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Chapter Seven India and China Establish Empires 400 B.C.-A.D. 550 pgs 189-207. Table of Contents. Section One: India’s First Empires-pgs 189-192 Section Two: Trade Spreads Indian Religions and Culture-pgs 193-197 Section Three: Han Emperors in China-pgs 200-207.
Chapter Seven India and China Establish Empires400 B.C.-A.D. 550pgs 189-207
Table of Contents • Section One: India’s First Empires-pgs 189-192 • Section Two: Trade Spreads Indian Religions and Culture-pgs 193-197 • Section Three: Han Emperors in China-pgs 200-207
Section One:India’s First Empires • Key Terms: • Religious Toleration • Gupta Empire • Patriarchal • Matriarchal
Mauryan Empire/ Chandragupta Maurya • ChandraguptaMauryagathered an army, killed the Nanda King and claimed throne, which was the start of the Mauryan Empire. • Unified North India; seized all land from Magadha to the Indus • Began to battle Seleucus I around 305 B.C. • Seleucus wanted to establish Macedoniancontrol over the Indus Valley • Chandragupta defeated Seleucus
Mauryan Empire stretched more than 2,000 miles; united North India for the first time politically • The government levied high taxes to clothe, feed, and pay troops • Abureaucraticgovernment was formed and four provinces were created with a royal prince to rule each
Asoka (Chandragupta’s grandson) • Became king of Mauryan Empire in 269 B.C. • Followed grandfather’s footsteps to expand empire; waging war • Victorious war against Kalinga; 100,000 soldiers slained and many civilians perished • Felt sorrow after victory over Kalinga • Began to study Buddhism and started ruling by the teachings of Buddha “peace to all beings”
After Asoka’s death, kingdoms of central India regained their independence • Andhras profited from the extensive trade between north and south India • People migrated from parts of Asia, introducing new languages (Tamil) and customs • South India experienced turmoil (commotion/confusion)
Gupta Empire Established • 500 yrs of invasion and commotion • Gupta Empire (India’s 2nd empire) • Chandra Gupta I’s empire included Magadha and areas north of it • Chandra’s son, Samudra expanded the empire within 40 yrs with his warlike attitude • Majority of Indians were farmers (all members worked in the fields) • Drought was common, causing farmers to irrigate crops
Majority of the families were patriarchal (eldest man ran the household) • In South India, Tamil groups followed matriarchal cultural pattern (mother was the head of the household) • In the matriarchal culture, property and throne was passed through the family line • While the Gupta’s were in reign, India achieved in several areas, including areas of art, religious thoughts and science
Hunas threatened North India • Next 100 yrs included the Gupta Empire into small kingdoms • Empire ended around 535
Section Two:Trade Spreads Indian Religions and Culture • Key Terms: • Mahayan • Theravada • Stupa • Brahma Vishnu • Shiva • Kalidasa • Silk Roads
Buddhism & Hinduism Change • 250 B.C., Hinduism & Buddhism were the two major faiths of India • Hinduism was dominated by priests • Buddhism was the ideal of self- denial proved difficult for others to follow • Buddhists began to divide over the new doctrines by the 1st century A.D.
Those who accepted the doctrines, new teachings, belonged to Mahayana sect • Those who held Buddha original teachings belonged to the Theraveda sect.
