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Top User Experience Challenges in Government. Howto.gov/firstfridays. Jonathan Rubin First Fridays Usability Program July 10, 2013. 1. Survey Results: Gov UX Challenges. Howto.gov/ firstfridays. Survey Monkey with 65 respondents 100% Cabinet agencies

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  1. Top User Experience Challenges in Government Howto.gov/firstfridays Jonathan Rubin First Fridays Usability Program July 10, 2013

  2. 1. Survey Results: Gov UX Challenges Howto.gov/firstfridays

  3. Survey Monkey with 65 respondents 100% Cabinet agencies Co-created with Jean Fox (+ thanks Axle Brown) Not scientific or representative Goal: Audience research Develop web-based and in-person training Share aggregate in presentations, etc. Our Survey of UX Activities Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  4. Agency (but anonymous) About you – title, UX education, team size How widespread is UX Challenges to implementing UX Resources Types of UCD methods What would help? What we asked Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  5. Average team: 2 PT and 2 FT Wide range of UX methods being used #1 surveys, #2 style guide, #3 tests Thirst for training, many self-taught 91% doing UX on websites, ⅓ mobile Using respected tools (20% eyetracking!) Future: More testing, services Some agencies have UX institutionalized Good news Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  6. Awareness: “[People] refuse to believe the results of usability tests because they are painful.” “We are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars without one usability test. Web staff understand the need, but no one is listening.” Facilities “No facilities” / “Our lab is about 15 years young” Challenges / Lack of… Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  7. Resources “Very old models are used for interaction” “Army of one” Training “Figure it out as we go along” Standards / Best Practices “Applying standard best practices can be challenging… many offices and components have different processes and standards.” Challenges / Lack of… Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  8. Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  9. # UX staff Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  10. Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  11. Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  12. Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  13. % Who “Often” or “Always” use Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  14. % Who “Never” use these methods Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  15. How often do you perform usability tests? Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  16. Asked about UX methods Top 3: Surveys, Style guide, Tests Bottom 3: Affinity diagrams Eyetracking, First Click 10% never a usability test – bad? 16% never a survey Task analysis - 8.5% always, 55% sometimes Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  17. Training Needs “UX Training classes - webinars aren't enough” “Software” - Morae, Surveys, CrazyEgg “Any and all” “Be more aware of findings” “How to get buy-in from higher ups “ Methods: First-Click Testing, Style Guides, Card Sorts, Surveys, Task analysis Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  18. Plans for the future Asked about future plans: Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  19. Biggest obstacle to using UX? Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  20. Which do you have? (check all) Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  21. Resources - staff and metrics software Awareness – Managers not sold on UX Training - Staff and Manager Standards / Best Practices Testing facilities Challenges / Lack of… Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  22. 2. Top Gov UX Problems on Sites Howto.gov/firstfridays

  23. Gov UX Strategic and Resource challenges(Survey) Persistency UX problems on fed websites (FF test data) Two types of gov challenges: Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  24. 29 products reviewed in 2012 130+ significant problems 32 different usability categories - problems big and small Thanks to Cynthia, Molly, Josh, and Ruth! FF Test Data Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  25. Navigation difficult, confusing or hidden Search feature hidden or doesn’t work Forms difficult to use Purpose of site unclear Difficulty with Top Tasks Lack of Plain Language Top 6 Usability Challenges Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  26. 1. Navigation difficult to use Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  27. Before After

  28. Average daily visits up 50% • Mobile Home visits up 32% • Help Page visits up 1200% • Desktop site visits up 3.3% Howto.gov/firstfridays

  29. 2. Poor search functionality Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  30. Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  31. Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  32. Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  33. Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  34. Before: 7 text items to scan After: 3 text items to scan Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  35. 3. Forms require too much effort

  36. Too much effort Poor terminology Malfunction / deleted answers Too many questions Unclear what’s required 3. Forms difficult to use

  37. Too much effort Poor terminology Malfunction / deleted answers Too many questions Unclear what’s required 3. Forms difficult to use

  38. 4. Purpose of Site Unclear

  39. 5. Difficulty with top tasks

  40. Can’t find info via any means or know where to begin 5. Difficulty with top tasks

  41. Can’t find info via any means or know where to begin 5. Difficulty with top tasks

  42. 6. Lack of Plain Language

  43. Insider Speak Technical / scientific terms Jargon Alphabet soup 6. Lack of Plain Language

  44. Navigation difficult, confusing or hidden Search feature hidden or doesn’t work Forms difficult to use Purpose of site unclear Can't find what they are looking for Lack of Plain Language Top 6 Usability Challenges Howto.gov/firstfridays Howto.gov/firstfridays

  45. Wrap up: Opportunities Howto.gov Us – howto.gov/firstfridays Blog.howto.gov – 3,000+ subscribers DigitalGov University - howto.gov/training User Experience Community of Practice Usability Testing Community of Practice

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