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Investigating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Kevin Anderson, Ph.D. @CESA2STEM www.cesa2.org/programs/wingss. AGENDA. 9 :00-10:30 Structure of the NGSS and Example 10:30-10:50 Conceptual Shifts and Implications 10 :50-11:00 Quick Break
Investigating the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Kevin Anderson, Ph.D. @CESA2STEM www.cesa2.org/programs/wingss
AGENDA 9:00-10:30 Structure of the NGSS and Example 10:30-10:50 Conceptual Shifts and Implications 10:50-11:00 Quick Break 11:00-11:40 Lesson Planning within NGSS 11:40-12:00 Progressions in the NGSS 12:00-12:30 Next steps and Summing Up
Goals for the Day Be able to understand and use the structure of the NGSS Compare and contrast the WMAS and NGSS Use an NGSS standard to design instruction Explore progressions of Practices and CCC Consider next steps
Why NGSS? • Current Standards are out of date • Advances in science& technology • Advances in understanding of learning • Links to CCSS • College & Career Readiness • More authentic science learning • STEM integration • Global competitiveness and job market
Building on the Past; Preparing for the Future 1990s-2009 Phase I Phase II 1990s 7/2011 – April 2013 1/2010 - 7/2011
State-led Effort • The federal government is not involved in this effort. • It is state-led, and states will decide whether or not to adopt the standards. • The work undertaken by the NRC and Achieve is being supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. • No federal funds have been used to develop the standards.
NGSS Standards Walk-Through Meaningful Logo
Science & Engineering Practices Asking questions and defining problems Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations and designing solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Crosscutting Concepts Patterns Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation Scale, proportion, and quantity Systems and system models Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation Structure and function Stability and change
Group Review of a Lesson TASK: • Find the sample lesson online: • Intro - http://its-about-time.com/pbis/pdf/samples/wea_challenge.pdf • Activity - http://its-about-time.com/pbis/pdf/ls/wea_ls1.pdf • Standard – MS-ESS2 Earth’s Systems (DCI) or MS Weather and Climate • Complete the lesson review for each dimension after we discuss it • Disciplinary Core Ideas • Science & Engineering Practices • Crosscutting Concepts
Group Review of a Lesson TASK: • Complete the lesson review for Disciplinary Core Ideas
Science & Engineering Practices Asking questions and defining problems Developing and using models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and interpreting data Using mathematics and computational thinking Constructing explanations and designing solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
Example Practice – Modeling Figure 1 Shaynahad a small bottle of Bromine gas. The bottle was closed with a cork. She tied a string to the cork, and then placed the bottle inside a larger bottle. She sealed the large bottle shut (Figure 1). Next, Shayna opened the small bottle by pulling the string connected to the cork. Figure 2 shows what happened after the cork of the small bottle was opened. 1. Draw a model that shows what is happening in this experiment. 2. Explain in writing what is happening in your model.
Group Review of a Lesson TASK: • Complete the lesson review for Science & Engineering Practices
Group review of lesson • Science vs. engineering practices? What is the goal of the activity? • Is it to answer a question? If so, they are likely doing science. • Is the purpose to define and solve a problem? If so, they are likely doing engineering.
Engineering in the NGSS Engineering is… • Cyclical problem-solving • Based on a context (a story) • Built upon science, math and technology know-how • Dependent on effective communication and coordination • Not a competition or just building something
Engineering in the NGSS Engineering resources… • eGFI - teachers.egfi-k12.org/ • TeachEngineering.org • PBS Design Squad • www.cesa2.org/programs/stem/engineering.cfm
Crosscutting Concepts Patterns Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation Scale, proportion, and quantity Systems and system models Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation Structure and function Stability and change
Group Review of a Lesson TASK: • Complete the lesson review for Crosscutting Concepts
Group Review of a Lesson TASK: • Complete and discuss the final lesson review questions for… • Evidence of Learning • Performance Expectations • CCSS Connections
CCSS ELA & Mathematics and the NGSS The practices among these subjects overlap. • What are the important practice connections you see in these subjects? • What other connections would you add? • What does this suggest for your teaching?
What is Different about NGSS? TASK: Look at the provided WI Model Academic Standards & NGSS Standards Pages
What is Different about NGSS? TASK: How are the NGSS similar & different from old standards? Compare & contrast instruction under these standards as well. Discuss the changes that you see coming and be prepared to share out.
What Is Different about NGSS? Appendix A – Conceptual Shifts • Shift 1 - NGSS Reflects “Real Science” • Shift 5 - Nature of Science & Engineering are Integrated K-12
What Is Different about NGSS? Appendix A – Conceptual Shifts Shift 3 – NGSS Builds Coherently K-12 Shift 4 – NGSS Focuses on Deeper Understanding & Application
What Is Different about NGSS? Appendix A – Conceptual Shifts Shift 2 - NGSS is not a curriculum Shift 6 - NGSS & Common Core are aligned
How will NGSS change teaching and learning? TASK: Take a few minutes to reflect on the conceptual shifts presented. Think-Pair-Share – Answer the questions on each page…discuss with a neighbor…be prepared to share.
UbDPlanning and the NGSS What does lesson planning look like in the NGSS? • Move to grade level groups as possible. • Find the Understanding by Design template. • Decide on one standards page and one or two performance expectations on that page. • Collaboratively fill out the template for a lesson you may do to reach these goals. • See example on back (rough).
What will I Teach with the NGSS? • Go to appendices F and G – www.nextgenscience.org • Reflect: • Find one practice and one crosscutting concept that you see as especially important. • What do the practices and crosscutting concepts look like K-12? • What skills do students arrive with at your grade? • What do they need to prepare for?
Next Steps How can we ensure that the full intent of the NGSS is implemented in our classroom, school, and district?
How do we get there? TASK – back to school level groups: • Reflect upon the implementation of NGSS in your district. • Identify basic steps, key players, additional resources, and obstacles to your implementation. • Describe professional development needs in your district for successful NGSS implementation.
Thank You!Please complete the evaluation. Feel free to email me with questions:kevin.anderson@cesa2.orgwww.cesa2.org/programs/wingsswww.cesa2.org/programs/stem@CESA2STEM