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1920’s Brings Social Changes. Unit 4: After the War and the 1920’s. Chapter 20 Section 1 “ Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues ” Nativism / Isolationism Communism / Anarchism
Unit 4: After the War and the 1920’s • Chapter 20 • Section 1 “Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues” • Nativism / Isolationism • Communism / Anarchism • KKK / Radical Groups, Ideas and Issues • Section 2 “The Harding Presidency” • Political / Economic / Social Issues
Politics of the Roaring 20’s” After the War Stressful conditions leads to FEAR • Nativism (Foreign Influences) • Return to ISOLATIONISM • NO involvement in World Affairs
Politics of the Roaring 20’s” • The “Red Scare” - Communism -Russian Revolution • Public feeling was against the labor unions and political leftists. Many people considered anyone with leftist views to be a revolutionary trying to overthrow democracy. Many state and local governments passed laws making it a crime to belong to organizations that supported revolution. Twenty-eight states passed laws making it a crime to wave red flags.
The “Red Scare” • All this was too much for many Americans. They began to accuse labor unions and others of planning a revolution. And they launched a forceful campaign to protect the country from these suspected extremists. Leaders of this campaign accused thousands of people of being communists, or "Reds." The campaign became known as the "Red Scare. " • Of course, most people were honestly afraid of revolution. They did not trust the many foreigners who were active in unions. And they were tired of change and social unrest after the bloody world war.
The “Red Scare” • Schenck v. U.S. “clear & present danger” • Palmer Raids (Fight Subversives)
Labor Unrest • 1919 (3,000 strikes) • Coal Miners Strike • John L. Lewis • United Mines Workers of America
Labor Strikes (fear) Sacco & Vanzetti Trial (Anarchist) -Criminals or Martyrs
Immigration Limits • Quota System • Chart pg. 622
FEAR POLITICS Anarchists, Communists, Radicals Immigrants (Catholic, Jewish, Changes…) • Racial Tensions • Revival of the KU KLUX KLAN • Indiana, Ohio • NAACP fights Segregation & the Klan
the RED SCARE The Red Scare did not last long. But it was an important event. It showed that many Americans after World War One were tired of social changes. They wanted peace and business growth. (jobs) The “Roaring Twenties” will be a time of massive economic, social and cultural changes in the United States
2) Harding Presidency • Isolationism…. • Immigrant Quota….. • Disarmament…... • Kellogg-Brian Pact (60 nations)agree to disarm • Fordney-McCumber Tariff (60%) • The OHIO Gang • Teapot Dome Scandal….. • Albert Falls (1st Cabinet – Bribery)
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) -Laissez Faire Economics
Automobile IMPACT • Assembly Line(affordable, practical cars) Auto industry Grows - Ford, GM, Chevrolet • CHANGES AMERICA • Paved roads extend (Route 66) Gas Stations, Repair Shops, Parking, Tourist Camps, Shopping Centers, Automatic Traffic signals • URBAN SPRAWL(growing family homes) • Increased Mobility makes US different • Success of Free Enterprise (80% in US) • Airplane Industry • U.S. Postal Service • Trans Atlantic flights
“ Have you bought an automobile yet?” “No, we can’t afford one” “Mr. Jones has one and he’s no more well off than you are” “Yes, his 2nd installment plan was due and he had no money to pay it” “Did he lose his car?” “No, they got the money and paid the installment” “How did they get the money?” “They sold their stove” “How could they do without their stove?” “They didn’t. They bought another stove on the installment plan” BUYING ON CREDIT will be one of the Major Causes of the DEPRESSION • Consumer based Economy • Economy “Booms” (40% worlds wealth in US) • 1913-1927 465% increase in electricity homes explosion in elect. conveniences: Vacuums, Washers, Refrigerators, Toasters, Irons, Stoves, Radios, etc…) our Standard of Living SOARS • Retailers use “New Sales Techniques” for us to BUY PRODUCTS we can’t afford • Installment Plan (credit) (Story on pg. 633 A Personal Voice) • Planned Obsolescence • We are convinced- NEED the Newest, Coolest (advertising drives IDEAS, DESIRES)
Advertisers Create “Desire” to motivate us • -1927 $1.5 Billion spent on advertising • Psychology studies “why we do what we do” • SUBLIMINAL ADVERTISING • Focus on SUBCONSCIOUS • Art Deco • The streamlined, brightly colored, overlapping and repeating geometric design elements typical of Art Deco style were in many instances inspired by the movement of machines and the great industrial growth of the 1920’s.Can still be seen in architectural design
LIFE in the ROARING Twenties TEST CORRECTIONS -Staple Test to Correction Questions QUESTIONS DUE Section1: Changing Way of Life (1-7) Section 2: the Twenties Women (15-19)
Post WWIIntellectual Movements WWI : Sparks * anti-society * anti-government * anti-western culture * anti-religion (God) • Intellectualism v. Religious • Prejudice (intelligent v. non-intelligent)
I -Manners & Morals Change • 1920 census (1st) more live in cities -Lifestyles are different (Moral Decay) • Prohibition (18th) 1920- fix alcohol, social issues • What type of issues and concerns did reformers have that encouraged the passage of Prohibition? • What was the Volstead Act? • What were Speakeasies? • From where will Bootleggers smuggle in illegal alcohol? • What were the Causes and Effects of Prohibition? (chart pg. 643)
Speakeasies * Blind Pigs • Bootleggers • Organized Crime(Al Capone) Joe Kennedy • Prohibition Repealed 1933 (21st)
WWI - patriotic -self sacrifice -duty / citizenship • “What effects did prohibition have on American Society and Culture”? • GOOD or BAD? • “law abiding citizens begin to break to law and associate with criminals on a daily basis” BAD • “they decide what laws they will follow, and which laws they will NOT follow” VERY BAD
Evangelists: Billy Sunday/Aimee McPherson • Fundamentalism (Religion) v. Evolution (Science-Intellectualism) • Religious Doctrine v. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution • Scopes “Monkey” Trial
Women’s Changing Roles • FASHION (Victorian Age) • Hour Glass Figure / Long Hair • Flappers: (dress & morals loose) • Anti-Victorian Attitude • Short Hair / Loose Dress • Demographics country to the city • Attack DOUBLE STANDARD • Women’s Rights Movement