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Alfred Stockman’s Contest. Study guide. Dairy Cattle Breeds. Holstein. The Holstein originated in Holland. They are very efficient animals that make the most of the food they eat. They are very large animals, and can be either red and white, or black and white. Ayrshire.
Alfred Stockman’s Contest Study guide
Holstein The Holstein originated in Holland. They are very efficient animals that make the most of the food they eat. They are very large animals, and can be either red and white, or black and white.
Ayrshire The Ayrshire originated in Ayr, Scotland. They are red and white animals. They are medium sized animals that weigh over 1200 pounds at maturity.
Jersey The jersey originated on the Island of Jersey, which is in the English Channel. The Jersey’s milk is high in butterfat. They are a small sized cow, they range in size between 800-1200 pounds. They are usually light fawn to gray in color, different parts of their body are accented with balck.
Brown Swiss Originated in Switzerland. They are a mouse color and fairly large in size.
Guernsey They originated on the Isle of Guernsey, which, like the Island of Jersey, is in the English Channel. The Guernsey produces high butterfat and protein. They are a medium sized animal, that uses 20-30% less feed than the larger breeds, while still making quality milk.
Milking Shorthorn The oldest breed in world, they originated in England. They are very docile. They are red and white, and roan.
Angus They originated in Scotland. They can be either black or red.
Hereford Originated in England. Red bodies, with white faces and legs. Purebred animals have a white stripe on neck along the back.
Simmental A duel purpose animal. It originated in Scotland. They can be either red and white, or black and white.
Charolais They originated in France. They are large white animals, that were used for their meat, milk and working abilities.
Limousin Originated in France. They can be golden red, or even black.
Brahman These animals were brought from India. They can tolerate very hot temperatures, shortage in food supply, and many other hardships. They are characterized by the large hump on their backs, and also their horns.
Yorkshire They are white with erect ears. They are very muscular. They were developed in England
Duroc Developed in the Corn Belt of the United States. They are red with “floppy ears”
Spots They are descendants of the spotted hogs, who were descendants of the Poland China. They are good eaters that mature early.
Hampshire High carcass quality. They are most known for the white belt around their shoulder. They come from England.
ChesterWhite Developed in Chester County, Pennsylvania. They are white pigs.
PolandChina Developed from a lot of crossbreeding. They have a quiet disposition, and are very sound on their feet and legs.
Alpine Originated in France. They can be pure white and even shades of fawn, gray, brown, black, red,
Lamancha They originated in Oregon. Their milk is high in butterfat. They are mostly known for having very little ears
Saanen Dairy goat that originated in Switzerland. Milk usually consists of 3-4% milk fat. They are white to cream color.
Nubian Very old breed of goat. They are mainly used for milk purposes.
Toggenburg Swiss Dairy Goat. They are the oldest breed of dairy goat. They are medium sized, and weigh at least 120 pounds.
Boer (meat breed) A meat goat, who are very hardy. A mature male goat can weigh anywhere from 240-300 lbs, and the mature females can weigh anywhere from 200-225 pounds!
Dorset A medium sized white sheep, they produce a nice carcass. Ewes weigh anywhere from 150-200 pounds and the Rams weigh anywhere from 225-275 pounds.
Cheviot They originated on the border of England and Scotland. They too are white, but have a black muzzle and black feet. They are active and very alert animals.
Suffolk They are a result of the crossbreeding of the Southdown and the Norfolk Horn. They are large, with frail black legs, and black faces.
Quarter Horse Developed in the southwestern part of the United States. They are closely related to the Thoroughbred. They were bred for their speed.
Appaloosa They are multipurpose animals. They can be used for anything from racing to a family horse. They are spotted and roan.
Arabian They were developed in the desert. They are gentle horses, they are very strong, proud animals.
Standardbred Considered to be the fastest harness horse in the world. Resembles the thoroughbred.
Paint Ancestors were introduced by the Spanish explorers. They have very colorful patterns.
American Saddlebred These horses have had a lot of influence in history, like in the revolutionary war. They also helped in the settling of certain areas in the United States, such as the Ohio Valley
Alpacas Pot belly Pigs Other species Dwarf breed of swine that were developed in Vietnam in the 1960’s. They live 15-20+ years. They were developed around 6,000 years ago.
Fence Tester Used to test the fence (lights up how may volts are going through the fence)
Barbed Wire Helped settle the west. Very old form of fencing