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Learning and reflecting – individually and in the Team. Hvad er læring ?. Den psykologiske fejlforståelse: Vi lader som om der er sammen-fald mellem det der bliver under-vist i og det der bliver lært. Student centered learning. Teach me… and I will forget ?. Tell me and I will forget
Hvad er læring ? Den psykologiske fejlforståelse: • Vi lader som om der er sammen-fald mellem det der bliver under-vist i og det der bliver lært.
Student centered learning Teach me… and I will forget ? Tell me and I will forget Show me and I will remember Involve me and I will understand Step back and I will act Chinese proverb
Carl Rogers on teaching at Harvard in 1951 • It seems to me that anything that can be taught to another is relatively inconsequential, and has little or no significant influence on behavior. • I have come to feel that the only learning which significantly influences behavior is self-discovered, self-appropriated learning.
The magic of self-directed learning Learning is the process of acquiring new behavior potential. It is an efective strategy to make the learner responsible for their own learning. This explains the succes of methods like project organized learning and Problem-based learning
Effectivity of educational formats (after Bales) Average retention Lecture 5 % 10 % Reading 20 % Audiovisual Demonstration 30 % Discussion group 50 % Practice 75 % Teaching others 80 %
Erfaring Test Refleksion Generalisering Erfaringsbaseret læring Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experiences - David Kolb Learning is a function of the activity, context, and culture in which it normally occurs, thus it is situated - Jean Lave & Etienne Wenger Kolb’s læringscirkel, med John Cowan’s ord (Cowan 1998).
Erfaringsbaseret læring – en realistisk (virkelig) model planlagte/initierede ”tilfældige”/(personlige) Cowan’s udbyggede spiralmodel, med små refleksionssløjfer.
Learning styles Individuals’ different ways of taking in and processing information - Richard Felder
How do you do reading? Some people…sometimes…
Purpose of Testing Learning Style • To know about yourself - ‘in which way a student is smart’ rather than ‘whether this student is smart or not’ • To help learners to develop learning strategies and improve their learning by balancing it. • To work with our teaching style to match and maximize student learning But not to • Divide people into a set category as blood types – instead, it is just measuring height or weight along some point in life
Visuel ‘Vis mig hvordan’ Billeder Diagrammer Tegninger Grafer Verbal ‘Forklar mig hvordan’ Talte ord Skrevne ord Forskellig læringsstil 1:Informationskanal
Sansende Fokus på input via sanserne Praktisk Observerende Konkret: fakta og data Repetition Intuitive Fokus på det ubevidste Imaginative Leder efter mening Abstrakt: teori og modeller Variation Forskellig læringsstil 2:Opfattelse
Aktiv ‘Lad os prøve det’ Bearbejder aktivt Hopper ud i det Holder af gruppearbejde Refleksiv ‘Lad os tænke over det’ Bearbejder introspektivt Arbejder roligt Starter langsomt Holder af at arbejde alene eller i par Forskellig læringsstil 3:Informationsbehandling
Sekventiel Fungerer med delvis forståelse Stabil fremgang Har nemt ved at forklare Analyse, detaljer Global Skal have overblik for at fungere Først langsom, så store fremskridt Har ikke nemt ved at forklare Syntese, system-tænkning Forskellig læringsstil 4:Forståelse
The learning styles of the 493 students divided into strong, moderate and mild preferences, AAU, 2003 (Kolmos & Holgaard 2008)
Learning style preferences related to disciplines at Aalborg University (Kolmos & Holgaard 2008)
Summary • All types of learners are needed in every profession • All learning styles are needed to addressed and satisfied in teaching
www.comestic.com Take Felders learning style test (ILS Questionnaire)Please discuss with your group (mixed) members:How can you make best of and learn from each other based on your individual strengths and weakness?Can you use the knowledge of your learning styles to improve the team work on the projects?Prepare a short (2 min) presentation of the most important results from the discussion.Presentation app. 13.30