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God’s Vision for Half the World

God’s Vision for Half the World. Recent news reports reveal the oppression of women around the world. This workshop will consider God's vision for women as bearers of God's image. Participants will consider ways in which they can empower women in the church and the world . Two Key Resources.

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God’s Vision for Half the World

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  1. God’s Vision for Half the World Recent news reports reveal the oppression of women around the world. This workshop will consider God's vision for women as bearers of God's image. Participants will consider ways in which they can empower women in the church and the world.

  2. Two Key Resources • Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. Nicholas D. Kristoff & Sheryl WuDunn • Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women. Carolyn Custis James

  3. “The Girl effect” • Women comprise 70% of the world’s poorest people • Only 1% of titled land is owned by women • Women earn ¾ of pay men get for the same work • On average, women will invest 80 cents of every dollar earned in their family • Men only invest about 30 cents of every dollar earned in family • In Africa, women produce 70% of crops; receive less training and tools than men

  4. “The Girl effect” • Kidnapping • Slave labor • Sex trafficking / forced prostitution • Gender-based violence: women aged 15-45 are “more likely to be maimed or die from male violence than from cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war combined.” • Brutal (often mass) rape • Honor killings

  5. “The girl effect” • Factory work • Lack of health care and medical treatment • Genital mutilation • Maternal mortality – • In developed countries: 14 deaths/100,000 live births • In developing countries: 290 deaths/100,000 • In sub-Saharan Africa: 900/100,000 • For every one who dies, at least 10 more suffered serious injuries

  6. Threefold challenge to the church • What message does the church offer women in the 21st century? • What will the church do to address the rampant suffering of women throughout our world? • What message are we sending to the world by how we value and mobilize our own daughters?

  7. The image of god in us • Our relationships should reflect the Trinitarian God. • We are created in God’s image (Genesis1:26-27) • Psalm 8:5 “A little lower than…” (Elohim) • “God’s image is desecrated where violence and atrocities are rampant… also in more polite and religiously approved forms of division, dysfunction, and the tense negotiations over roles and rank” in the church and in Christian homes.

  8. What can I Do? • Child sponsorship • More likely to complete education • Builds hope; different view of self and future • “The best role for Americans who want to help Muslim women isn’t wielding the microphone at the front of the rally, but writing the checks and carrying the bags in the back.” • Kiva • NCM • Political change

  9. www.halftheskymovement.org • www.NazarenePastor.org

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