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What is Science?

What is Science?. What do you think?. Complete the following statement in as many ways as you can:. Science is…. Nature of Science Activity. Each piece of paper represents current scientific data.

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What is Science?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Science?

  2. What do you think? • Complete the following statement in as many ways as you can: Science is…

  3. Nature of Science Activity • Each piece of paper represents current scientific data. • Look! A new scientific discovery has been made! You must incorporate your new knowledge into the puzzle. • How was this activity like science?

  4. It’s like science because… • Nature is a puzzle that hasn’t been completely solved. • Trial error is an essential ingredient to science. • Our current information may require the old theory to be modified or discarded. • Our current information may be incomplete, and our current theories might be incorrect, as well. • Sometimes, we get lucky and find the right answer. • Collaboration might be helpful. • Once we arrive at the answer, it makes perfect, elegant sense.

  5. So what IS science? • According to the American Heritage Dictionary, science is: “The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.”

  6. According to a scientist… “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” Physicist Richard P. Feynman said: “Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself.” Richard P. Feynman won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1968…I wonder if he considered himself an expert.

  7. Was Albert Einstein an expert? • Think about that one for a moment… • Share your thinking at your table. • Now listen to this story about Albert Einstein. • Was Einstein ALWAYS right?

  8. Science is a body of knowledge. • It’s WHAT we know about the natural world. • It’s the facts, concepts, and explanations we usually think when someone mentions science.

  9. Science is a set of methods and processes. • It’s HOW we know about the natural world. • We get our scientific knowledge by observing, predicting, measuring, and experimenting (and some other stuff).

  10. Science is a way of knowing. • Science is based on evidence. • Science is based upon experimentation. • Science can change over time. • Science involves human creativity.

  11. References • Bell, R.L. (2008). Teaching the Nature of Science through Process Skills: Activities for Grades 3 - 8. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. • Choi, Jason (2004). “The Nature of Science: An activity for the first day of class.” http://www.scienceteacherprogram.org/genscience/Choi04.html.

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