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Innovative Mathematics Task Design for Engaging Learning Environments

Explore enriching mathematical task creation to enhance student engagement, collaboration, and decision-making in a creative learning space.

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Innovative Mathematics Task Design for Engaging Learning Environments

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  1. Māku anō e hanga Leeana Herewini, Ngarewa Hāwera Te Kura Toi Tangata – Faculty of Education TE KURA TOI TANGATA WHERE THE WORLD IS GOING FACULTY OF EDUCATION waikato.ac.nz/education

  2. Ako: A context for learning. E ai ki ngā kaiako, • increasing engagement • collaborating • self managing • having choice • interesting task E ai ki ngā ākonga • choice • working with others • technology TE KURA TOI TANGATA WHERE THE WORLD IS GOING FACULTY OF EDUCATION waikato.ac.nz/education

  3. Ngā paearu mō ngā tūmahi: Require the use of materials Support ākonga to work on their own or collaboratively, while seeking assistance from the kaiako if learners chose Be accessible for all students Encourage multiple solutions where possible Include opportunities for learners to think creatively and make decisions (Ahmed, 1987) TE KURA TOI TANGATA WHERE THE WORLD IS GOING FACULTY OF EDUCATION waikato.ac.nz/education

  4. Ngā Tūmahi • Tapawhā rite e rima (Rotation, reflection, translation) • Te whakatautata me te ine (Measurement using metres, centimeters and millimetres) • Te horahanga (Area) TE KURA TOI TANGATA WHERE THE WORLD IS GOING FACULTY OF EDUCATION waikato.ac.nz/education

  5. Critiquing the tasks: Would the tasks….. • demand mathematical learning? • increase engagement? • invite collaboration? • enable choice and decision-making? • generate interest? • support children to be self managing? TE KURA TOI TANGATA WHERE THE WORLD IS GOING FACULTY OF EDUCATION waikato.ac.nz/education

  6. He mihi Tēnei anō te mihi maioha ki te kura, ngā kaiako rātou ko ngā tamariki mo ngā whakaaro i whārikihia nei ki ngā kairangahau. Anō te pai o te noho tahi me te kōrero tahi hei tauira atu i ngā āhuatanga whakaako i te Pāngarau. Mei kore ake ō koutou whakaaro nui hei ārahi i te rangahau nei kāre i tutuki pai. E kore ngā mihi e mimiti. TE KURA TOI TANGATA WHERE THE WORLD IS GOING FACULTY OF EDUCATION waikato.ac.nz/education

  7. What makes a rich mathematical task? • It must be accessible to everyone at the start • It needs to allow further challenges and be extendable • It should invite learners to make decisions • It should involve learners in speculating, hypothesis making and testing, proving and explaining, reflecting, interpreting • It should not restrict learners from searching in other directions • It should promote discussion and communication • It should encourage originality/invention • It should encourage 'what if' and 'what if not' questions • It should have an element of surprise • It should be enjoyable. Ahmed, A. (1987). Better Mathematics: A Curriculum Development Study. London: H.M.S.O.) TE KURA TOI TANGATA WHERE THE WORLD IS GOING FACULTY OF EDUCATION waikato.ac.nz/education

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