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Addiction Prevention and Recovery Groups Drug Ministry/ Testimonial Group for Addicts Campaign for a Drug-Free Neighborhood High School Substance Abuse Committee Advisory Community Support Groups (Friends of…) Friends of the Library Neighborhood Park Advisory Council Hospital Advisory Group
Addiction Prevention and Recovery Groups Drug Ministry/ Testimonial Group for Addicts Campaign for a Drug-Free Neighborhood High School Substance Abuse Committee Advisory Community Support Groups (Friends of…) Friends of the Library Neighborhood Park Advisory Council Hospital Advisory Group Animal Care Groups Cat Owner’s Association Humane Society Anti Crime Groups Children’s Safe Haven Neighborhood Group Police Neighborhood Watch Senior Safety Group Block Clubs Condominium Owner’s Association Building Council Tenant Club Business Organizations/ Support Groups Jaycees Local Chamber of Commerce Economic Development Council Local Restaurant Association Charitable Groups and Drives Local Hospital Auxiliary Local United Way United Negro College Fund Civic Events Groups Local Parade Planning Committee Arts and Crafts Fair July 4th Carnival Committee Health Fair Committee Master List of Associations
Cultural Groups Community Choir Drama Club Dance Organization High School Band Disability/Special Needs Groups Special Olympics Planning Committee Local American Lung Association Local Americans with Disabilities Association Local Muscular Dystrophy Association Education Groups Local School Council Local Book Club Parent Teach Association Literacy Councils Tutoring Groups Elderly Groups Hospital Seniors Clubs Westside Seniors Clubs Church Seniors Clubs Senior Craft Club Environmental Groups Neighborhood Recycling Club Sierra Club Adopt-a-Stream Bike Path Committee Clean Air Committee Pollution Control Save the Park Committee Family Support Groups Teen Parent Organization Foster Parents’ Support Group Parent Alliance Group Black Empowerment Group Norwegian Society Neighborhood Historical Society African American Heritage Association Health Advocacy and Fitness Groups Weight Watchers TOPS Traffic Safety Organization Child Injury Prevention Group Yoga Club YMCA/YWCA Fitness Groups Anti-Violence Group Senior Fitness Club Master List of Associations (cont.)
Hobby and Collectors Groups Coin Collector Association Stamp Collector Association Arts and Crafts Club Garden Club of Neighbors Sewing Club Antique Collectors Men’s Groups Fraternal Orders Church Men’s Organizations Men’s Sports Organizations Fraternities Mentoring Groups After School Mentors Peer Mentoring Groups Church Mentoring Groups Big Brothers, Big Sisters Rights of Passage Organizations Mutual Support Groups La Leche League Disease Support Groups (cancer, etc.) Parent-to-Parent Groups Family-to-Family Groups Neighborhood Improvement Groups The Neighborhood Garden Club Council of Books Club Neighborhood Anti-Crime Council Neighborhood Clean-Up Council Political Organizations Democratic Club Republican Club Recreation Groups Kite-Flying Club Bowling Leagues Basketball Leagues Body Builders Club Little League Motorcycle Clubs Religious Groups Churches Mosques Synagogues Men’s Religious Groups Women’s Religious Groups Youth Religious Groups Master List of Associations (cont.)
Service Clubs Zonta Optimist Rotary Clubs Lions Clubs Kiwanis Clubs Social Groups Bingo Club Card Playing Club Social Activity Club Dance Club Social Cause/Advocacy/ Issue Groups Get Out the Vote Council Peace Club Hunger Organization Vigil Against Violence Community Action Council Social Outreach Ministry Soup Kitchen Group Union Groups Industrial (UAW) Crafts Unions (Plumbing Council) Veteran’s Groups Veterans of Foreign Wars Women’s Veterans Organizations Women’s Groups Sororal Organizations Women’s Sports Groups Women’s Auxiliary Mother’s Board Eastern Star Youth Groups After School Group 4-H Girl and Boy Scouts Junior Achievement Boys and Girls Clubs Explorers Clubs Teen Leadership Club Master List of Associations (cont.)
