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African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests (REFACOF)

African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests (REFACOF). Cecile N.NTAMAG-NDJEBET President of REFACOF & CSAG Africa Focal Point. Outline of presentation. What is REFACOF? Context of women’s forest and land tenure in Central and West Africa Vision and Mission of REFACOF

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African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests (REFACOF)

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  1. African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests (REFACOF) Cecile N.NTAMAG-NDJEBET President of REFACOF & CSAG Africa Focal Point

  2. Outline of presentation • What is REFACOF? • Context of women’s forest and land tenure in Central and West Africa • Vision and Mission of REFACOF • REFACOF strategic plan 2011-2015 • Strategy • Main activities

  3. What is REFACOF? REFACOF i.e. “African women’s Network for community management of forests” • Creation: in the framework of ITTO conference in Yaoundé from 25-29 may 2009 • Members and countries: 45 women from 10 countries (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, RCA, RDC, Sénégal) • Structure: board composed of President, Vice-president, Secretary, and ten focal points from different countries • Added value from existing women’s organization: an advocacy platform focused on African women’s tenure rights in land and forest reforms

  4. Contextof forest management in Central and West Africa and the impact on women • African women’s land ownership is very low and discriminatory although they represent more than 50% of the population (women in the world own only 2% of land, FAO data); • African women have no decision making power and control over forest resources • African women’s forest rights is limited to usage rights over non timber forest products (NTFPs) • African land grabs reinforces the precarious situation and overall vulnerability of African women • REDD can worsen the situation of women’s land and forest tenure, hinder gendered economic development if women do not have effective tenure rights

  5. Vision and Mission of REFACOF Vision: • Become a major actor for the promotion of land and forest rights of women in Central and West Africa Mission: • Promote women’s rights in Africa and influence policy to achieve gender equity in land and forest tenure

  6. REFACOF STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-1015 Strategy Four strategicpillars: • Reinforce the institutional capacity of the network • Promote equitable tenure reforms • Influence the agendas and initiatives of forest tenure reforms at the national, regional and sub-regional levels • Favor horizontal exchanges of experience sharing among members

  7. Principal activities Pillar 1: Capacity building • Surveys on the state of women’s tenure within Central and West Africa • Identification of strategic partners and the development of strategic alliances for collective action • Mobilization of financial resources to carry out the desired plans and activities • Production and publication/dissemination of the findings and results of the activities carried out

  8. Principal activities (2) Pillar 2: Promote equitable tenure reform • Gender analyses of forest and land legislation and regulations • Identification and analysis of opportunities for reform at the country level, at the subregional and regional levels, as well as at international level • Elaboration and dissemination of proposals for reforms with the active participation of women at all levels • Participation in advocacy initiatives for tenure reform that are supportive of a gender equity perspective

  9. Principal activities (3) Pillar 3: Influence the land tenure agendas and initiatives at the sub-regional, regional and national levels: • Advocacy with different actors to include gender perspective in their land and forest tenure-related programmes, initiatives and agendas • Build the capacity of members of REFACOF for advocacy and lobbying • Facilitation of the participation of REFACOF members in national, regional and strategic global gatherings • Develop communication strategy

  10. Principal activities (Final) Pillar 4: Promote horizontal exchange of experiences among members: • Assemble data bases on best practices: on land and tenure reform; on community-based forest management; and on forest-based women’s enterprises • Organization of exchange visits at various levels both within countries and across countries and regions • Organization of thematic training sessions for the members of the network • Design and implementation of an electronic bulletin for information sharing

  11. Ladies and gentlement this is what REFACOF is planning to do for the next 5 years! • REFACOF needs your help to achieve this!

  12. Contact Mrs. Cécile NDJEBET PO Box 791 EDEA, Cameroon Email: refacofsecretariat@gmail.com Tel.: +237 33 46 44 73 Cell.: +237 99 91 96 23

  13. Thank you very much!

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