The new trends inspired Indian art such as hugestatuesof the Buddha for people to worship. • Wealthy Buddhists merchants who eager to do good deeds paid for the construction of stupas (mounded stone structures built over holy relics)
Buddhism and Hinduism both were remote for the people • Hinduism developed a complex set of sacrifices by the time of the Mauryan Empire that were performed by the priests • Non-priests had a less direct connection with the religion • Trend towards monotheism began to rise
3 Important Gods of Hindu • Brahma-creator of the world • Vishnu- preserver of the world • Shiva- destroyer of the world
Achievements in Indian Culture • Southern India was high in literary tradition • 2nd century A.D., city of Madurai became the site of writing academics • Drama was also a big addition to the culture • Women and men traveled in Southern India to put on shows in cities across the region
Astronomy increased because the sailors on trading ships used the stars to help them figure out their location in the sea • Modern numerical, the zero, and decimal system were invented in India. The pi symbol used in math was created by Aryabhata around A.D. 500 and calculated the length solar years
Indian Trade Spread • Rich in spices, diamonds, sapphires, gold, pearls and woods (ebony, teak, and fragrant sandalwood) • Trade between India distanced as far as Africa and Sumeria began more than 4,000 yrs ago • As trade increased, the rise of banking in India increased
Interest rates that the bankers had on loans to merchants varied depending on the business • Gupta Empire- sea trade was no longer considered dangerous so interest rates were only 15- 20 percent a year • Trades brought religions to new regions, along with Indian culture, art, and other things
Section Three:Han Emperors in China • Key Terms • Han Dynasty • Centralized government • Civil service • Monopoly • Assimilation
Han Restore Unity in China • Two powerful leaders emerged during the Civil War • Xiang Yu-aristocratic general; allowed the war lords to keep their territories only if they acknowledged him as the feudal lord • Liu Bang - general of Xian Yu who eventually went against him • His goal was to destroy the king’s power while using the centralized government (central government controls the running of a state) • They fought two battles and Bang won. In result, he declared himself the emperor of the Han Dynasty
Han Dynasty • Han Dynasty- ruled China for more than 400 years • Influenced by China and still to this day many of the Chinese societies call themselves “people of Han” • Bang Departed from Shi Huandi’s strict legalism and lowered taxes and softened harsh punishments • Bang was appreciated by the people of the empire due to the peace and stability he brought amongst China
Highly Structured Society • People accepted the emperor’s power because they believed he passed a divine authority; a link between heaven and earth • If emperor completed his job well, their was peace and riches; if not, earthquakes, floods, and famines occurred • Government ruled on a complex bureaucracy • Government levied taxes to raise money
Peasants owed the government a month’s worth of labor and paid taxes (merchants paid taxes as well)
Han Technology, Commerce and Culture • Paper was invented in A.D. 105 and books were written on silk before this invention • Since paper was cheap, books became more available, promoting China’s education • Agriculture became the most important and honored occupation because of the increase of population during the Han Dynasty • Monopolies (when a group has exclusive control over the production and distribution of certain groups) were established on the mining of salt, forging of iron, minting of coins, and brewing of alcohol
The Han Unifies Chinese Culture • Assimilation was encouraged by the Chinese government posts process of making conquered people part of the Chinese Culture) • Sent farmers to settle colonized areas • Schools were set up to train people in the Confucianphilosophy and scholars were appointed to government posts
Writers helped with the unification by recording China’s history • SimaQian was called the Grand Historian for his work for putting China’s history in books from ancient dynasties to Wudi (emperor of Han)
Women’s Roles:wives, nuns, and scholars • During the Han Dynasty, women were quiet and lived their lives at home • Women dedicated their lives to their families based off of the Confucian teachings’ but they worked in the fields as well • Women with money held great power, earned an education, ran shops , and practiced medicine
Political Instability Grows • 32 B.C. to A.D. 9, inexperienced emperors replaced one another, creating chaos in the palace • Wang Mang - Confucian scholar and member of the court took the imperial title for himself and overthrew Hanin in A.D 9 • He decided that a strong rule was needed to restore order and control • Minted new money; set up public granaries to feed China’s poor. Took away large landholdings from rich and planned to give the land back to farmers who lost their land
Powerful landowners disagreed • The wealthy gathered together to rebel against Wang’s land policy • A.D. 23, Mang was assassinated • Soldiers and merchants were sent westward to regain control of posts along the Silk Roads
The same economic imbalance occurred in China within a century after peace was restored to China • Han Dynasty divided into three rival kingdoms by 220