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Youthbuild FY 2003 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

This 2003 funding notice offers grants to organizations for educational/job training, leadership skills, and construction training for at-risk youth. Applications due by June 6, 2003, with various funding categories available. Eligible participants are low-income high school dropouts aged 16-24. The 5 rating factors include capacity, program approach, leveraging resources, and achieving results. The application evaluation process includes factors like organizational experience, problem extent, and program soundness. Environmental requirements must also be met. Bonus points available for activities in Rural Communities, Enterprise Zones, or Enterprise Communities. Main mistakes to avoid include misdated or unclear information. Remember to follow all instructions and limitations when submitting the application.

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Youthbuild FY 2003 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

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  1. YouthbuildFY 2003 Notice of Funding Availability(NOFA)

  2. 2003 Youthbuild NOFA U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development

  3. Youthbuild Components Basic Components • Educational and job training services • On-Site Construction Training • Foster leadership skills • Further opportunities in apprenticeship programs • Promote economic self -sufficiency

  4. Eligible Applicants • Private, Non-Profit Organizations (e.g. CDC’s, Community Action Agencies) • Public Non-Profit Organizations • Government Agencies (including units of local government and local housing authorities) • Other Entities (eligible to carry out training programs)

  5. Eligible Participants • Very low-income high school dropouts between ages 16 and 24 • Up to 25% may be above very low-income or be high school graduates, but have special educational needs

  6. Eligible Activities • Acquisition, Rehabilitation or Construction of Housing for training sites • Relocation Payments • Training and TA Needs • Education, Job Training, Counseling, Employment Services, Leadership Development • Wages, Benefits, Stipends • Administrative Costs

  7. Funding Available 54.6 million available in 3 categories $10 million in Grants for new applications -$400,000 max -30 months 34.6 million in Grants for all applicants -$700,000 max -30 months

  8. Funding Available (continued) • $10 million in Grants in underserved and rural areas -$400,000 max -30 months

  9. Youthbuild Application Due Date June 6, 2003 Contact telephone number (202)708-2990

  10. The 5 Rating Factors #1 Capacity and Relevant Organizational Experience #2 Need/Extent of the Problem #3 Soundness of Approach #4 Leveraging Resources #5 Achieving Results and Program Evaluation

  11. Rating Factor #1 • Capacity and Organizational Experience (up to 15 points) -Experience and track record of applicant and partners in the proposed activities

  12. Rating Factor #2 • Need/Extent of the Problem (up to 25 points) -Provide statistics for both participant and recruitment areas. -Explain how Youthbuild will address the needs of at-risk youth in area.

  13. Rating Factor #3 • Soundness of Approach (up to 40 points) -How will program work? How do parts fit together? How will coordination be carried out? - Is there an appropriate ratio of students to housing units to be constructed or rehabilitated?

  14. Rating Factor #3 (continued) • Soundness of Approach *Housing Priority Points (up to 10 points) -Acquisition costs, architectural and engineering fees, construction and rehabilitation must be paid from non-Youthbuild grant funds. -Firm commitments must be provided

  15. Rating Factor #4 • Leveraging Resources (up to 10 points) - Level of non-housing resources to augment Youthbuild grant funds will be evaluated (particularly from entities other than applicant) -Firm commitments must be provided

  16. Rating Factor #5 • Achieving Results and Program Evaluation -number of participants -number of housing units constructed -number of housing units rehabilitated

  17. Rating Factor #5 (continued) -number of GED’s or certificates attained by participants -number of participants placed in employment or higher education -literacy and numeracy gains

  18. Environmental Requirements • Apply if Youthbuild funds are used to pay for the: -Lease; -Purchase; -Rehabilitation; or -New construction of real property proposed for housing project development

  19. RC/EZ/EC Bonus Points • 2 bonus points for all applications documenting that proposed activities and projects will be located in and serve a Federally designated Rural Community. Enterprise Zone or Enterprise Community (RC/EZ/EC)

  20. Common Mistakes • Letters of commitment for leveraging, housing construction, or rehabilitation cost are misdated or not on proper letterhead. • Information is unclear.

  21. Things to Remember! • Pay attention to mailing instructions; • Read both the General and the Program Section of the SuperNOFA; • Adhere to the 15 page limitation for the Rating Factors narrative; • Complete and submit all required forms.

