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Guidelines and Procedures

Guidelines and Procedures. Mrs. Yee’s Classroom. Getting your attention. Getting your attention. I will . . . Stand in front of the class. Raise my hand. Wait for everyone to be quiet. Begin speaking. Pay attention. Follow directions the first time they are given.

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Guidelines and Procedures

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  1. Guidelines and Procedures Mrs. Yee’s Classroom

  2. Getting your attention

  3. Getting your attention I will . . . • Stand in front of the class. • Raise my hand. • Wait for everyone to be quiet. • Begin speaking.

  4. Pay attention • Follow directions the first time they are given.

  5. Turning in Papers • Place your paper on the desk In front of you on the • Right side • If you are at the front desk, place your paper on top and pass it to the desk on your LEFT. • I will come by and collect the stacks on the two desks closest to mine.

  6. Entering the Room • Please enter quietly. • Get your Bell-Work Journal • Have a seat. • Take out your materials. • Review the agenda (on the board between the bookcases). • Begin bell-work assignment.

  7. What to bring • A writing utensil. • Lined paper • A notebook with pockets • A book to read—due Tuesday September 4 (A days), or Wednesday September 5 (B days). • A composition book to be kept in the classroom (also due September 4 or 5). • (Please write this list down on your 3x5 card)

  8. Email • You will also need an email address!

  9. Ready to learn • Bring ALL books and materials to class (folder or binder, paper, writing utensil). • Take EVERYTHING with you when you leave. • Pick up after yourself (check the floor for dropped paraphernalia).

  10. Team activities • We will have to work together to figure out this procedure. • We will try this today. • When we have completed a team activity, you will clean up any messes and move your desks back into neat rows that line up with tape lines for the front feet of the first and last chairs on each row.

  11. Class Dismissal • The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. • Do not start packing up prior to the bell. • Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with “Have a greatday!”

  12. When you enter the classroom • Get your Composition Book • Go to your seat • Review today’s Objectives and Activities: These are posted below your class title on the whiteboard between the two large book cases. • Bell-work will be posted on the Smart Board screen. Open your composition book and begin working—you will have only 5 minutes to complete the activity once the bell rings. • Your whole body must be in the room and on its way to your seat in order to be considered on time

  13. When you are tardy . . . • Enter quietly. • Excused: Place excuse in the basket on my desk. • Unexcused: Sign tardy liston table in front of my desk. • Have a seat and take out your materials.

  14. Guideline Infraction Notice • Read it • Sign it • Keep it until the end of class

  15. Guideline Infraction Notice • Guideline Infraction Notice • West Wendover High School – Mrs. Kwiatkowski-Yee’s Class • PLEASE: • CORRECT your behavior • [and/or] RETURN to task • See me after class! • Your Signature: ________________________________ Today’s Date: ___________ • OFFENSE: ___________________________________________________________________ • CONFERENCE RESULT: • _______________________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________________

  16. Mrs. Kwiatkowski-Yee’s Action Plan—2nd infraction • What’s the problem? • 2. What’s causing the problem? • (Please list the factors) • 3. What plan will you use to solve the problem? • ________________ • Date • _______________________ ______________________ • Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

  17. FollowingGuidelines will result in . . . • Verbal acknowledgement • A stress-free learning environment • A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere

  18. Not Following Guidelines will result in . . . • 1stWarning and documentation • 2nd • Action Plan • 3rd • Minor referral or Office Referral (possible Major)

  19. Paper Heading • MLA Format • Place on allhomework assignments

  20. The Pink Slip • Date: _____________________________ • Printed Name:_______________________ • Class Section:_______________________ • You’ve been Pink-Slipped! • Completing your homework or assignment is your responsibility as a student. • Missing Assignment: ____________________________________________ • I do not have my homework today because: • _____ I did the assigned homework, but I did not bring it to class. • _____ I chose not to do my homework. • _____ I forgot to do my homework. • _____ I did not have the appropriate materials at home. • _____ Other—please explain below. • ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • Signature _______________________________________

  21. If You finish Early Work on unfinished English assignments. Read your “choice” novel. Review vocabulary words. Start working on tonight’s homework.

  22. If you are Absent • Go to Mrs. Kwiatkowski-Yee’s Blog at skiyee.wordpress.com. • Copy the homework. • Retrieve any handouts. • Sign the blog. • Make-up work for unexcused absences is not available.

  23. Scheduled Check Out • Please let me know as you enter the classroom. • I will be at the door. • Quietly raise your hand to get my attention. • Pack your materials and leave at the scheduled time. • If it is an emergency, quickly get my attention and I will assist you.

  24. Classroom Discussions • Participation is graded. • I want to hear what you have to say. • Only questions and comments relevant to the current discussion will be counted towards your grade. • If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.

  25. Moving Around the Room • You must ask permission. • Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency. • Raise three fingers QUIETLY, if it is a bathroom issue.

  26. Hall Pass • If you have been given permission to leave the room,

  27. “Special” Procedures • Library/Media Center • Special guests • Progress Reports • Working Cooperatively • Fire Drill • Intercom Announcements • Assemblies • Substitute Teacher

  28. Additional guidelines • No Whining Zone– You are entering a no Whining Zone, so shut your mouth and get to work! • Racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-religious sentiments are not welcome here. • Keep your head up! (no heads on desks)

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