven’t heard my name spoken for a long time. I look around, carefully inspecting everything. After a moment, it all comes back in a giant tidal wave of final understanding. My light brightens for a moment as it all comes rushing towards me<<
Spirit Quest Waits for a Publisher to Unleash Its’ Magical Mission to the World contact: steph.m.flood@gmail.com