Field-Comm.net Getting Started
Introduction Welcome to the East Point Systems Field-Comm.netgetting started manual.By running this presentation you should acquire the basic skills that are needed to use the Field-Comm.net software system.We at East Point Systems, Inc. thank you for choosing the Field-Comm.net software system as your back office system, and hope that you and your business have a rich and productive experience with the system. Tom Margarido, PresidentEast Point Systems, Inc.
Index Slide Subject4 Order Entry1 6 Exchanging data with the Data Exchange Hub Using the website data file Import function2 3 Processing Field Reports & Photos3 7 Exploring the Order Search Function 5 Invoicing 6 Receiving & Posting Client Payments 7 Paying Contractors / Field workers 8 Accounting Summary Functions 9 Security Setup and maintenance10 Table Setup and Maintenance Discount Regions Pricing Regions Vendor Regions Services Default Pricing Table Instructions Table Vendor Pay Tables
Field-Comm.net Section 1Order Entry
There are 3 ways to receive orders into the system • Manual Data Entry • Automatically via the Field-Comm Data Exchange Hub • Semi-Automatic via uploading client web files (CSV, XML, Text, or PDF) to the Hub and receiving them into the system via the Data Exchange Interface. • In this section we will discuss how each of these methods work
Field-Comm.net (Entering Orders Manually)
All of the functions of the launch screen can be found on this task bar as well. This taskbar follows the user everywhere throughout the system To manually enter an order click here This screen is called the launch screen. From here the user can go anywhere within the system
If you plan to enter multiple orders in one session, the push pins provide the ability to persist values from order to order Enter the initial information about the order here To navigate from field to field, always use the TAB key. The enter key causes a highlighted button to activate.
Pinning down reoccurring fields can dramatically reduce order entry time and effort Either the “Client Property ID” (loan #) or the property address are needed (but not both). In this case we are using the property ID, so we have left the Street # and Street Name blank. If you are using the address instead of the property ID (loan#), always enter the street number and just a small part of the street name (less is better). By using a small part of the address, you can avoid entering the same address twice because the existing address is not found. This can happen if the existing address is spelled street and you are searching for St. When tabbing through the order entry fields, the cursor does not stop in the pinned fields
When the search button is activated, the system attempts to locate an existing property record for the subject address.
If a matching property is not found, the system prompts the user for the basic address information There is no need to enter the city and state. Just enter the Zip. Every Zip code in the U.S. is loaded into the system
If a matching property record is found or the address is manually entered, the property appears on the middle section of the screen To accept the listed address press the enter key or click on +add Job
The line items for the order then appear in the lower right window After the address is selected, the job moves down to the lower left window If additional lines must be added to the order, simply click on the quick entry column of the next line and enter the line item. Use the tab key to navigate from field to field.
When all orders for the session have been entered, click finish or press Alt-F If you want to add an additional order, simply hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and press the “N” key or click the “Next Job” button Orders listed in this section will not be assigned a Field-Comm order number until the finish button is pressed.
When the finish button on the order entry wizard screen is pressed, a new order is created for each entered order; then the system drives the user into the order search screen and displays the orders that were just created
Field-Comm.net Automatic Order Entry viathe Data Exchange Interface
The Field-Comm.net Data Exchange Interface provides both automatic upload and automatic download capability. Located on a professional 24/7 server farm in Dallas Texas, the Data Exchange Hub provides high speed enterprise class network services and multiple interfaces to accommodate any type of data exchange with any entity within the mortgage industry. • Web Services for High Speed Data Streaming Batch transfers between in network subscribers and out of network Web Service interfaces. • FTP interface for out of network sites with older technology • Client Direct* web browser interface for accommodating your Realtor and Servicing Lender clients. • Hub to National website interfaces to accommodate the uploading of field results into national field servicing company websites • File import and conversion interface to accommodate website export files (CSV, XML, Text, PDF) from the national servicing company websites. • * Available Dec 2008
The Field-Comm.net Data Exchange Network Website interfaces will be created throughout 2009 to upload results into the websites of the nationals who do not provide a web services interface to the Fielf-Comm.net Data Exchange Hub. Realtors FTP Site Internet Field-Comm Data Exchange Hub FTP Interface Web Browser Interface Patent Pending Other Subscriber Queues Web Site Upload Interface The web browser interface is targeted for release on 1/1/2009 Servicing Lender Email to FC Data Converter Web Service Interface Website File Conversion Email Results Upload Interface Internet The E-mail interface is targeted for release in Q4 of 2009 Contractor Office FTP interface provides high speed data streaming batch transfers between in network subscribers and out of network older technology sites National Field Service Company Website upload interface provides automatic data entry of field results data into national service company websites Servicing Lender Web Services provide high speed data streaming batch transfers between in network subscribers or out of network Web Service interfaces. Web browser interface provides browser access to out of network users who wish to enter orders and receive field results via a web browser TheField-Comm.net Data Exchange Hub provides the user with the ability to upload and download data (photos, work orders, field reports, etc), seamlessly between Data Exchange Hub Subscribers and / or out of network entity. Field Worker Mobile Unit Other REO Closing Attorney REO Realtor Inspector Office
To Access the Data Exchange function, click the “Exchange” button on the top taskbar
The Exchange screen consists of 4 queue folders (inbound orders, inbound results, outbound orders, and outbound results). There are also 2 history folders (received items, and sent items). The sent items folder contains the transmission receipts and proof of delivery for items sent. The received items folder contains a history of all items received.
