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Burundi experiences. RAILS Lesson Learning Workshop. By Espérance Habindavyi and Janvier Nkunzebose Mombasa, 15-16 th August,2013. Learning teams:. The Regional Agricultural Information and Learning System (RAILS) activities started in Burundi in 2010.
Burundi experiences RAILS Lesson Learning Workshop By Espérance Habindavyi and Janvier Nkunzebose Mombasa, 15-16th August,2013
Learning teams: The Regional Agricultural Information and Learning System (RAILS) activitiesstarted in Burundi in 2010. The National learning team was set up duringthe RAILS workshop, held in Bujumbura from 16th to 17thdecember 2010. The main objectives were : • To launch the RAILS project in the country • To set up the National Leaning Team • To set up the CoreTeam membersat the national level • To identify the activities to be carry out by the NLT The NLT has 20 memberscomingfrom the following institutions: Centre Multi média, IGEBU, ISABU, INADES, IRAZ, ISTEEBU, CAPAD, FACAGRO, CNTA, DGMAVA, DGPAE, ISA, Université de NGOZI, INECN, Commerce et Industrie, CCIB, DGA, ADISCO, DGE, AEPV
E-RAILS An awareness have been created for the NARIs; The national learning team wastrained to the use of the eRAILSplatform; • Agricultural information available in some institutions have collected for the e-RAILS platform • Actually, most of the membersknow how to create and manage website on the eRAILS portal (to update the site)
ICT Equipment • The followingequipmentwasreceivedunder the RAILS project: • 4 Desktops; • 2 Desktops Server; • 10 Mini laptops; • 2 Camera • 4 UPS 1500 VA (out of use); • 2 UPS 3000 VA (out of use). The laptopsweredistributedto memberswho have activelyparticipate to RAILS activities and have more needthanothers.
Number of people engaged with in our country for eRAILS (men, women) • ERAILS Burundi has a total of thirty(30) people engagedwithus; twenty (20)of them are men and ten (10) are women.
List of institutions engaged in eRAILS Burundi • · Burundi eRAILS works within 17 institutions made up by sector: Agricultural sector lead ministries(8): • Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage (MINAGRIE); • Centre Multi Médias du MINAGRIE • Direction Générale de la Mobilisation pour l’Auto-Développement et la Vulgarisation Agricole (DGMAVA) • Laboratoire National Vétérinaire ; • Autorité de Régulation de la Filière Café du Burundi (ARFIC) ; • Institut de Statistiques et d’Etudes Economiques du Burundi (ISTEEBU) ; • Direction Générale de la Planification Agricole et de l’Elevage ; • Direction Générale de l’Environnement ;
Researchsector • Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi (ISABU) ; • Centre National de Technologie Alimentaire (CNTA) ; • Centre de Recherche en Agriculture et Développement Rural (CERADER)/Université de Ngozi ; • Institut Géographique du Burundi (IGEBU) ;
Education sector • Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de l’Université du Burundi • InstitutSupérieurd’Agriculture; • Université de Ngozi.
Farmer Organizations • L'Association d'Encadrement, de Production et de Vulgarisation en milieu rural (AEPV) ; • L’Association Appui au Développement Intégral et la Solidarité sur les Collines(ADISCO) • La confédération des associations des producteurs agricoles pour le développement(CAPAD)
The best 5 websites in Burundi on the eRAILS portal, www.erails.net The best 5 websites in Burundi are alphabetically: • ARFIC • FACAGRO • ISABU • MINAGRIE • CNTA/ISA/CERADER
Challenges of RAILS RAILS was supposed to improve Internet connectivity in our institutions to facilitate sharing agricultural informations. The internet connectivity is still not improved as originally planned.
Achievements of RAILS In the country: • Launch workshop of the Regional Agricultural Information and Learning System (RAILS)in Burundi, Bujumbura, 16-17 December 2010; • ICT equipment provision; • Organization of two training workshops on the use of the portal eRAILS, from 7 to 11 may 2012 and from 25 February to 1st March 2013.
Achievements of RAILS In our institution: • Strengthening in computer equipment; • Exchangingeasily information withother RAILS institutions As an individual • Reception of information in real time, includingeventsthat are held in Africa or elsewhere; • Strengtheningourcapacity to use the Erailsplatform and some applications of the web.2.0; • Participation in a training workshop of researchers and the African media to promote and improve agricultural production, organized for francophone countries, in Abidjan (IvoryCost), 19-23 March 2012;
Achievements of RAILS(cont.) • Participation in an online training on Web 2.0 toolsentitled "Innovative Collaboration for Development”, 29 th April -28 June 2013 : • The course Innovative Collaboration for Development was an initiative of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) • The course wascomposed of 6 modules thatpresent Web 2.0 concepts and tools. Through a series of hands-on tasks, participants explore blogging, micro-blogging, image- and video-sharing applications, social networks, project management tools and social bookmarking.
How can knowledge sharing and management be improved The knowledge sharing and management can be improved at institutional and national levels by: • Improving Internet connectivity for most institutions; • Strengthening capacities in ICT/ICM and Knowledge Management.