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Surgical Asepsis and Wound Care. Principles of Asepsis (General)- A sterile object is free of microorganisms, whereas asepsis is as contaminate free as possible- All items that are not sterile are considered contaminated- ONLY STERILE ITMS CAN CONTACT STERILE ITEMS OR THEY ARE CONTAMINATED.- Skin cannot be sterilized but the number of microorganisms may be reduced through vigorous scrubbing.- Microorganisms can be transmitted by:direct contact-airborne dropletsair currents_fluids capill30126
1. Surgical Asepsis and Wound Care Equipment:
ABD pads
Sterile 4x4�s
Betadine swabs
Cotton tip applicators
Silk tape, paper tape, canvas tape, Montgomery straps
Sterile basin for soaks
Clean gloves
Sterile gloves
Sterile aseptic syringe and solution for irrigation
Swabs (with medium) for specimen collection if ordered
Hemovac and Jackson-Pratt (JP) for demonstration
2. Surgical Asepsis and Wound Care Principles of Asepsis (General)
- A sterile object is free of microorganisms, whereas asepsis is as contaminate free as possible
- All items that are not sterile are considered contaminated- ONLY STERILE ITMS CAN CONTACT STERILE ITEMS OR THEY ARE CONTAMINATED.
- Skin cannot be sterilized but the number of microorganisms may be reduced through vigorous scrubbing.
- Microorganisms can be transmitted by:
direct contact -airborne droplets
air currents _fluids
capillary action
Microorganisms cannot penetrate dry cotton fabric, non woven paper or plastic wrappers. Intact skin helps to prevent the entry of microorganisms.
Never leave a sterile dressing you are working on open
3. Surgical Asepsis and Wound Care Principles of Surgical Asepsis
Never assume that an object is sterile. Check for sterility by checking expiration dates, intactness and integrity of outer wraps and sterilization indicators inside the package.
If there is a question of sterility it is considered CONTAMINATED.
Sterile objects out of the field of vision or below waist level are considered contaminated.
Reduce air currents around a sterile object by not reaching across a sterile field, keep doors and curtains closed and move sterile objects as little as possible on a sterile field.
Fluids flow in the direction of gravity- Masks may be necessary; keep tips of sterile instruments pointed down; keep hands up after performing a surgical hand scrub.
4. Surgical Asepsis and Wound Care Capillary action can move fluids against gravity and contaminate a sterile object/field. Keep caps of open sterile bottles right side up to prevent contamination of rim; avoid splashing or spillage when pouring liquids, use a lipping technique when pouring
The outer edges of a sterile field (2.5 cm or 1 inch) are considered contaminated.
Purpose of sterile dressings are to decrease risk of infection, comfort and promote healing.
5. Sterile Procedure Open sterile packages away from you.
Touch only outside of sterile wrapper if you are not wearing sterile gloves
Do Not reach across a sterile field.
Clean wound from top to bottom, laterally, away from incisional site, and cleanest to dirtiest
Use only one swab for each motion.
Drop additional items onto sterile field- do not flip or throw.
Clean drains in circular motion from closest to drain to outward.
Use spilt 4x4 or trach dressing for drain.
Empty closed drainage systems (JP or Hemovac) maintaining sterility of connections, measure amount and re-establish suction.
If dehisces continue with dressing & notify MD
6. Nurses notes note:
Color (describe if it bright thick red blood, pale red and watery=serosanguineous, clear with a yellow cast= sanguineous, yellow and thick)
Amount of drainage as minimum, moderate, or copious
Level of pain before and after
If any type of drainage apparatus
Note the size of the wound in cm ( length, width, depth) and presence of sutures or staples.
Note if wound is free of dressing which is noted as open to air, (OTA)
How patient tolerated procedure
7. Pressure Ulcers Please read pages 432-450 in Perry & Potter
Please be familiar with staging