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Professional Construction Management Services Ensuring Project Success

Welcome! This presentation explores the strategic benefits and key methods of professional construction management. Weu2019ll dive into Construction Management at Risk, Construction Management as Agent, Program Management, and Design-Buildu2014methods tailored to deliver superior outcomes for your construction projects.

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Professional Construction Management Services Ensuring Project Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Professional Construction Management Services:Ensuring ProjectSuccess

  2. Welcome!Thispresentationexploresthe strategicbenefitsandkeymethodsof professional construction management. We’lldiveintoConstructionManagement atRisk,ConstructionManagementas Agent,ProgramManagement,and Design-Build—methodstailoredtodeliver superioroutcomesforyourconstruction projects.

  3. Construction Management at Risk (CMAR): Delivering ProjectswithAccountability InCMAR,theconstruction managerjoinsearlyinthe design phase, offering critical input on cost, schedule, and constructability. Taking responsibility for construction risk, they guarantee project completion withinaset budget and timeframe. Key Benefits: Early risk identification, enhanced collaboration,costandschedulecontrol. Strategy:Integratingtheconstructionmanager earlyensuressmootherexecution,withshared responsibilitybetweenowner,designer,and manager.

  4. Construction Management as Agent (CMa): Advisory Support with OwnerControl CMapositionstheconstructionmanagerasthe owner's representative without assuming financial risks. Acting as an advisor, the construction manager manages contracts, coordinateswork,andensurescompliance. KeyBenefits:Ownerretainsfullproject control, expert guidance, and reduced administrativeburden. Strategy: Focus on advisory and managementserviceswhileallowingthe ownertosteerprojectdirection.

  5. ProgramManagement: Coordinating Complex ProjectsforEfficiency Program Management handles multiple projects under one cohesive strategy, ideal for large-scale operations.Itsynchronizesresources,mitigatesrisks, and ensures that each project aligns with overarching goals. Key Benefits:Streamlinedmanagementof multiple projects, reduced duplication, centralizeddecision-making. Strategy: Managing a portfolio of projects efficiently,minimizingredundancies,and aligningobjectivesforlarge-scalesuccess.

  6. Design-Build: SeamlessIntegration from Conceptto Completion Design-Buildunifiesdesignandconstruction underonecontract,fosteringcollaborationand speedingupprojectdelivery.Byeliminatingthe traditionalhandoffsbetweendesignand constructionteams,thisapproachminimizes conflicts. KeyBenefits:Acceleratedtimelines,innovative solutions,reducedrisksof miscommunication. Strategy:Useintegratedteamstofosterreal- time collaboration, resulting in faster and moreinnovativeprojectcompletion.

  7. Strategic Management for OptimalProjectDelivery Thechoiceofconstructionmanagement methodprofoundlyinfluencesproject outcomes.WhetherthroughCMAR,CMa, ProgramManagement,orDesign-Build, aligningyourapproachwithprojectgoals ensures efficiency, cost control, and risk mitigation.Tailoredmanagement strategies lead to successful, on-time, and on-budgetprojectdelivery.

  8. ContactUs Location 141West36thStreet, Suite 1602 NewYork,NY10018 Website www.armandcorp.com PhoneNumber 212.542.4179

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