Five Types of Assets to Connect • Talents and skills of our people • Associations, and our network of relationships • Institutions and professional entities • Physical assets • Land • Property • Buildings • Equipment • Economic assets • Productive work of individuals • Consumer spending power • Local business assets
The Dilemma . . . People and Communities havedeficiencies and needs Individuals and Communities haveskills and talents
Unemployment Truancy Broken Families Slum Housing Grafitti Mental Disability Child Abuse Crime Gangs Illiteracy Welfare Recipients Lead Poisoning Dropouts Neighborhoods Needs Map
Consequences of the Needs Map for Local Residents • “We are deficient” • Our local relationships are damaged • Most money comes into our community for programs – often narrowly defined • Money can get misdirected towards professional helpers, not residents • We place focus on leaders who magnify deficiencies • We reward failure and foster dependency on systems • Our community has a poor self-image • We experience hopelessness
Individuals Gifts, Skills, Capacities, Knowledge and Traits of Youth Older Adults Artists Welfare Recipients People with Disabilities Students Parents Entrepreneurs Activists Veterans Institutions Schools Universities Community Colleges Police Departments Hospitals Libraries Social Service Agencies Non Profits Museums Fire Departments Foundations Physical Space Gardens Parks Playgrounds Parking Lots Bike Paths Walking Paths Forests/Forest Preserves Picnic Areas Campsites Fishing Spots Local Economy For-Profit Businesses Consumer Expenditures Merchants Chamber of Commerce Business Associations Banks Credit Unions Foundations Institutional-Purchasing Power and Personnel Barer and Exchange CDCs Corporations and Branches Associations My Community Animal Care Groups Anti Crime Groups Block Clubs Business Organizations Charitable Groups Civic Events Groups Cultural Groups Education Groups Elderly Groups Environmental Groups Family Support Groups Health Advocacy and Fitness Groups Heritage Groups Hobby and Collectors Groups Men’s Groups Mentoring Groups Mutual Support Groups Neighborhood Improvement Groups Political Organizations Recreation Groups Religious Groups Service Clubs Social Groups Union Groups Veteran’s Groups Women’s Groups Youth Groups Stories Of background and personal history Of what you like to do and contribute Of existing and ongoing skills and capacities Of successful community development Of economic growth Of addressing racism Of including those who are marginalized Of recognizing the value of everyone Of a time when you or your group felt appreciated and valued Of a time the community was at its best A Sample Community Asset Map
United Neighbors Capacity Survey What would you say are some of the best things about our neighborhood? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why did you choose to live here? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are some things that you would like to do to improve the neighborhood? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever participated in any of the following activities? ________ Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts ________ Church Fundraisers ________ Bingo ________ PTA or school associations ________ Sports teams ________ Camp trips or field trips ________ Political campaigns ________ Neighborhood associations ________ Rummage sales or yard sales ________ Church suppers ________ Tutoring ________ 4-H or gardening ________ Arts or crafts ________ Chess or game clubs ________ Music ________ Other
United Neighbors Capacity Survey (cont.) What could we do at the school that could benefit the neighborhood? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When you think about your own skills, what are three things that you think you do best? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are three skills you would most like to learn? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Kansas City Neighborhood Alliance IF I COULD DO ANYTHING FOR MY NEIGHBORHOOD I WOULD: Improvements on my home I want to make are: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Improvements to my yard I want to make are: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Improvements needed on my street are: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Improvements in out neighborhood park or neighborhood in general are: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONNECTIONS WITH MY NEIGHBORS I am willing to… _________ meet with and get better acquainted with my neighbors _________ help develop a plan for my block and surrounding neighborhood _________ help with neighborhood clean-up _________ look out for my neighbors _________ help with a crime watch _________ become a leader be a “worker bee” with leaders _________ Signed: _____________________________________ Address ___________________________________________
Sample Personal Capacity Inventory GIFTS I CAN GIVE MY COMMUNITY GIFTS OF THE HEAD (Things I know something about and would enjoy talking about with others, e.g., art, history, movies, birds). GIFTS OF THE HANDS (Things or skills I know how to do and would like to share with others, e.g., carpentry, sports, gardening, cooking). GIFTS OF THE HEART (Things I care deeply about, e.g., protection of the environment, civic life, children).
