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SIGCSE. Conferences. All successful financially and in terms of submissions and participation ITiCSE 2011 – Darmstadt, Germany ICER 2011 - Providence, Rhode Island, USA SIGCSE 2012 - Raleigh, NC, USA will actually appear in 2013 fiscal year
Conferences All successful financially and in terms of submissions and participation • ITiCSE 2011 – Darmstadt, Germany • ICER 2011 - Providence, Rhode Island, USA • SIGCSE 2012 - Raleigh, NC, USA will actually appear in 2013 fiscal year • ITiCSE 2012 – Haifa, Israel, 4 working groups, 175 participants pre-registered • ICER 2012 – Auckland, New Zealand, September, record number of paper submissions
Awards • Awards given include: • Lifetime Service to the Computer Science Education Community, Jane Prey • Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education, Hal Abelson • Best conference paper awards: • ITiCSE 2011, Randy Connolly, "Beyond Good and Evil Impacts: Rethinking the Social Issues Components in Our Computing Curricula" • SIGCSE 2012, Jeremy Andrus and Jason Nieh, “Teaching Operating Systems Using Android”
Tracking of non-PhD program stats • Significant programs that provided a springboard for future efforts include the TauRUs (Taulbee for the Rest of Us) project, which was first funded as a SIGCSE Special Project. • Recently, ACM announced that it will fund the continuation of this project.
Internationalization • The key issue that SIGCSE is expected to face in the next 3 years is further internationalization. • How it can serve the needs of computing education around the world? • Currently, SIGCSE representatives are discussing, with representatives from Informatics Europe, the possible co-sponsorship of a new SIGCSE-like education conference in Europe.