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DWI Learning Module

Learn about assessing breast cancer response using DWI biomarkers. This guide covers factors for evaluating DWI quality, fat suppression techniques, and how different breast compositions impact image quality. Examples of DWI images with varying fat suppression levels are provided.

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DWI Learning Module

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  1. DWI Learning Module ACRIN 6698: Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging Biomarkers for Assessment of Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Treatment: A sub-study of the I-SPY 2 TRIAL

  2. DWI Quality • In this training guide, non fat-suppressed and fat-suppressed T1+Gd MRI are also provided with low b-value (b=0 s/mm2) and high b-value (b=800 s/mm2) DWI to illustrate how fat, non-fat parenchyma, fluids and dense lesions may look on low and high b-value DWI. • Factors to be considered for evaluating DWI quality are illustrated.

  3. 10/10/2012 T.Chenevert, S.Partridge SHIM Quality • DWI requires good fat suppression and most fat suppression techniques (ChemSat, FatSat; SPIR; SPAIR) require good shim quality over the imaged breast volume. Use your most reliable shim and fat-suppression techniques when performing DWI.

  4. 10/10/2012 T.Chenevert, S.Partridge Fat Suppression • The technologist needs to have reasonable sense of the patient’s breast composition (amount of fatty vs. non-fat breast parenchyma) prior to performing the DWI in order to better evaluate the quality of the DWI. • In ACRIN 6698, high resolution non fat-suppressed and fat-suppressed T1+Gd images ARE NOT acquired prior to diffusion scans. However, the “survey” images or, when available, prior MRI exams should be adequate to indicate the amount of fatty vs non-fatty content in a given patient.

  5. 10/10/2012 T.Chenevert, S.Partridge Very Fatty Breasts • Breasts composed of nearly all fatty tissue with very little non-fat parenchyma will likely yield visually low SNR diffusion weighted images. Properly-performed fat suppression, which is essential for high-quality DWI, should eliminate nearly all the available signal (see examples 2&3). The small amount of non-fat tissue and blood/fluids should remain as signal on the low b-value DWI (b=0). • On the high b-value DWI (b=800), signal from these non-fat tissues also becomes suppressed, although truly dense tissue and many solid lesions will retain much of their signal. Thus, dense lesions tend to be more conspicuous on high b-value DWI. Even though fat suppression is essential, it is imperfect. Fat signal that is not fully suppressed may appear to gain relative signal strength at high b-value DWI since the non-fat tissues are losing signal as diffusion weighting increases whereas residual fat signal is unaffected by diffusion weighting.

  6. NonFatSat T1 Example 1 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Good DWI Quality: Uniform FatSat & dense tissue/tumor is relatively bright on high bvalue DWI

  7. NonFatSat T1 Example 2 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 DWI of fatty breast: Good fat suppression will eliminate nearly all signal. DWI at b=0 shows non-fat signal (eg, blood vessels and parenchyma), but DWI at high b further suppresses this non-fat signal. This can give the appearance of poor fat suppression on high b DWI.

  8. Example 3 DWI b=0 Not Available DWI b=800 Not Available DWI of fatty breast: Expect low SNR since good fat suppression should eliminate nearly all signal. DWI at b=0 shows remaining non-fat signal (eg, blood vessels and little parenchyma), but DWI at high b further suppresses this non-fat signal. Signal from dense tissue/lesions should remain.

  9. NonFatSat T1 Example 4 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Acceptable DWI Quality: Uniform FatSat. On high b DWI, expect lower SNR and an “apparent increase” in fat signal due to DWI suppression of water signal.

  10. NonFatSat T1 Example 5 DWI b=0 FatSat T1 DWI b=800 Poor Shim = Poor FatSat = Poor Quality DWI: Unsuppressed fat signal due to poor shim is shifted by many pixels along the phase-encoding/fold-over direction and may obscure lesions. Breast distortion also increases with poor shim. Use your most reliable shim & fat-suppression techniques.

