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15-2 Theories of Evolution

15-2 Theories of Evolution. Biological Evolution Change of populations of organisms over generations. · First to propose a hypothesis of species modification. · Similar species descended from a common ancestor. · He said acquired traits were passed on to offspring.

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15-2 Theories of Evolution

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  1. 15-2 Theories of Evolution Biological Evolution • Change of populations of organisms over generations.

  2. ·First to propose a hypothesis of species modification. ·Similar species descended from a common ancestor. ·He said acquired traits were passed on to offspring. Acquired traits are traits which are not determined by genes but by experience or behavior of an organism. These traits cannot be passed on. ·Baptiste studied the webbed foot of water birds. He thought that the offspring would also have webbed feet because of acquired traits. This hypothesis was rejected but was a forerunner for evolution. Charles Darwin came along 50 years later and presented a better case for evolution. Jean Baptiste de LaMarck (1780)

  3. Jean Baptiste de LaMarck

  4. ·Proposed hypothesis that species were modified by natural selection. *Natural selection deals with genetics. It says organisms that are best suited to their environment are best able to reproduce and have more offspring. ·He published a book called “The origin of the species” in 1859 which announced his hypothesis. ·He was English. He was hired to go on the H.M.S. Beagle as a naturalist. This ship traveled to S. America, Europe, Australia, and Africa for 5 years. During the 5 years, he collected many different types of fossils and observed thousands of species. Charles Darwin (1823-1913)

  5. Map of Beagle

  6. Charles Darwin

  7. Collected 13 similar but separate species of finches from the Galapagos Islands. He said they all came from 1 female finch over time. Origin of Species ·Took Darwin 21 years to publish this book. It was on evolution by natural selection. Analysis of Data

  8. Darwin’s Finches

  9. Darwin’s Theories ·2 theories 1. Evolution occurs “Descent with modification”. 2. It is caused by natural selection.

  10. 1. Descent with Modifications ·Newer forms in the fossil records are just modified forms of older forms. ·Similar organisms arise in the same geographic location. • Organisms give rise to similar organisms.

  11. 2. Modification by Natural Selection · States how evolution occurs. ·Darwin influenced by Thomas Malthus. ·Said that populations could grow unchecked (meaning they could get bigger and bigger) but they do not because of deaths due to sickness, environmental conditions, reproduction rates, etc. However, some organisms have traits which help them survive. 

  12. Traits ·If it increases the reproductive success and is inherited then the trait will be passed on to many offspring ·As favorable genes increase, a population of organisms will adapt to its environment ·Individuals with highest fitness will adapt well to its environment and reproduce more successfully then an individual with low fitness.

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