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Rituals are actions or processes. Rituals are typically done by a group. Rites follow established patterns. Rituals require planning. Rites are actions that are repeated regularly. Rituals always symbolize a larger reality. Rituals transcend logical thinking; they require faith. 1:1.
Rituals are actions or processes. Rituals are typically done by a group. Rites follow established patterns. Rituals require planning. Rites are actions that are repeated regularly. Rituals always symbolize a larger reality. Rituals transcend logical thinking; they require faith. 1:1 What Are Rites or Rituals?
Creed— 1:2 (Part 1) All religions—indeed, all individuals and human organizations—develop three elements: a set of core beliefs about the good life, the sacred, the nature of human life a system of values that guide behavior • Code— • Cult— a set of rituals that commemorate or celebrate central events The Church and every organization and individual develop a creed, code, and cult to shape identity, to focus members’ efforts and behavior, and to mark key moments.
Creed—core or key beliefs • What a graduate should be like • What kind of program the school has • The school’s core values 1:2 (Part 2)School’s Mission Statement Code—What expected behaviors flow from each belief? Cult—What are the rituals of the school? What is the relationship between the mission statement, code, and each of these “cults”?
tradition(page 4) Tradition (page 5) liturgy (page 5) sacrament(page 5) 1:3 CHAPTER 1 Vocabulary Review what is handed on or passed down from one generation to the next the passing on of beliefs and customs from generation to generation; the living transmission of the gospel message in the Church a formal act of religious worship; a religious ceremony or ritual; a church service; the Church’s celebration of the Paschal mystery broadly, any sign or symbol of a sacred reality; a Christian ritual that celebrates or signifies a sacred mystery
mystery (page 8) Eastern Rite(page 10) Orthodox Church (page 10) 1:3 CHAPTER 1 Vocabulary Review something that is real but hidden from view; a spiritual or intangible reality known through experience but only partially understood a Catholic Church whose liturgical traditions are very ancient and different from the Roman or Latin Rite and whose origins are in Eastern Europe or the Middle East a Church whose liturgical traditions are very ancient, but which is not in full unity with the Catholic Church (The Catholic and Orthodox Churches split from each other in the eleventh century.)
canon law(page 12) missal(page 12) sacramentary(page 12) 1:3 CHAPTER 1 Vocabulary Review the Church’s code of laws book containing the ritual of the Mass a book of rules and prayers for the proper performance of Church rituals