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In this study, we explore the concept of worldliness, its origins, expressions, rationalization, and the inherent dangers it poses to individuals and the church. By understanding the consequences of worldliness, we can strive to live a life that is set apart from the world.

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  2. RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “Complete armour for spiritual warfare”, we learnt that we are faced with constant battle against forces of darkness. We should not be ignorant; rather, we should be strong in the Lord to stand against the wiles of Satan. To be victorious,  we must put on God’s complete armour, guard against satanic deception, be watchful and prayerful and rely upon the grace and comfort of God. Ministers should care for the flock beyond preaching to them. They should not exalt the devil above God’s care.

  3. TODAY’S STUDY:LESSON 739: WORLDLINESS AND WORLDLY AMUSEMENTS MEMORY VERSE: …… “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15). TEXT:1 John 2:15-17

  4. INTRODUCTION There is a dividing line between the Church (the invisible assembly of the redeemed souls) and the world (the pervasive evil system controlled by the devil). Worldliness, therefore, is conformity with the worldly system, their practices, dressing and adornment. It begins in the heart as a secret, inward liking; and later, as a craving for the fad, fancies and fashions of the world. It finally shows forth in the lifestyle of its victims. • QUESTION 1: What is worldliness and how does it begin? – I John 2:15.

  5. EXPRESSIONS OF WORLDLINESS1 John 2:15-17; Isaiah 3:16 -24 The Bible declares that the world is sensual, devilish, doomed and distorting. Expressions of worldliness can be seen in dressing and adornments, extravagant ceremonies, trendy fashions and competitive social outlook. The guiding principle of a Christian is modesty and moderation. • QUESTION 2: Mention some of the common expressions of worldliness – I John 2:15-17; Matthew 24:38; Isaiah 3:16-24 • QUESTION 3:Why should a Christian avoid worldly gatherings? – 1 Corinthians 15:33; Hosea 7:8,9

  6. RATIONALISATION OF WORLDLINESSRevelation 22:18,19; James 3:15 Some Christians want to enjoy all the privileges of the Kingdom while simultaneously feasting with the world. They twist the Scriptures to make allowance for their worldly dispositions. Some copy from worldly stars whiles others hide under the pretext “join them to win them”. Others indulge in persistent worldly dressing and adornment with the notion that salvation is in the their heart. • QUESTION 4: In what ways do people try to rationalise worldliness today? – Matthew 6:31,32; Luke 21:34; I Corinthians 9:20.

  7. DANGERS OF WORLDLINESS AND WORLDLY AMUSEMENTSLuke 21:34; Titus 2:12 The Bible says worldliness is enmity with God. It leads to backsliding, loss of conviction and corruption. The presence and power of God would diminish or even disappear if worldliness is allowed in our local assembly. Worldly amusement brings carnal competitions, weakens the church and destroys its future. Worldliness, therefore, must be avoided like a plague! • QUESTION 5: What inherent dangers do worldliness pose to the individual and the church at large? – James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17.

  8. CONCLUSION Worldliness is copying the lives or styles of those who are not born again. It begins in the heart and finally shows up in our dressing, adornment, ceremonies, fashions and social outlook. If we would enjoy the privileges of the Kingdom, we cannot simultaneously feast with the world. We must flee from worldliness: it results in enmity with God, backsliding, loss of the presence and power of God!

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