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Explore Swindon's EYFS profile analysis for 2018, highlighting areas of attainment, comparisons to national data, gender gaps, and priority areas for improvement.
EYFS Profile Analysis 2018 • Swindon GLD : 70.8 % increase of 1% from last year, but below NA by 0.7 % • Highest attaining areas of learning (based on proportion of pupils achieving ELG and above) : Communication & Language (86.3% , 86.3%, 85.4%) Physical Development (88.3%, 90.9%) Understanding the World (85.7% , 86.3% , 96.6%) Expressive Arts & Design (89.5% , 88.2%) Personal, Social & Emotional (88.4% , 86.6%, 87.6%)
Areas of lowest attainment in Swindon: Literacy (Writing 73.2%, Reading 75.8%) Mathematics (Number 78.9% , Shape, space & measures 82%)
Areas of Learning where attainment is higher in Swindon compared to national emerging data: Communication & Language: Listening and Attention (Swindon 86.3%, National, 86.2%) Understanding (Swindon 86.3% , National 85.9%) Understanding the World: The World (Swindon 86.3% , National 85.7%) Technology (Swindon 96.6%, National 93.0%) Expressive Arts & Design: Exploring Media and Materials(Swindon 89.5%, National 88.9%)
Areas of Learning where attainment is at least 1% lower than national emerging data: Physical Development: Moving and Handling (Swindon, 88.3%, National 89.5%) Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Managing Feelings and Behaviour (Swindon 86.6%, National 87.9%) Making Relationships (Swindon 87.6%, National 89.6%) Literacy: Reading (Swindon 75.8%, National 77.0%)
Comparisons with 2017 Profile attainment data show a decrease in the following Early Learning Goals (based on % achieving expected or above): • Technology • Physical Development Moving & Handling • Physical Development Health & Self Care • PSED • Literacy, Reading • The World
Gender Gap Girls outperforming boys in ALL areas Gap widened in following areas of learning: Physical Development (H&SC) PSED (MFB and MR) Literacy – Reading Understanding of the World (all areas)
Summary and Priorities for Swindon • Literacy and Mathematics continue to be significantly below other areas of learning and below national averages, with Reading being key area of concern • Decline in Physical Development over last 3 years, implications for attainment in Writing, and key priority for Swindon • PSED continues to be below national average, with Managing Feelings and Behaviour lagging behind national average by 1.3% and drop from 2017 by 0.5% - behaviour is an area of concern for many schools and a priority for Swindon • % children exceeding early learning goals in Swindon is higher than national averages for all areas of learning except Literacy, where % children exceeding in Writing is lower than national by 0.8% • What are we doing for our boys?