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Defining the Mitzvah of Oneg Shabbat. What is Shabbat Pleasure?

Defining the Mitzvah of Oneg Shabbat. What is Shabbat Pleasure?. Enjoying the light of the Sabbath candles. http://www.shabat.co.il/howto/candlelighting.htm. Blessing the children. For girls : Y’simeikh Elohim k’Sara Rivka Rakhel V’Leah.

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Defining the Mitzvah of Oneg Shabbat. What is Shabbat Pleasure?

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  1. Defining the Mitzvah of Oneg Shabbat. What is Shabbat Pleasure?

  2. Enjoying the light of the Sabbath candles http://www.shabat.co.il/howto/candlelighting.htm

  3. Blessing the children For girls: Y’simeikh Elohim k’Sara Rivka Rakhel V’Leah. May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Racheland Leah. . For boys: Y’simeikh Elohim k’Ephraim v’khi Menashe. May God make you like Ephraim and Menasseh. http://www.shabat.co.il/howto/blessing_children.htm http://www.bus.ualberta.ca/yreshef/shabbat/blessCD.html http://www.clal.org/wkly_ritual_life7.html

  4. Three festive meals

  5. Special Shabbat foods http://www.jcn18.com/scripts/jcn18/paper/article.asp?ArticleID=711 http://www.bus.ualberta.ca/yreshef/shabbat/mealsCD.html http://www.jcn18.com/scripts/jcn18/paper/Article.asp?ArticleID=707 Cholent Cholent is a Jewish stew traditionally served on Shabbat for lunch. It can be with meat or it can be vegetarian, it's very good both ways.

  6. Special plates and silverware

  7. Eating meat!

  8. Drinking fine wine

  9. Speaking words of Torah,the Portion of the Week

  10. Singing Sabbath songs(Zemirot Shabbat) • Shalom Aleichem • Eshet Chayil • Menucha VeSimcha • Mah Yedidut • Yom Zeh l’Yisrael • Tsur MiShelo Click on a link to choose a melody. Listen and learn!

  11. Hosting guests

  12. Taking a nap!

  13. Spending time with the children

  14. Making a Blessing overTwo Loaves of Challah Why are the loaves called “Challah”? Click HERE to read about it. ברוך אתה ה' אלהינו מלך העולם המוציא לחם מן הארץ Blessed are You, O Lord our God, Who brings forth bread from the earth.

  15. Greeting people with a Sabbath greeting, Shabbat Shalom! http://www.interfaithfamily.com/article/issue26/siegel-shabbat.html

  16. Giving sweets to the children

  17. Wearing special clothing

  18. Intimate relations

  19. Taking hikes and pleasure walks

  20. Defining the Mitzvah of Oneg Shabbat. What is Shabbat Pleasure?

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