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URBAN DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT. PILLAR 5. PILLAR 1. PILLAR 2. PILLAR 3. PILLAR 4. Urban disaster risk management builds on knowledge and capacities acquired to effectively avoid or lessen the adverse effects of hazards. URBAN DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT. Recovery and Reconstruction.
Urban disaster risk management builds on knowledge and capacities acquired to effectively avoid or lessen the adverse effects of hazards
URBAN DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT Recovery and Reconstruction Response and Recovery Risk awareness and knowledge Preparedness and Response Risk awareness and knowledge Preparedness Prevention Adaptation Mitigation
INCREASE RISK KNOWLEDGE & AWARENESS 1 Risk identification and assessment are a crucial basis for more efficient prevention, preparedness and response to hazards 2 A better informed and more risk-aware population has increased capacity to cope with all kinds of shocks and stresses 3 Consulting and including the most vulnerable population is important to reduce risks and reinforce resilience Risk mapping exercise at community level in Vilankulo, Mozambique
AWARENESS RAISING MATERIALS Sharing knowledge of disaster risks with all parts of society is an important step for improving the efficiency of disaster response The “River Game” promotes awareness of risks and adaptation strategies through a simple and didactic language
1 Mechanisms such as early warning systems, contingency plans and evacuation drills enable individuals to be more prepared and act appropriately when disasters strike 2 The provision of emergency services and public assistance during or immediately after a disaster saves lives through reducing health impacts, ensuring public safety and meeting basic subsistence needs IMPROVE PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE TO DISASTERS Community-based early warning system in Togo(Picture: IFRC)
KEY MECHANISMS FOR INCREASING PREPAREDESS EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS • Enable individuals, communities and organizations to act appropriately by disseminating timely warnings through TV, radio, internet or phones
KEY MECHANISMS FOR INCREASING PREPAREDESS CONTINGENCY PLANNING Plans and processes that establish arrangements in advance to enable timely, effective and appropriate responses by envisioning possible situations and effects caused by hazards
KEY MECHANISMS FOR INCREASING PREPAREDESS EVACUATION DRILLS • Learn what to do and how to behave in time of emergency • Get familiar with evacuation procedures and emergency escape route
SUSTAINABLE RECOVERY AND IMPROVED RECONSTRUCTION 1 Services, facilities and livelihoods need to be recovered and restored timely and appropriately to ensure safe living conditions and transition from crisis to sustainable urban development 2 Recovery and reconstruction processes offer the opportunity to improve practices and facilities to make cities more disaster resilient through the building back better approach. On-the-job training for Building Back Better in Gaza, Mozambique )
PREVENTION MEASURES TO REDUCE DISASTER IMPACTS Structural protective infrastructure such as dykes can avoid the impacts of disasters by reducing or eliminating exposure Non-structural measures such as laws and regulations (building codes) can also prevent high exposure and reduce disaster risk Houses built in an erosion-prone area in Nacala, Mozambique
PROMOTE CLIMATE MITIGATION 1 Mitigation practices such as greening and sustainable mobility can reduce green house gases (GHG) emissions, environmental degradation, climate change impacts and natural disasters in the long run 2Other mitigation practices in a city can include reducing traffic to minimise air pollution, or enhance the use of solar energy for lightning Urban greening through farming in Antananarivo(Picture: Institut des métiers de la ville)
Radio facility in Chokwe, Mozambique, adapted to resist to floods Adjusting natural or human systems to risks using built or non-built solutions can contribute to improving coping capacity to current and future climate change effects INCREASE ADAPTATION MEASURES AND CAPACITY
LET’S DISCUSS! Is this house well adapted to potential current or future hazard treats ? Why?