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2. Overview. Six Best Practices for Student Retention and Success Learning Communities at LaneSuccess and Goal Attainment CommitteeDeveloping a Comprehensive First Year Experience Infusing College Success Principles and Strategies into Learning Communities and Classes to Increase Student Engagem
1. 1 Ensuring Professional/Technical Students Success and Goal Attainment through Learning Communities and First Year ExperiencesAnne B. McGrail, Ph.D.Learning Communities CoordinatorLane Community College
2. 2 Overview Six Best Practices for Student Retention and Success
Learning Communities at Lane
Success and Goal Attainment Committee
Developing a Comprehensive First Year Experience
Infusing College Success Principles and Strategies into Learning Communities and Classes to Increase Student Engagement, Learning, Satisfaction and Success
3. 3 Six Best Practices Learning Communities
First Year Experiences
Academic Advising
Supplemental Instruction
Early Warning/Intervention Systems
Campus Climate/Supportive Learning Environment
4. 4 Learning Communities (LCs) at Lane Begun in 1994 with one class of 30 students
Currently serves 1,000 students per year
Boutique Model of theme-based classes encouraged early faculty adoption of the LC model
5. 5 Disadvantages of Boutique Model Faculty ownership of the LC
Dependent upon ongoing faculty engagement (burnout)
Enrollment challenges brought about by structure (classes offered targeted a smaller population of Lanes students)
6. 6 Development of Learning Communities Some LCs have systematically addressed specific student needs:
Women in Transition
BioBonds: Biology and Chemistry for the Health Professions
$how Me the Money! Writing for Scholarships
Food for Thought: Culinary Arts and Writing and Math
7. 7 Learning Community Arrangments Best Practice: tightly aligned curriculum with pure cohorts and faculty at least some of the time present in each others classes or engaged in cross-disciplinary learning activities (e.g., Service Learning, Reading Togethermore later on these)
8. 8 Other Arrangements One common class with three feeder classes with same material
9. 9 Other Arrangements Three separate classes with mixed cohorts taking two or more but some taking only one class.
10. 10 Other Arrangements Two feeder classes with a pure cohort and a third separate class. (This is the current plan for a Math addition to Fast Lane.)
11. 11 Success and Goal Attainment Committee (SAGA) Chartered group of Student Services professionals at Lane whose goal was to increase student success and retention
Created the SAGA Report in 2002 which outlined Six Best Practices for Retention and Success.
12. 12 The First Year Experience:Synergy of Learning Communities Development with SAGA Efforts: Learning Communities developed beyond boutique model to a systematic effort to address students needs.
SAGA research showing LCs as a Best Practice has given momentum to tailoring different FYEs to different programs, including P/T.
Better integration of instruction with student services has been the result of the two programs coordinating their goals.
13. 13 Development of First Year Learning Community Fast Lane to Success addresses the academic and social learning needs of new Lane students
On Course: College Success
Effective Learning
14. 14 Fast Lane to Success Curricular coordination, ongoing faculty conversations about the LC, and regular communication with students develops a community of learners who help one another succeed.
15. 15 Other Components of Fast Lane to Success Paid peer mentor with successful experience in Fast Lane
In-class counseling and advising to ensure correct pathway to degree/certificate
Mid-term grade reports and intrusive advising
E-portfolios that will move through college with the student
Follow-up mentoring and study-groups throughout the first year.
16. 16 Assessments of Students and the Fast Lane Program
Risk-assessment (Noel-Levitz College Student Inventory indicates risk areas)
Survey of Engagement with College-Wide CCSSE as control group (positive effects)
Pre-and-post tests
Tracking students on persistence and success across time
FYRED UP! Pilot Project Team yearly assessments
17. 17 Fast Lane to Success Assessment Inspired by the Community College Survey of Student Engagement, asked questions on a 4-point scale about student engagement with the LC.
Compared Fast Lane engagement returns to 800 general population answers from students
Fast Lane students fared significantly better on many measures of engagement (a key predictor of success)
Caveat: Small sample: 62 students
18. 18 Assessments Currently developing a qualitative and quantitative economic impact and learning impact assessment that will serve as a model for innovative learning projects across the college.
Noel Levitz has a formula for assessing the economic impact of retention efforts.
19. 19 Scaffolding Beyond Fast Lane: Other LCs Food for Thought: Designed for Culinary Arts students
Culinary Arts classes in two terms use math and writing skills
Math class engages the content of the culinary program in its case studies and examples.
Writing class uses food writing as the text and also the product of students essays.
20. 20 Other Learning Communities BioBonds: Building Blocks of Your Body provides Health Professions students with fundamental biology and chemistry courses that serve as the prerequisite to Anatomy and Physiology
Specifically addresses the failure rate of underprepared Anatomy and Physiology students.
21. 21 Other Learning Communities $how Me the Money! Writing for Scholarships
Guides students through a process of uncovering their skills and talents and develop their ideas in writing through the state-wide scholarship application.
Thousands of dollars of scholarship money, including a Ford Fellow have resulted.
22. 22 Best Practice: Academic Advising Students are more likely to be successful and to experience less frustration with the hurdles of college requirements if they have a plan in place and follow it
Encouraging and facilitating advising for every student is a goal of FYE at Lane
Doing Advising Differently: may be necessary to do group advising, etc.
23. 23 Best Practice: Supplemental Instruction For gateway classes
Similar to tutoring
Credit or non-credit options
Study groups/classes meet outside of anchor course
Facilitator/instructor works with difficult material from the anchor course
Additional time on task allows for enhanced learning
24. 24 Best Practice: Early Warning/Intervention Systems Goal is to communicate to student their risk of failing before its too late
Use of Banner to provide advisors data on at-risk students
Early intervention by advisors and/or faculty to allow students to catch up or make changes needed to succeed.
Back on Course Pilot Project to help students at risk of losing financial aid.
25. 25 Best Practice:Campus Climate: Supportive Learner Environment Orientations
Lane Preview Night
Students First centralized services
Using Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) to gauge to what extent students are using advising, tutoring and other support services.
26. 26 New Best Practice: Placement and Preparedness Developing new placement testing that more accurately places students in courses in which they are prepared enough to succeed
In open access environment, giving students the right to succeed rather than the freedom to [choose the wrong courses and] fail.
27. 27 Infusion Model: Using College Success Principles in All Classes Getting on Course
Accepting Personal Self-Responsibility
Discovering Self-Motivation
Mastering Self-Management
Tools include a Next Actions list; a 32 day commitment worksheet; a calendar and a financial plan; Learning tools for internal/external distractors; An interactive time chart
Employing Interdependence
Gaining Self-Awareness
Adopting Lifelong Learning
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Staying on Course
28. 28 Career and Technical Students: Why Learning Communities and FYE? Need to tailor services to specific needs of PT students
Currently a technical writing course infused with College Success principles has shown promise
Importance of guiding and supporting students whose schedules are tight with required skills and content classes.
29. 29 School Doesnt Get Any Better than This! Lane Learning Community Student Questions?
Anne McGrail
Coordinator, Learning Communities
Lane Community College