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Statutory Requirements for the Revised EYFS Profile Governor briefing May 2013. Key changes to the EYFS. The revised EYFS curriculum has 7 areas of learning – 3 Prime areas – Communication and language - Physical development
Statutory Requirements for the Revised EYFS Profile Governor briefing May 2013
Key changes to the EYFS The revised EYFS curriculum has 7 areas of learning – 3 Prime areas – Communication and language - Physical development - Personal, social and emotional development Plus 4 Specific areas – Literacy - Mathematics - Understanding the world - Expressive arts and design
Key changes to the EYFS Profile • All children are assessed at the end of their Reception year against these areas of learning – which are expressed as the 17 Early Learning Goals • A child is judged as either - 1 (emerging) - not yet reaching the level of development expected at the end of Reception - 2 (expected) meeting expected level or -3 (exceeding) above expected level
2 new measures, which governors will need to be aware of and which will replace preceding EYFSP measures (NI72 Attainment and N92 Narrowing the Gap) - - Good Level of Development (GLD) Children will be defined as having reached a GLD at the end of EYFS if they achieve at least the expected level in: • All 3 Prime areas (Personal, social and emotional, Physical development and communication and language) • The ELG in the specific areas of literacy (ELG 09 and 10) and mathematics (ELG 11 and 12) No comparative possible with previous data!
And a further supporting measure – 2.The average point score across all ELG. (The point score relates to the recording of data electronically i.e 1= emerging etc ) • This would measure the total number of points achieved on the EYFS (so in theory you could achieve a maximum of 51, or a minimum of 17) to ensure a balance across all areas of learning • The national measure will be the average of every child’s total point score. Eventually schools will be given an average point score for their cohort, which will be comparable to national, however this is not expected this year.
Headteachers and Governing bodies must - • Arrange for practitioners responsible for EYFS completion to take part in minimum of 1 LA moderation activities/year • Allow LA moderator to enter the premises to carry out moderation visits • Meet reasonable requests for the moderator to amend assessments and for practitioners to take part in further training or moderation activities • Permit the relevant LA to examine and take copies of documents and other articles relating to the EYFS Profile and assessments • Provide the LA wish such information relating to the EYFS Profile and assessment as it may reasonably requests Must also ensure practitioners involved in making assessments have the opportunity to become familiar with effective practice by – • attendance at training courses • Arranging support vsits by moderators to settings if necessary • In-house moderation • Cluster group moderation
Further Information • DfE guidance and EYFS materials - http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/assessment/eyfs/b00217443/eyfs-exemplification • If you would like further support / advice please contact – Westminster’s EYFS Profile Moderation Manager, Judie Harrison: 0207 641 2181, jharrison4@westminster.gov.uk