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Happy Monday! Please do the following:. S entences O n S teroids. Directions: “Buff” up the following sentences by adding adjectives, action verbs, vocabulary words, figurative language, etc. I’m bored. He is ugly. ELA 9 Vocab 2:4. A. ELA 9. B. ELA 9. C. ELA 9. D. ELA 9. E.
Happy Monday! Please do the following: Sentences On Steroids Directions: “Buff” up the following sentences by adding adjectives, action verbs, vocabulary words, figurative language, etc. I’m bored. He is ugly.
Book Talks Tuesday: All hours (full day) Wednesday: ACT Testing (1/2 day) Thursday: 1st & 3rd Hours Present (1/2 day) Friday: 4th hour Presents (1/2 day) Monday, Nov. 12th: 1,3,4 Hours present (full day)
Writing about your Data: Explanatory Essay Purpose: to write about your data findings in a formal report while incorporating your graphics.
Explanatory Essay Outline Introduction A. “Hook”/Lead B. Bridge sentence C. Thesis Statement Survey Q #1 A. Basic Results (yes/no) B. Gender & age results C. Research conclusion Survey Q #2 A. Basic Results B. Gender & Age results C. Research Conclusion Survey Q #3 A. Basic Results B. Gender & Age results C. Research Conclusion Conclusion A. Restated thesis B. “So why does it matter…”/Call to action…
Explanatory Essay: Introduction EXAMPLE: Do happiness and money go hand in hand? Can one exist without the other?Versions of these age old questions were asked to various members of the Port Huron High School community and the results were analyzed.Research across both gender and age showed that indeed money is an indicator of happiness. Introduction A. “Hook”/Lead B. Bridge sentence C. Thesis Statement YOUR research result…what did you find out?
Explanatory Essay: Body Paragraphs EXAMPLE: Survey Q #1 (topic sentence) A. Basic Results (yes/no) B. Gender & age results C. Research conclusion Survey Q #2 A. Basic Results B. Gender & Age results C. Research Conclusion Survey Q #3 A. Basic Results B. Gender & Age results C. Research Conclusion PHHS community members were first asked, “Can money buy happiness?” The results of this questions are that ____% agree that money can buy happiness, while ____% disagreed with the statement. For this question, ______ tended to agree more while ______ saw this as untrue. Also, based on the responses, younger people responded________ while those who are older claimed ________. Therefore, research suggests that money ______ buy happiness.
Explanatory Essay: Concluding Paragraph EXAMPLE: Conclusion A. Restated thesis B. “So why does it matter…”/ Call to action… Thus, research across both gender and age showed that indeed money is an indicator of happiness. These results indicate a need for a shift in what brings happiness to people; material things are not an indicator of internal happiness and happiness cannot be bought.
Exit What makes YOU, you?
Happy Tuesday! Please do the following: Sentences On Steroids Directions: “Buff” up the following sentences by adding adjectives, action verbs, vocabulary words, figurative language, etc. Port Huron is an urban city. The leaves dissipated.
Non-fiction Definition: Writing that deals with REAL people, REAL events, REAL places… Examples: Autobiography Biography Memoir Essays Newspapers Letters Informational Articles Textbooks
Elements of Non-fiction Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Diction Organization Tone Speaker Voice Record & remember this acronym!
Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Who or What When/ Circumstances August 28, 1963…March on Washington Who is listening or reading End racial discrimination & inequality Why
Diction Organization Tone Style Choice of Words How it’s set up (main ideas) Attitude of writer How a piece is written
Allows a reader to “HEAR” A human personality… & Uniqueness in style Voice Personal Timid Informal Formal Conversational Instructional Sarcastic Loving Combination of: Tone Diction Style
Tone For Discussion: What is the difference in TONE between the two parts?
Applying the Non-Fiction Terms Type of Non-Fiction Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Diction Organization Tone Style Voice Read out loud together Count off by 10’s Pick out the term you are assigned Fill out Chart Go over terms together
The Gettysburg Address Type of Non-Fiction Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Diction Organization Tone Style Voice
The Gettysburg Address Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Hand or Foot Sports Things you have touched Places you have walked How you are unique Injuries Places you have traveled Things you have held
Happy Wednesday! Please do the following: Sentences On Steroids Directions: “Buff” up the following sentences by adding adjectives, action verbs, vocabulary words, figurative language, etc. The dog smells. It is cold.
Elements of Non-fiction Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Diction Organization Tone Speaker Voice Record & remember this acronym!
Non-fiction Match the picture to the term… Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Diction Organization Tone Speaker Voice 1 3 2 5 6 4 7 8 9
+/- Chart Scale Birth-----------------YEARS---------------------------------------------------- 2012
Happy Thursday! Please do the following: Sentences On Steroids Directions: “Buff” up the following sentences by adding adjectives, action verbs, vocabulary words, figurative language, etc. It hurt. It was good.
Big Q: “What makes Harold Krents, Harold Krents?” What is his PERSONALITY like? (what is he like on the “inside”?) What does he look like? (what is he like physically?) What events or circumstances have shaped his life?
For each of the pictures below, describe what it would be like to live there…
“The Loophole of Retreat”Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Read “The Loophole of Retreat” and apply the terms of Non-Fiction
Big Q: “What makes Harriet Jacobs, Harriert Jacobs?” What is her PERSONALITY like? (what is she like on the “inside”?) What does she look like? (what is she like physically?) What events or circumstances have shaped her life?
“The Loophole of Retreat” • Choose ONE of the three options to complete. • Work on it ON YOUR OWN • Turn in at the end of the hour