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GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 50

GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 50 years down the road towards success. with the inception of the UAF in 1961 Department of Nutrition was established in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry

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GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 50

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  1. GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 50 years down the road towards success

  2. with the inception of the UAF in 1961 • Department of Nutrition was established in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry • It was renamed in 1983 to Department of Animal Nutrition • In 2004, it attained the status of Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology

  3. Pioneer in the field of animal nutrition, feed technology, teaching and research • Has four division: • Ruminant Nutrition • Non-ruminant nutrition • Animal Feed Technology • Nutritional biotechnology

  4. Mission To play pivotal role in food security and capacity building of livestock farmers for improved livestock productivity to enable them to compete in the international market for supply of livestock products

  5. AIM To enhance milk, meat and egg production, foreign exchange earnings, socio economic status and resource management to combat changing global scenario. To improve nutritional status of community through cost effective meat and milk production

  6. Through • Understanding nutritional needs of different domestic animals at various physiological stages • Nutrient modeling for milk, meat and egg production • Role of various synthetic bio-molecules/ non-feed additives in animal feeds • Fodder development, conservation and storage. • Judicious use of non-conventional feed resources and • Technological developments in animal feed milling industry

  7. Faculty Position • Professor Two • Associate professor Three • Assistant Professor Four • Subject specialist Two

  8. Research Labs • Postgraduate Lab-I • Postgraduate lab-II • Undergraduate Lab • Biotechnology Lab

  9. Farm facilities • Buffalo and Cattle Sheds • Fistulated Bulls • Poultry sheds • Pilot Feed Plants (Livestock and Poultry)

  10. Manpower produced • PhD : 45 • M.Sc.(Hons): 417 • Research publications: (2008-2010) • Research papers (refereed) : 52 • National : 22 • Abstract (International) : 32 • Books : 13 • Oral presentations in Foreign Conf. : 17 • Current enrollment: • PhD: 4 M.Sc.(Hons) : 47

  11. Research Focus • Improvement of the nutritive value of low quality feedstuffs • Nutritional evaluation of local forages, crop residues and non-conventional feed stuffs. • Efficient and cost effective formula feeds for livestock and poultry • Detoxification of naturally occurring toxins and anti-nutritional factors in feeds

  12. Production of single cell protein and feed enzymes through fermentation • Recycling of animal excreta for ruminants

  13. Achievements in Applied Research • Enzose, Corn Steep liquor and corn cobs: reduced feeding cost at sustainable productivity • Increased fixation of urea with straws with the help of organic acids • Animal excreta can substitute a portion of the ration with dung treated straws

  14. Silage additives • Dietary cation anion balance: Can reduce the incidence of milk fever and seasonality in buffalo breeding • Improving the efficiency of broilers through amino acid balancing and reduced N emission. • Establishment of metabolizable energy values of indigenous feeds for poultry rations • Use of distillery yeast sludge/corn steep liquor and enzose in poultry ration

  15. Research Projects Completed (11) since 1994 • Evaluation of crops, crop residues and feed by products by using different techniques in buffalo and cow calves • Usage of wet corn gluten feed by lactating buffaloes • Evaluation of Mott grass with or without supplemental legume in buffalo calves • Influence of bypass fat (Berga fat (R)) on milk yield and its composition in early lactating cows • Influence of Enzose on nitrogen fixation in urea treated corncobs and performance of crossbred cows

  16. Nitrogen fixation and digestion kinetics of urea treated wheat straw with varying levels of corn steep liquor in buffaloes • Silage making of high yielding fodder crops using varying levels of different additives and ensiling time(Rs. 3.0 Million) • Influence of altering dietary cation anion difference on growth performance, age of maturity, reproductive efficiency and milk yield in buffalo (Rs. 5.23 million)

  17. Enhancing the nutritional worth of low quality crop residues through chemical and biological treatments and its performance of buffaloes (Rs. 3.0 millions) • Comparison of milk vs milk replacer with fodder or concentrates fed ad libitum on growth and health in Sahiwal calves during weaning period • Effects of pre-weaning treatments on post-weaning growth performance of Sahiwal calves

  18. On going research projects (10): • Response of broilers to ideal amino acid ratio (Rs.1.93 millions) • Use of sodium bicarbonate for optimum weight gain of growing buffalo calves and male goats (Rs. 2.09 million, Endowment Fund, UAF) • Economic feasibility of raising Lohi sheep and Beetal goats for meat production under high input system (Rs. 2.8 million, HEC) • Low cost technologies for enhanced ruminant animal productivity (Rs. 1.58 million, Endowment Fund, UAF) • Nutritional evaluation of enzose and corn steep liquor for meat and milk animals (Rs. 2.97 million, HEC)

  19. On farm demonstration of technologies for accelerated growth of calves and weaners for reducing the age at first calving of replacement dairy heifers (Rs. 1.3 million, Endowment Fund, UAF) • Potential of Sahiwal cow calves for veal production under different dietary programs (Sponsored by L&DD department) • Escalating the feeding value of wheat straw through ensiling with rumen digesta as an inoculant in ruminant animals (Rs. 3.95 million, PSF) • Improving rumen dynamics through dietary manipulation for optimum meat crop in sheep and goat (Rs. 2.79 million, HEC)

  20. 10. Budgeting dietary protein and carbohydrate fractions: A practical nutritional approach to escalate rumen dynamics for maximizing productive potential of dairy beetal goats (Rs.3.47 million, PSF)

  21. THANKS

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