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Ex. 8.15 Le verbe porter

Ex. 8.15 Le verbe porter. What we will learn. To recognise and understand the verb porter – to wear To conjugate the verb porter To use the verb porter in sentences. Les verbes Verbs. Remember : Verbs are a key part of every sentence in every language .

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Ex. 8.15 Le verbe porter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ex. 8.15 Le verbeporter

  2. What we will learn • To recognise and understand the verb porter – to wear • To conjugate the verb porter • To use the verb porter in sentences

  3. Les verbesVerbs Remember: Verbsare a key part of every sentence in everylanguage. A verbis an action word. For example: I see I read I wear

  4. Les verbesVerbs In French there are three groups of verbs. Verbsend in: • -er • -ir • -re Which group doesporterbelongto? Why? Réponse: The -er verbgroup: itends in -er.

  5. Regular verbs A regular verb has the same stem throughout the verb, and follows a pattern with its endings. The good news is that porteris a regular -erverb and it has the regular -erverb endings.

  6. Regular verbs To use an -erverb in the present tense, you need to: • Knock the -eroff the end of the verb: porterNow you have the stem: port- • Add the correct ending for the subject pronoun

  7. Complète les phrases avec le verbe porter àla bonne forme Je … un pantalon et un t-shirt. porte Nous … des polos, des pantalons et des tennis. portons Il … un short et des baskets. porte Elles … leurs uniformes scolaires. portent Tu … une robe et un chapeau. portes

  8. À toi – qu’est-ce que tu portes ? Je porte…

  9. Can you…? • Recognise and understand the verb porter – to wear? • Conjugate the verb porter? • Use the verb porter in sentences?

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