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BALLADS (pgs 192-197). A narrative poem that was originally intended to be sung Consists of 4 line stanzas, or quatrain 2 nd and 4 th line rhyme, sometime have a refrain—a repeated phrase Passed down orally. BALLADS (pgs 192-197). Most Medieval people were illiterate
BALLADS (pgs 192-197) • A narrative poem that was originally intended to be sung • Consists of 4 line stanzas, or quatrain • 2nd and 4th line rhyme, sometime have a refrain—a repeated phrase • Passed down orally
BALLADS (pgs 192-197) • Most Medieval people were illiterate • Stories often changed in the retelling • Many versions of the same story • Ballads focused on a single incident
BALLADS (pgs 192-197) • Often contain Dialogue “ Blah, blah, blah “ • Begin in the middle of the story (in medias res) • Rhyme and repetition of sounds enabled minstrels to recall and recite the ballads • Alliteration—the repetition of consonant sounds
BALLADS (pgs 192-197) Popular subjects included: • tragic love • domestic conflict • Crime • war • shipwreck
BALLADS (pgs 192-197) Dialect—Scottish • Rase = rose • Gin === if • Twa = two
BALLADS • Rhyming scheme= abcb or aabb O slowly, slowly rase she up’ a To the place where he was lyin, b And when she drew the curtain by: c “Young man, I think you’re dyin.”b ---from “Barbara Allan”
BARBARA ALLAN • Tells the story of a tragic love • Theme: unfulfilled or unrequited love and impending doom • Modern examples: Songs by Garth Brooks, Meat Loaf, Brad Paisley • Story—The Little Mermaid, Hunchback of Notre Dame
BARBARA ALLAN • To an audience at that time, it would not have seemed at all unusual that a nobleman such as Sir John Graeme could be healthy one day and then be lying near death the next • Does he die of illness or unrequited love?
BARBARA ALLAN • The tolling of the dead-bell forces Barbara Allan to accept the reality of Sir John’s death • In death, Sir John and Barbara Allan are finally happy with each other and able to achieve a peace in their relationship that they could not agree to in life • Why weren’t they able to be together in life?
SIR PATRICK SPENS--Anonymous • Rhyme Scheme? The king sits in Dumferline town, _____ Driking the blude-reid wine: _____ “O whar will I get a guid sailor _____ To sail this ship of mine?” _____
SIR PATRICK SPENS • Describes the loss at sea of a Scottish ship and crew • Theme: man against nature, the dangers faced by sailors at sea
SIR PATRICK SPENS • Drunk king asks for a super sailor to sail his ship • Old man replies: “Sir Patrick Spens…” • King writes him a letter, he laughs at first • Spens agrees, despite the danger (The tear blinded his ee.)
SIR PATRICK SPENS • He sails against the advice of his crew “For I fear a deadly storm”--Foreshadowing • The ship sinks off the coast of Aberdour (50 fathoms deep) • The sailors hats float while their ladies wait for their return
GET UP AND BAR THE DOOR • Tells the humorous story of a strong-willed husband and wife locked in an argument • Theme: Treats marital discord in a humorous manner
GET UP AND BAR THE DOOR Slant-rhymes -”then / pan” -”sure / door” • Chances are that the words in each pair had the same vowel sounds in this time • Changes came in the 16th century—modern English
“Get up and Bar the Door” • Man and wife in home • Wife preparing dinner • Neither wants to bar the door • Make a deal: the one who speaks first has to get up and bar the door • 2 men walk in and see the silent pair • They threaten to shave his beard and kiss his wife • He speaks and she wins the deal http://www.scotsindependent.org/features/scots/door.htm
BALLADS • All three of these ballads deal with problems encountered in everyday life
Romances • Tales of chivalric knights, many featured King Arthur and his round table • Sir Gawain and the Green Knight • Le Morte d’Arthur (The death of Arthur) by Sir Thomas Malory
The English Renaissance pg 276 1485-1660“Rebirth” • Began in in 14th century Italy • Began in England after the War of the Roses, Henry VII
The English Renaissance • Medieval period focused on religion and the after life • Renaissance stressed humanity on earth • Arts, literature, beauty in nature, human impulses, a new mastery over the world • Questioned timeworn truths (flatlanders) • Challenged authority
The English Renaissance Renaissance Man • A many-faceted person who cultivated his innate talents to the fullest
Thirst for Knowledge • Great burst of exploration – culminates in Columbus’ arrival in New World in 1492 • Compass developed • Advances in field of astronomy • Growing sense of nationalism • Protestant reformation
The English Renaissance • Henry VII son (Arthur) married Catherine of Aragon, daughter of King Ferdinand of Spain, England’s greatest new World rival • Arthur died, pope allowed Arthur’s younger brother (Henry VIII) to marry Catherine • This would prove to be a problem
The English Renaissance Henry VIII • Succeeded his father in 1509 • A true Renaissance prince • Skilled athlete, poet, musician… • Asked the church for permission to divorce Catherine after 18 yrs and only one female child--Mary
HENRY VIII • The Pope refused Henry’s request for a divorce • Henry broke with Rome in 1534, declared himself head of the Church of England or Anglican Church • Henry VIII married Anne Boleyn, she produced a daughter—Elizabeth • Anne was later executed for adultery
Queen Mary • Restored Pope, Catholicism • Married Philip of Spain • Executed approx. 300 protestants • These executions are why she’s known as “Bloody Mary”
The Elizabethan Era • The unwanted daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn • Strong, clever, educated in Greek & Latin, patron of the arts • Re-established monarchy’s position over Anglican Church, restored Book of Common Prayer • Believed in religious tolerance, lowered taxes, in favor of public education
Queen Elizabeth I • Never married—”The Virgin Queen” • She was the inspiration for Spenser’s “The Faerie Queene” • Supported Sir Walter Raleigh -introduced tobacco and potatoes -Tried for treason, imprisoned in Tower of London -finally executed in 1618
Spanish Armada--1588 • Spain refused to recognize England’s claim to America—sent 130 ships • They claimed English privateers were plundering Spanish ships • 8-day battle aided by a storm; England became known as a great sea power
King James I • Did NOT believe in religious tolerance; persecuted Puritans • 1604—King James I appointed scholars to create a new translation of the Bible, promoted the use of English language (King James Version)
The English Renaissance • Following Queen Eliz I, came King James • 1605—The Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament—Guy Fawkes Day (Nov 5 celebrate) • 1606—Shakespeare's “Macbeth” produced
The English Renaissance • 1629 Charles I dismissed Parliament for 11 years • Thousands migrated to N. America, mostly Puritans • Long Parliament
Evolution of Poetry • Lyric poetry was favorite • Sonnet perfected; sonnet cycles became very popular • Edmund Spenser wrote The Faerie Queene (epic, intricate verse w/ rich imagery)