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CATSUSY Update on 1-lepton analysis

CATSUSY Update on 1-lepton analysis. Till. fullSim datasets. fullSim datasets are done with athena HPTV/SUSYView groupArea We have Alpgen and pythia for the W, Z samples Note, they use different generator cuts ! All fullSim datasets contain an AtlFast Ttree

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CATSUSY Update on 1-lepton analysis

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  1. CATSUSYUpdate on 1-lepton analysis Till

  2. fullSim datasets • fullSim datasets are done with • athena • HPTV/SUSYView groupArea • We have Alpgen and pythia for the W, Z samples • Note, they use different generator cuts ! • All fullSim datasets contain an AtlFast Ttree • Used to compare against “old” atlFast datasets • Stats: • See https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/CscNote5Datsets#Full_standard_model_samples

  3. fullSim quick comparisons I

  4. fullSim quick comparisons II

  5. fullSim quick comparisons III

  6. Alpgen, Pythia quick comparisons I

  7. Alpgen, Pythia quick comparisons II

  8. Jet slices in fast (left), full(right)

  9. fullSim analysis, step0 • Running std 1-lepton analysis with the default lepton, jet definitions. • Leptons / Electron : • El_pt > 20000 • |El_eta| < 2.5 • El_etcone20 < 10000 • El_author == [1,3] • El_ElMedium == True (isEM cut) • Leptons / Muon : • Mu_pt > 20000 • |Mu_eta| <2.5 • Mu_etcone20 < 10000 • Mu_author == [1,3] • Mu_matchChi2 < 20 • Mu_fitChi2OverDoF < 5 • Mu_bestMatch == True • Mu_isCombinedMuon == True • Jet : • Jet_C4_pt > 20000 • |Jet_C4_eta| < 5 • All objects are written in doStep0.py into new output root ntuples. • See python/CalcLeptons.py, python/CalcJets.py • doStep0.py also applies loose cuts to decrease ntuple sizes • MET_RefFinal_et > 100 GeV • Good leptons > 0 • Good jets > 1

  10. fullSim analysis, step1, step2 • doStep1.py • Split analysis into • inclusive (>0 good leptons) • Exclusive (==1 good lepton) • Re-calculate variables using ‘good’ objects • Meff (all, four; w., w/o leptons) in python/CalcMeff.py • Sphericity (jets; jets+leptons; jets+lep+met): python/CalcSpher.py • Transverse Mass (lep, met): python/CalcTransMass • Also add variable: Delta_R_Jet_MET with hardest jet, todo: do it for the 4 hardest jets • doStep2.py • Apply std 1-lepton cuts • Jet_N > 3 • Jet_p_T[0] > 100 GeV, Jet_p_T[3] > 50 GeV • Spher > 0.2 • TransMass > 100 GeV • MET_RefFinal_et > 0.2*FourMeff

  11. fullSim analysis results • Efficiencies: • Step0 cuts: http://eifert.web.cern.ch/eifert/susy/fullSim_step0_eff.txt • Step2 exclusive cuts: http://eifert.web.cern.ch/eifert/susy/fullSim_step2Exclusive_eff.txt • Step2 inclusive cuts: http://eifert.web.cern.ch/eifert/susy/fullSim_step2Inclusive_eff.txt • FourMeff plot of bkg + mSugra points

  12. fastSim analysis • Using ‘old’ fastSim backgrounds for the moment • Finished mSugra grid production of 10 missing points • Running old analysis scripts • applying the same cuts as in fullSim • Do not use ‘good’ leptons, jets since some variables missing (could implement the existing cuts, like eta…) • doPreSelection.py, doStdCuts.py

  13. fastSim analysis, preSelection results

  14. First results, w/o optimizing !

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