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Unconventional Natural Gas

Unconventional Natural Gas. A Compelling Case. A Focused Vision. October 2006. TSX VENTURE: SPI. Disclosure Statement.

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Unconventional Natural Gas

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  1. Unconventional Natural Gas A Compelling Case. A Focused Vision. October 2006 TSX VENTURE: SPI

  2. Disclosure Statement The corporate information contained in this presentation contains forward-looking forecast information. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonably accurate by Canadian Spirit Resources Inc. (CSRi) at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect. The actual results achieved during the forecast period will vary from the information provided herein and the variations may be material. Consequently, there is no representation by CSRi that actual results achieved during the forecast period will be the same in whole or in part as those forecast.

  3. Who We Are • A junior public exploration and development company focused on unconventional natural gas • Seasoned management team with expertise in unconventional natural gas development • Operations focused on Farrell Creek area of northeast B.C. • Farrell Creek resource estimated at over 1 tcf on the company’s 40,000 acres of land • Currently in pre-production stage with production and cash flow generation expected in Q3 2007

  4. CSRi at a Glance Shares outstanding 28.8 million Listing TSX Venture: SPI Recent share price $1.92 Market capitalization $55 million Management and Directors 2.5% Institutional shareholders 22.5% Largest shareholder Sprott Asset Management (18.8%) (As at September 15, 2006)

  5. CSRi at a Glance Total land holdings 40,000 acres (62 sections) Contingent resource* Gething coals 12 – 16 bcf/section Gething shales 11 – 17 bcf/section Total contingent resource 1.4 – 2.0 tcf Market cap / recoverable mcf $0.06 per mcf *(Sproule Associates, April 17, 2006, Gething Formation only at Farrell Creek, B.C.) Calculated on average contingent resource of 1.6 tcf at an estimated 60% recovery rate.

  6. Unconventional Natural Gas • Unconventional natural gas includes natural gas from coal, shale gas, as well as gas from tight sands • Typically large, long-life resource • Unconventional natural gas is a rapidly growing sector in North America’s energy industry • Significant production in the U.S., 10 years ahead of Canada

  7. Conventional vs. Unconventional Gas • Can evaluate with well logs • Immediate gas flow to well bore • May fracture to stimulate • Inorganic reservoir rock gas has migrated to reservoir trap • Permeability not depth dependant • Few wells to develop • Water/gas ratio increases • Reserve determination follows established guidelines • Needs specialized lab tests on cores • Gas diffuses slowly to fractures • Always fracture to stimulate • Organic reservoir rock is its own source rock • Permeability decreases with depth • Multiple wells and facilities • Water/gas ratio decreases • Requires production testing to demonstrate reserves Source: Modified from AJM Petroleum Consultants

  8. Fort St. John Substantial Resource Play Total unconventional gas potential in British Columbia is estimated at 90 tcf, of which 60 tcf is located in the Peace River Coalfield (shown in dark blue on locator map) where CSRi’s Farrell Creek property is located.

  9. Focused Approach Land 62 sections Working Interest 94% average Deep Rights on over 80% of land

  10. Farrell Creek, NE B.C. Land 62 sections Well Spacing 4 – 8 wells per section Potential Well Locations 200 – 500 Productivity per Well 250 – 300 mcf/d Total Potential Production 50 – 150 mmcf/d

  11. Resource Report Sproule Associates Limited Preliminary Report April 17, 2006: Farrell Creek Gething Formation - Contingent gas-in-place resource potential Coals 12 – 16 bcf per section Shales 11 – 17 bcf per section Total contingent resources 1.4 – 2.0 tcf

  12. Farrell Creek Geology Average depth to top of Cadomin is 900m

  13. Coal Multiple thin seams As many as 30 individual seams Net coal thickness: average 25 – 50 feet Gas content: 230 – 550 scf/ton Shale Rich in organics Interbedded with coal Represents 50 – 65% of the formation Gas content: 12 – 58 scf per ton Farrell Creek Gething Formation

  14. CSRi Today Staged Approach Typical Stages of an Unconventional Gas Program Source: Modified from Lamarre Geological

  15. Drilling Program has: Confirmed resource parameters Confirmed geological and resource consistency Generated data for resource assessment Demonstrated productive repeatability Commenced production testing – three wells flaring Commenced preliminary facility design and pipeline hot-tap application Accomplishments to Date

  16. Financial Summary

  17. 2006 Capital Program

  18. Production rate per well Well density and recovery factor Equipment and service costs Natural gas prices Risks

  19. CSRi – Unique Strengths • Significant resource: 1.4 – 2.0 tcf (Gething only) • High working interest land position: 40,000 acres • Multiple prospective targets • Resource knowledge and expertise of technical team • Ready access to infrastructure and pipeline • Advancing towards development phase of resource

  20. Creating Shareholder Value Balanced Approach. Focused Vision.

  21. Canadian Spirit Resources Inc. Suite 1950, Ford Tower 633 6th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 2Y5 Telephone (403) 539-5005 E-mail: info@csri.ca TSX Venture: SPI w w w . c s r i . c a

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