  22. Support for Innovative Housing and Economic Development: Eligible Activities Examples of activities include: • Preparation of plans; • Architectural and engineering work • Financial assistance for acquisition of land and buildings; • Demolition;

  23. Support for Innovative Housing and Economic Development: Eligible Activities (con’t) • Provision of infrastructure • Purchase of materials and construction cost; • Training and counseling for beneficiaries; • Financial services, such as revolving loan funds and Individual Development Accounts (IDAs).

  24. Rating Factor 1 Capacity of the Applicant and Relevant Organizational Experience (15 Points)

  25. Capacity of the Applicant and Relevant Organizational Experience (con’t) Three sub-factors for Category 1 Applicants: • Team member composition and experience • Organization structure and management capacity • Experience with performance based funding.

  26. Rating Factor 2 Need and Extent of the Problem (25 Points)

  27. Need and Extent of the Problem (cont’d) • Extent to which there is need based on levels of distress, and an indication of the urgency in meeting the need/distress in the target area; • Compares need in target area and nation. Poverty data in both numbers and percentform;

  28. Need and Extent of the Problem (cont’d) • unemployment rate in numbers and percent; • other indicators of social/economic decline ( i.e. falling tax base, factory or plant closings, etc.).

  29. Need and Extent of the Problem (cont’d)Demographics of Distress: Special Factors • Population of less than 2,500 • Federally recognized Indian tribe • Colonias • Migrant/seasonal farm workers • The Lower Mississippi Delta Region • Appalachia's Distressed Counties

  30. Rating Factor 3 Soundness of Approach (30 Points)

  31. Soundness of Approach (cont’d) • Overall cost of the workplan including activities proposed and the cost­effectiveness of the proposed project; • Linkage between innovative rural housing and economic development activities;

  32. Soundness of Approach (cont’d) Management plan:  ‑ Description of and rationale for proposed activities;  ‑ Thoroughness of plan and schedule outlining completion of tasks and line item budget;  ‑ Describes linkage between innovative rural housing and economic development activities.

  33. Soundness of Approach (cont’d) Expected outcomes: -qualitative or quantitative description of proposed number of new units constructed or rehabbed; jobs retained or created, businesses assisted, etc.

  34. Soundness of Approach: Policy Priority Points (cont’d) Policy Priorities: • Providing Increased Homeownership and Rental Opportunities for Low and Moderate Income Persons, person with Disabilities and the Elderly, Minorities and Families with Limited English Proficiencies

  35. Soundness of Approach: Policy Priority Points(cont’d) • Improving Our Nations; Communities • Encouraging Accessible Design Features • Providing Full and Equal Access to Grassroots Faith-based & Other Community Based Organizations

  36. Soundness of Approach: Policy Priority Points(cont’d) • Participation in Energy Star • Ending Chronic Homelessness within 10 Years

  37. Rating Factor 4 Leveraging Resources (10 Points)

  38. Leveraging Resources (cont’d) • Firm commitments of financial or in-kind resources from other federal, state, local and private resources; • Letter of firm commitment from all contributing parties must be included in the application;

  39. Leveraging Resources (cont’d) • Letters must not be dated earlier than the date of the FY 2003 NOFA publication; • Letters of commitment must state the dollar value of the cash or in‑kind contribution.

  40. Rating Factor 5 Achieving Results and Program Evaluation  (20 Points)

  41. Achieving Results and Program Evaluation (con’t) • Number of housing units constructed; • Number of housing units rehabbed that will be made available to low-moderate income beneficiaries; • Number of jobs created; • Percentage change in earnings as a result of employment for beneficiaries;

  42. Achieving Results and Program Evaluation (con’t) • Number of beneficiaries trained; • Percent of beneficiaries trained that find employment; • Number of new businesses created; • Number of existing businesses assisted; • Annual estimated savings for low-income families as a result of energy efficiency.

  43. RC/EZ/EC Bonus Points • 2 bonus points for all applications documenting that proposed activities and projects will be located in and serve a Federally designated Rural Community, Enterprise Zone or Enterprise Community (RC/EZ/EC)

  44. Common Mistakes • Letters of leveraging and commitment are misdated or not on proper letterhead. • Information is unclear.

  45. Things to Remember! • Pay attention to mailing instructions; • Read both the General and the Program Sections of the SuperNOFA; • Adhere to the 15 page limitation for the Rating Factors narrative; • Complete and submit all required forms.

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