What are Local Voluntary Associations? • Groups of two or more residents joined together around a common activity, often sharing a common vision and goal • Might have a small paid staff, but • Members always create the vision and engage in the work to achieve the goal
Willingness to Work on Neighborhood Projects Based on interviews with 21 association leaders
Willingness to Work on Neighborhood Issues Based on interviews with 21 association leaders
Associations and the Local Economy Based on interviews with 21 association leaders
Associations and Job Training/ Placement Based on interviews with 21 association leaders
Local Institutions • Schools • Libraries • Parks • Law Enforcement • Colleges, Universities, Trade Schools • Health and Human Services Agencies • Non-Profits • Private Business
Institutional Assets • Facilities • Equipment • Materials • Purchasing Power • Employment Capacity • Training and Development Capacity • Employees • Financial Resources • Political Clout • Good Connections
Individuals Gifts, Skills, Capacities, Knowledge and Traits of Youth Older Adults Artists Welfare Recipients People with Disabilities Students Parents Entrepreneurs Activists Veterans Personnel Expertise in/outside of job: Ability to teach: Art Music Athletics Social Service Agencies Non Profits Museums Fire Departments Foundations Physical Space Gardens Parks Playgrounds Parking Lots Bike Paths Walking Paths Forests/Forest Preserves Picnic Areas Campsites Fishing Spots Local Economy For-Profit Businesses Consumer Expenditures Merchants Chamber of Commerce Business Associations Banks Credit Unions Foundations Institutional-Purchasing Power and Personnel Barer and Exchange CDCs Corporations and Branches Associations Animal Care Groups Anti Crime Groups Block Clubs Business Organizations Charitable Groups Civic Events Groups Cultural Groups Education Groups Elderly Groups Environmental Groups Family Support Groups Health Advocacy and Fitness Groups Heritage Groups Hobby and Collectors Groups Men’s Groups Mentoring Groups Mutual Support Groups Neighborhood Improvement Groups Political Organizations Recreation Groups Religious Groups Service Clubs Social Groups Union Groups Veteran’s Groups Women’s Groups Youth Groups Stories Of background and personal history Of what you like to do and contribute Of existing and ongoing skills and capacities Of successful community development Of economic growth Of addressing racism Of including those who are marginalized Pf recognizing the value of everyone Of a time when you or your group felt appreciated and valued Of a time the community was at its best What Does My School Have to Offer? School
Police Day Care Center Banks Church or other Religious Institute Assistance with parents’ crime initiative, help cleaning up local park Looks after children of students and staff Some day care centers are housed at schools Relationship with youth that prevent arrest later Senior Citizens Higher Education Institution Space for literacy program, after-school youth center Investment of funds, publicity Money, connections to outside funders, grant-writing skills Materials for youth center, clothes for resale shop Literacy programs and other classes, health care, relationships with students, holiday meals Tutoring and mentoring summer program, future teachers, alternative high school School Tutoring, mentoring, transportation, child care Space, employment for students Computers, films, LSC meeting space, toys, after-school tutoring Library Local Residents Security guards, LSC members, organizes for crime-free schools Computers, films, LSC meeting space; after-school tutoring, classroom collections Employment opportunities, classes, community newsletter Display space, artists-in-residence opportunities, publicity Donations of uniforms, videotaping of events, scholarships, mentoring Artists and Cultural Institutions Business Judges for art contests, facilitators for mural projects; mentors for youth Good publicity for events, mobilize the community for parades, information for parents Future employees, interns and apprentices for summer jobs Food for events, help establishing school-based catering enterprise Recruit LSC candidates, monitor school reform, advocate for resources Youth to do housing rehabilitation, staff to sit on boards of CBOs Catering opportunities, publicity Health care, child care, play therapy, WIC program Space, referrals Media Bakery or Restaurant Community-Based Organization, Civic Association Social Service Agency Capturing Local Relationships - School
A Guide to Funding Asset-Based Community Development We support proposals from community-based groups that: 1. Clearly identify the skills, abilities, capacities and assets which local residents will contribute to the proposal. How will local residents’ capacities be used to address the issues identified? Have you developed an inventory of the capacities and skills of local residents to help guide this process? We are particularly interested in how you will discover and use the gifts and abilities of the “strangers” in your community – those people who have been marginalized and overlooked because of labels such as disadvantaged, underclass, elderly, developmentally disabled, ex-offender, physically disabled, mentally disabled, mentally ill, etc. 2. Clearly identify the capacities of your community’s citizens associations, and indicate how they will be involved in both governance and problem-solving in your proposal. We are interested in the involvement of groups such as arts organizations, business associations, church groups, organizations of the elderly, organizations of men or women, ethnic associations, health groups, political organizations, unions, service clubs, youth groups, veteran’s organizations, etc. 3. Indicate how this proposal will mobilize, utilize, enhance, and expand these local capacities. How will local citizens and groups be stronger at the end of this proposal? How will they be better able to develop local assets?
A Guide to Funding Asset-Based Community Development • 4. Clearly identify: • The major institutions in the community – e.g., schools, hospitals, human service agencies, parks, libraries, etc. • The many different resources, or “treasures,” held by each of these institutions – e.g., people, space, equipment, budgets, etc. • 5. Clearly indicate how these local institutional resources can be mobilized to solve problems in the local community, and to enhance the capacities of local residents and their associations. • 6. Contribute to building the local economy by: • Identifying and mobilizing the enterprise and job-related skills of local residents. • Identifying and directing local consumer spending towards enterprise development and support of local businesses. • Mobilizing the savings of local residents and institutions in business and economic development efforts. • Involving local citizen associations and institutions in business and economic development efforts. • Identifying and mobilizing local businesses for economic development efforts. • 7. Show evidence of significant investments of resources and time by local residents and organizations before our funding is initiated. We are particularly interested in projects which local residents design, carry out and control themselves
How is the Community Building Model Different From the Social Service Model? In subtle, but very important ways…