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Delve into the mysteries of 25 unique animals and uncover the reasons behind their intriguing appearances. From the giraffe's purple tongue to the horned frog's enormous mouth, this book uncovers the fascinating stories that animals have to share about their captivating features. Engaging and informative, explore the wonders of the animal kingdom in a whole new light!
Creature Features 25 Animals Explain Why They Look the Way They Do by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page Why does the giraffe have a purple tongue? Why does the horned frog have such an enormous mouth? In this book you can find out what the 25 animals have to say for themselves.
Dear Mr. Washington by Lynn Cullen Imagined letters from the daughter of portrait painter Gilbert Stuart transport readers to the creation of one of the most famous paintings of the first U.S. president.
Flashlight by Lizi Boyd Inside a tent it's cozy. But what is going on outside? Is it dark? Is it scary? Not if you have your trusty flashlight! Told solely through images and using a spare yet dramatic palette, artist Lizi Boyd has crafted a masterful exploration of night, nature, and art.
Gaston by Kelly S. Dipucchio A proper bulldog raised in a poodle family and a tough poodle raised in a bulldog family meet one day in the park. http://www.kellydipucchio.com/GASTON.html
I Pledge Allegiance by Pat Mora & Libby Martinez "Libby and her great-aunt, Lobo, both learn the Pledge of Allegiance--Libby for school, and Lobo for her U.S. citizenship ceremony“ http://www.patmora.com/books/i-pledge-allegiance/
Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena A young boy yearns for what he doesn't have, but his nana teaches him to find beauty in what he has and can give, as well as in the city where they live. http://mattdelapena.com/books/last-stop-on-market-street/
Mama Built a Little Nest by Jennifer Ward Illustrations and simple, rhyming text introduce different kinds of birds' nests, from the scrapes falcons build on high, craggy ledges to the underground nests burrowing owls dig. Includes brief facts about each kind of bird. http://www.jenniferwardbooks.com/
The Monkey Goes Bananas by C.P. Bloom Monkey, having spied a banana tree across the water, will stop at nothing to get a snack.
Noodle MagicbyRoseanne Thong Grandpa Tu is famous for his special noodles, and as the emperor's birthday approaches, he teaches his granddaughter, Mei, the family trade. Mei struggles to find the magic needed to make noodles. Ultimately, she finds the magic--and the ability to succeed--within. Mei doesn't just make noodles--her magic noodles in varied shapes and sizes rain down from the sky! http://www.greenfield-thong.com/
This Book Just Ate My Dog by Richard Byrne When her dog disappears into the gutter of the book, Bella calls for help. But when the helpers disappear too, Bella realizes it will take more than a tug on the leash to put things right. http://www.richardbyrne.co.uk/wordpress/