To Exchange Items With the Data Exchange Hub, Simply click the Send/Receive Button
When the Send/Receive dropdown menu appears, select the mode that you want (send only, receive only, send and receive).
If your outbound folders have items in them before the send receive process, they should be empty after the process During the send receive process, a progress graph will appear The message that says that the send/receive process has completed means that the attempt to connect has completed, not that the connection was successful. Always check the received items and sent items history folders to make sure that the connection was successful. Any type of internet problem can cause the connection to fail.
Field-Comm.net Section 3Processing Field Reports and Photos
To find an existing order,… mouse over the order search button or,…. from any screen, hold down the “Ctrl” Key and press the “F” key on your keyboard. The search panel will drop down. For Non-Standard searches, click the advanced tab The standard Search panel provides the ability to search by the most frequently used fields. Enter your search criteria, then click the search button or press the enter key on your keyboard.
The Advanced Search panel provides the ability to search by additional fields that are not available on the Standard search panel. Enter your search criteria, then press the search button or press the enter key
To see the details of an order, double click anywhere on the order line except the order # or the Invoice #. To see the invoice, click the invoice # To see the work order, click the order #
This screen contains the details of the order. Think of it as a hanging folder with manila folders inside it . The entire hanging folder contains the detailed information for only this job. The 2nd step of results processing is to go to the filing cabinet. All field reports, photos and other field results are stored / created in the filing cabinet The first step of results processing is to enter the date completed
The filing cabinet consist of 5 basic folders (Documents, Misc., Photos, Reports, and Bids
To attach photos to an order or to view attached photos, click the photos folder Then click the “add photos” button.
The user is then presented with a browse screen. The user browses to the folder where the photos to be attached are located, and then double clicks.
To attach the photos to the order, simply highlight the photos to be attached, then click the “Open” button (Hint: Alt+A will select all photosor hold down Ctrl and randomly select photos)
As the photos are attached to the order, they are also reduced in size to 800x600 pixels
The attached photos are then displayed as thumbnails in the filing cabinet
Then click the “Reorder Selected” button The “Film Strip on the left displays the selected photos in the order that they were selected To reorder the photos, simply hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard and then left click the photos in the order that you want them ordered.
Captioning multiple photos Click the “apply to selected photos” button To group caption photos, highlight the photos to be captioned Type the caption text into the caption text box Check the update caption box
Creating Reports To see field reports that have been created from other jobs that relate to this property, click here Existing field reports will be listed here. Click the “Report Forms” folder to add or edit a report To add a new report, click this button
When the “add report” button is clicked, a list of available report forms appears Select a report. then click the “OK” button
A blank form with the header pre-filled will appear Complete the report form If you are completing a report for a client who is a subscriber to the East Point Data Exchange Hub, click the upload checkbox to seamlessly upload the completed report to your client
When the upload checkbox is checked without an error list appearing, click save and close to exit the report. If the form has not been completed correctly, an error list will appear when you attempt to check the upload checkbox. Correct the errors , then try to check the upload checkbox again
To create a free form bid, click the “New Bid” button. To create a bid using a client’s bid form, , click the “New Bid” button.
If your client is an East Point Data Exchange hub subscriber, click the upload checkbox to seamlessly upload the completed bid to your client To save your bid, click the “Save & Close” button Select a service, press the tab key to move to the description field, Enter a description, Quantity, and a unit price.
Field-Comm.net Section 4Invoicing the Job
Click on “New Invoice” to create a new invoice To start the invoicing process, click on the Invoice tab
The following window will appear. Click “Yes” to change the order status to “work Completed”
There are two different ways to create an invoice The first method is the Line at a time creation method the second method makes use of the “invoicing wizard” to automatically create the invoice
The Invoicing wizard method provides the user with the ability to create the invoice from items that are on the work order To copy all of the line items from the work order to the invoice, simply click the “Add All” button
If the service is a grouped service, a dropdown list will appear, providing the user with valid choices