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Agenda for Today. November 24th: Instruction from Stage20: Present Participles; Personal Pronouns; Medicine and Science _____ Participation Grade
1. Latin II - Stage 20 Medicine
2. Agenda for Today November 24th:
Instruction from Stage20: Present Participles; Personal Pronouns; Medicine and Science
_____ Participation Grade # 8
(Pages 166, 167, 170, 174)
(1st half of every set of exercises)
_____ Assessment Grade # 2
(Quiz on Stages 18 and 19)
3. Objectives Stage 20:
? Identify and translate the present active participle
? Identify and translate the 3rd person personal pronouns
? Read, answer questions, and translate Latin stories on medicine and science in the ancient world
? Describe and discuss medicine and science in the ancient world
4. Warm-Up: Warm-Up: Copy. Identify the subject, verb, and direct object (if there is one). Identify the underlined word.
1. The slaves, carrying the master, returned to the house.
2. The slave-girls, crying, were standing near the bed.
3. The slave hurried to the city, seeking the doctor.
5. Check your answers: 1. The slaves, carrying the master, returned (to the house).
subject participle verb prep.phrase
2. The slave-girls, crying, were standing (near the bed).
subject participle verb prep.phrase
3. The slave hurried to the city, seeking the doctor.
subject verb participle obj.of participle
6. Class Work # 8 Activities:
1. Page 166 Read and Discuss Section A; Study the examples of the present participle in Section C.
2. Page 166 Translate sentences 1 and 2.
HINT: Look for the nt (sometimes ns) in a verb. This is a sign of the PRESENT PARTICIPLE.
7. Page 166 - CW #8 1. Astrologus in cubiculum irrupit, clamans.
1. The astrologer burst into the bedroom, shouting.
clamans describes astrologus
8. Page 166 2. Pueri, per urbem currentes, Petronem conspexerunt.
2. The boys, (while) running through the city, caught sight of Petro.
currentes describes pueri (boys)
9. Participles, continued: 3. Page 167 Translate sentences 1 and 2.
1. Fur e villa effugit, cachinnans.
2. Rex milites, pro templo sedentes, spectabat.
10. Check your translations 1. The thief ran away from the house, laughing.
2. The king was watching the soldiers sitting in front of the temple.
11. Model Sentences, page 162 4. Page 162 5 Model Sentences.
1. The slaves came back to the house, carrying Barbillus.
2. The slave-girls were standing near the bed, crying.
3. The astrologer burst into the bedroom, shouting.
4. Barbillus, lying down on the bed, heard the astrologer.
5. Phormio hurried to the city, searching for a doctor.
12. What are the words in bold? I wanted to give him some money.
They ran through the streets.
The slave saved her from drowning.
Masculine Feminine Neuter
he, him she, her it
they, them
13. Personal Pronouns, page 170 5. Page 170 Read Section A about PERSONAL PRONOUNS.
6. Page 170 COPY and STUDY the chart for the personal pronoun in Section B.
7. Page 170 Translate sentences 1, 2, and 3.
1. Barbillus in cubiculo iacebat. Quintus ei vinum dedit.
Barbillus was lying in his bedroom. Quintus gave wine to him. (dative case - indirect object)
14. Page 170 2. Galatea maritum vituperabat. Tota turba eam audivit.
Galatea was blaming her husband. The entire crowd heard her.
3. Puellae suaviter cantabant. Aristo voces earum laudavit. (whose voices?)
The girls were singing sweetly. Aristo praised their voices. (voices of them/their voices)
15. Practice Exercises, p.174 8. Page 174 Practicing the Language (Section A) Complete and translate sentences 1 and 2.
9. Page 174 Practicing the Language (Section B) Complete and translate sentences 1 and 2.
A1 - desperans - Barbillus, despairing for his life, sent for Quintus.
B1 - Phormio Petronem bene noverat. Petronem in urbe quaesivit. Eum -
Phormio knew Petro well. He looked for him in the city.
16. Page 174, More Practice A2 -
Laborantem - Quintus found the freedman working in his shop.
B2 -
Eas - In the desert were ferocious wild animals. Rufus used to hunt them.
17. Finally, to end class today . . . QUIZ Stages 18 and 19.
Clear your desks.
PS - no homework!