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Title I Annual Parent Meeting. Belcher Elementary School August 29, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm & 7:15pm-7:45pm Cafeteria Lisa K. Roth.
Title I Annual Parent Meeting Belcher Elementary School August 29, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm & 7:15pm-7:45pm Cafeteria Lisa K. Roth
Belcher Elementary School1839 S. Belcher RoadClearwater, FloridaPhone: (727) 538-7437Absence Line: (727) 588-5100Spanish Line: (727) 507-6481 (Answered 9am-3:00pm)Our Administrative Team:Lisa K. Roth, PrincipalFran Harvey, Assistant Principal
Welcome and Introductions All About Title I Standards and Testing Parental Involvement Agenda
What is “No Child Left Behind”? Education act signed into law in 2002 that aims to: Ensure that every student has a high-quality education; Challenge and motivate students; Provide highly qualified teachers, who use proven teaching methods; and Ensure a safe, drug free learning environment.
What is Title I? Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in public elementary and secondary schools each year including eligible students in private schools.
How Title I Works The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to the district. The school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds. Belcher Elementary implements a school-wide program.
School Classifications • Reward School – School grade A and schools that improve a letter grade • Prevent School- School grade of C • Focus School- School grade of D • Priority School- School grade of F • * B schools do not have a specific classification
Be involved and request regular meetings to express your opinions and to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of your children, Be provided information on your child’s level of achievement on assessments like FAIR, FCAT in reading/language arts, mathematics, and science; Request and receive information on the qualifications of your child’s teacher; and be informed if your child is taught by a non-highly qualified teacher for four or more consecutive weeks. Parent’s Right to Know
School Public Accountability Report (SPAR) provides parents and the community with important information about each public school Demographic data; School safety and climate for learning information; Academic data; Graduation rates; Class sizes; Teacher and staff information; Curriculum and instruction descriptions; Postsecondary preparation information; and AYP information. Available at the school office or online at http://doeweb-prd.doe.state.fl.us/eds/nclbspar/index.cfm School Accountability Report Card
Florida’s academic content standards establish high expectations for all students. Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and Common Core Standards identify what your child needs to know and be able to do in all content areas. Information located at www.fldoe.org Educational Standards
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards form the framework of everything taught at school additionally, Common Core Standards will be phased in all grade levels by 2014-2015 Curriculum Reading -Writing Mathematics -Science School’s Curriculum
Measuring Student Success • FAIR (Florida Assessment of Instruction in Reading) occurs 3 times per year. • District Common Assessments are administered in Language Arts, math, and science three times per year. • FCAT 2.0 Writing will take place Feb. 25th for 4th graders only • FCAT 2.0 including tests for grades 3,4, and 5 will take place in April 2014. • SAT 10 for 1st and 2nd graders will occur in May 2014
Information on FCAT may be found at: http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcatpub3.asp FCAT (Grades 3-8)
Title I Programs Provide Supplemental Support Smaller classes Additional teachers and paraprofessionals; Additional training for school staff Extra time for instruction (Before and/or after school programs); Parental Involvement Activities; and/or A variety of supplemental teaching methods and materials.
Title I funds • Belcher Elementary is provided $218,000.00to pay for services and programs for our students. • Title I funds pay for the following: -Family and Community Liaison -RtI Coach -Updating Technology -Technology Specialist -Agenda Planners -Intervention Teachers –Professional Development –Parental Involvement Activities
Who decides how funds are used? • Parents can assist in deciding how to use Title I funds…you have the right to be involved • Every school has a School Advisory Council (SAC) composed of: • Parents, teachers, other staff that work at the school, and the principal • The School Advisory Council along with parent input determines how to use Title I funds.
Title I law requires that all Title I schools and families work together. How we work together is listed in our: School Level Parental Involvement Policy; Parent-School Compact; and School-wide Title I Plan (School Improvement Plan). Parents can also read the District’s Parent Involvement Plan at www.pcsb.org under Title I Working together!
Please sign your child’s Compact and review it…working together is important. Belcher_Elementary_SchoolCompact Rev (13-14).pdf Parent-School Compact
Involve parents in a meaningful way in the development, implementation, and review of the parental involvement program. Parents review the School Improvement Plan, review school data, add suggestions for ways families can help. School Advisory Council meets 1 Monday per Month at 5:00pm (dates can be found on Portal) Parent-Teacher Association meets 1 Tuesday per month at 5:30pm (dates can also be found on Portal) Interested in joining contact Kim Cole at coleki@pcsb.org or (727) 538-7437 Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Convene a Title I annual meeting to inform parents about Title I requirements and their rights to be involved in the Title I program. Offer meetings at flexible times to maximize participation: Volunteer Trainings CCSS Informational Meeting Love and Logic Parenting Tips FCAT Information Meetings Technology Meeting Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs. Email, phone, conferences, school website, newsletters, and school messenger calls What works for you? Let us know how we can assist you. Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Assists parents in understanding academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children. For example: FCAT Parent Night (to explain testing and how parents can help) Common Core Standards Informational meeting ST Math training for parents Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Provides materials and training to help Title I parents work with their children to improve their children's achievement Homework Understanding ST Math Kindle Parent Meeting for 5th gr. Helping parents understand the benefits of using Portal to track their child’s progress Parent Involvement Policy Requirements
Your involvement is Key to your child’s success! You are your child’s first teacher. You have the ability to influence your child’s education more than any teacher or school. You know your child best: Share information about your child’s interests and abilities with teachers and school staff who work with your child. Ask to see progress reports on your child and the school.
Title I Parent Station You can find information regarding Belcher’s plan and information in a special notebook in our front office. • School Improvement Plan • SAC Minutes • Parent Involvement Plan • Parents Right to Know letter • School data
While a quality school is important, it’s not the number one factor in determining your child’s probability of academic success. In a recent study of 10,000 U.S. teenagers, researchers found that the home environment was three times more important than the school when it comes to 18-year-olds’ test results. Three times.The message? Schools matter, but parents matter far more.
Thank you for attending…together we can accomplish great things!