  11. NonFatSat T1 Example 6 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Good DWI Quality: Uniform FatSat, low distortion. Dense tissue/lesion may appear relatively brighter on high b DWI.

  12. Example 7 DWI b=0 Not Available FatSat T1 DWI b=800 Good FatSat but low/moderate DWI SNR: if possible, increase averages but keep DWI scantimeto ~5mins.

  13. Appendix • Additional DWI case examples

  14. Example 8 DWI b=0 Not Available DWI b=800 Not Available Low to Moderate DWI SNR: if possible, increase averages but keep DWI scantimeto ~5mins

  15. NonFatSat T1 Example 9 DWI b=0 DWI b=800 Not Available Acceptable DWI Quality

  16. Example 10 DWI b=0 Not Available DWI b=800 Not Available Low DWI Quality: Non uniform FatSat may be obscuring lesion/parenchyma

  17. Example 11 DWI b=0 Not Available DWI b=800 Not Available Moderate Quality DWI: Unsuppressed fat and/or parallel imaging artifact obscures lesion of interest.

  18. NonFatSat T1 Example 12 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Acceptable Quality DWI: Bright fluid on b=0 DWI is suppressed on high b DWI. Fat signal may appear relatively brighter on high b DWI. DWI often exhibit spatial distortion.

  19. NonFatSat T1 Example 13 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Acceptable Quality DWI

  20. NonFatSat T1 Example 14 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Acceptable to Good DWI Quality

  21. NonFatSat T1 Example 15 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Acceptable to Good DWI Quality

  22. NonFatSat T1 Example 16 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Good Quality DWI

  23. NonFatSat T1 Example 17 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Good Quality DWI

  24. Example 18 DWI b=0 Not Available DWI b=800 Not Available Acceptable Quality DWI

  25. NonFatSat T1 Example 19 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Acceptable DWI Quality

  26. NonFatSat T1 Example 20 DWI b=0 FatSat T1+Gd DWI b=800 Acceptable DWI Quality

  27. Diffusion Weighted Image (DWI) Quality In this training guide, non fat-suppressed and fat-suppressed T1+Gd MRI are also provided with low b-value (b=0 s/mm2) and high b-value (b=800 s/mm2) DWI to illustrate how fat, non-fat parenchyma, fluids and dense lesions may look on low and high b-value DWI. 1) FAT: The technologist needs to have reasonable sense of the patient’s breast composition (amount of fatty vs. non-fat breast parenchyma) prior to performing the DWI in order to better evaluate the quality of the DWI. In ACRIN 6698, high resolution non fat-suppressed and fat-suppressed T1+Gd images ARE NOT acquired prior to diffusion scans. However, the “survey” images or, when available, prior MRI exams should be adequate to indicate the amount of fatty vs non-fatty content in a given patient. 2) VERY FATTY BREASTS: Breasts composed of nearly all fatty tissue with very little non-fat parenchyma will likely yield visually low SNR diffusion weighted images. Properly-performed fat suppression, which is essential for high-quality DWI, should eliminate nearly all the available signal (see examples 2&3). The small amount of non-fat tissue and blood/fluids should remain as signal on the low b-value DWI (b=0). On the high b-value DWI (b=800), signal from these non-fat tissues also becomes suppressed, although truly dense tissue and many solid lesions will retain much of their signal. Thus, dense lesions tend to be more conspicuous on high b-value DWI. Even though fat suppression is essential, it is imperfect. Fat signal that is not fully suppressed may appear to gain relative signal strength at high b-value DWI since the non-fat tissues are losing signal as diffusion weighting increases whereas residual fat signal is unaffected by diffusion weighting. 3) SHIM QUALITY: DWI requires good fat suppression and most fat suppression techniques (ChemSat, FatSat; SPIR; SPAIR) require good shim quality over the imaged breast volume. Use your most reliable shim and fat-suppression techniques when performing DWI. Breast_DWI_TrainingSetTLChenevert Apr, 2012

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